April 2024

From the Principal
Hello Jefferson Families,
Just like that, September has concluded and we are charging into the month of October! As a staff, we are really proud of the students for how they have started the year. As Jefferson Chargers our four core expectations that go throughout all parts our school are being safe, respectful, responsible and kind. So many examples are seen of students exhibiting these traits on a daily basis.
Open House- October 10th
We hope to see you at our Open House on Thursday, October 10th from 6:00pm-7:00pm. Due to some calendar changes, we recognize this is later than usual for this annual event. As we have done the past two years, we look forward to the opportunity for you to come with your child to tour the classroom and engage in various activities.
Parking Lot Friendly Reminders
We appreciate you paying attention to the following items so everything runs smoothly, and most importantly, we model safety for our students. Here are some general reminders:
The speed limit in the parking lot is 5 miles per hour. Though this can feel painfully slow, we really need to monitor this for the safety of everyone.
Please use the designated crosswalks in the parking lot where our safety patrol students are posted. Thank you for not cutting across amidst moving cars (modeling for our kids!)
If a parking stall is not available, please join the line of cars or park at the Eastmont Park and Ride. Please refrain from double parking.
Please follow Mrs. Cote's direction to pull forward so that we can load three to four cars at time.
Support our afternoon pick-up staff by reminding your child to be looking for your car.
It’s a team effort each day, and we are grateful for your support as we seek to safely and efficiently dismiss students each day.
Honoring Veterans Next Month
Like last year we are putting together a slide show for our Veterans Day assemblies this year. I am inviting anyone in our community to share photos of a Veteran. If you have a photo you would like in the assembly, please email or text the picture to me with a description of how you are related to the Veteran, the branch of the military, and time period the Veteran served. If you sent pictures last year, I will include them again if your child is still here at Jefferson. If you would like to share a new picture, you are welcome to do that. My email is shopkins2@everettsd.org or you can text the pic to 425-931-2274. I need all pictures by 4:00pm on Tuesday, November 5th.
For the actual assembly, we would love to have as many veterans attend as possible. If you have a family member, friend or neighbor who serves/has served in any of the military branches, we'd like to honor them at our two assemblies on Thursday, November 7th:
- 1:45-2:15 Kindergarten thru 2nd grade
- 2:30-3:00 3rd grade thru 5th grade
The assemblies will be in our cafeteria. Unfortunately, we would like to invite families, but do not have the space to accommodate requests. We will only be able to accommodate veterans.
I hope everyone has a lovely month of October!
In partnership,
Steve Hopkins, principal
Oct 3: First Opportunity for Individual Picture Day
Oct 10: Open house 6:00-7:00 pm
Oct 11: No School- staff professional development day
Oct 17: Fun Run
Oct 18: Watch DOGS
Nov 4: No school- parent/teacher conferences (evening options available)
Nov 5: No school- parent/teacher conferences
Nov 5: Natural Leaders, 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Nov 6: Second Opportunity for Individual Picture Day
Nov 7: Veterans Assembly (in cafeteria)
- 1:45-2:15 Kindergarten thru 2nd grade
- 2:30-3:00 3rd grade thru 5th grade
Nov 11: Veteran's Day Observed, No School
First Opportunity for Individual School Pictures - Oct. 3
News from the Counselor
Are you interested in knowing about resources available in our community? As the school counselor I am constantly being made aware of amazing resources on a day-to-day basis, everything from food, clothing, and transportation to medical, dental and mental health. I am excited to share these opportunities and want to make sure those interested can utilize them.
Please use the google form below and we will add your contact to receive the Community Resources posts on Parent Square.
Hannah Kelgley
Jefferson Counselor
News From the Music Room
Music at Jefferson is off to a great start! Don't forget to save the date for our two concert's at the Everett Civic Auditorium.
Feb 13th: Grades 3-5
March 3rd: Grades K-2
Debra Rockwell
Music Teacher
Coach's Corner
Hello, Jefferson families!
It’s been an action packed start to the year. As Jefferson’s Instructional Coach, I’ve been busy supporting teachers as they deliver the highest quality of instruction to each and every Jefferson Charger.
One area of constantly improving instruction is occurring during the English Language Arts block, in each classroom. During this time, our amazing paraeducators have been partnering with classroom teachers to support small groups of students using evidence-based, equitable instructional strategies. Teachers, paraeducators, and instructional coaches are working collaboratively to identify individual student learning needs, co-plan lessons, and deliver targeted instruction to flexible groups of students. We look forward to seeing continued growth in reading as we monitor outcomes for all students.
While at school, students in every grade are focusing on foundational reading skills such as phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. If you’d like to discuss ways you can support your student’s reading development at home, please contact me and visit the literacy at home resources by using the QR code below!
Winter Graham
Instructional Coach
Jefferson Elementary School
Website | 425-385-7423
News from the GYM
Hello Jefferson Families,
It has been a busy start to the school year in the gym! Students have been learning P.E. routines and how to safely move in the gym. Thank you for helping to support your student to wear comfortable clothes for movement and athletic shoes for safety in the gym, so that they can fully participate on their PE days. Because Jefferson is on a rotation schedule for specialists, it may be helpful to know that PE will always follow art class. If the schedule changes, PE will be the day after they have Art on (Monday-Thursday).
In P.E., first through fifth grades have been reviewing recess games which includes working on cooperative skills, communication during play and solving-small problems kindly and quickly. In October, primary grades will begin to practice small group stations while intermediate grades will be learning about bone health. Questions or concerns? Feel free to email me at srowe@everettsd.org.
Shauna Rowe
Physical Education
Jefferson Elementary
October is National Anti-Bullying Month
October is the month we place extra emphasis on bullying prevention. The PACER Center in Minnesota (https://www.pacer.org) provides information on bullying, addressing bullying, and more. Below are a few of the frequently asked questions from their bullying page. For the full compliment of questions and answers, you can go to that page of the PACER website: (https://www.pacer.org/bullying/resources/info-facts.asp)
How is bullying defined? – Bullying is an intentional behavior that hurts, harms, or humiliates a student, either physically or emotionally, and can happen while at school, in the community, or online. Those bullying often have more social or physical “power,” while those targeted have difficulty stopping the behavior. The behavior is typically repeated, though it can be a one-time incident. Students often describe bullying as when “someone makes you feel less about who you are as a person.” Note: Definitions vary greatly. These are not legal definitions. Find your state’s law and definition at StopBullying.gov
Conflict vs. Bullying – Bullying is different from conflict.
Conflict is a disagreement or argument in which both sides express their views.
Bullying is negative behavior directed by someone exerting power and control over another person.
Bullying is done with a goal to hurt, harm, or humiliate. With bullying, there is often a power imbalance between those involved, with power defined as elevated social status, being physically larger, or as part of a group against an individual. Students who bully perceive their target as vulnerable in some way and often find satisfaction in harming them.
In normal conflict, children self-monitor their behavior. They read cues to know if lines are crossed, and then modify their behavior in response. Children guided by empathy usually realize they have hurt someone and will want to stop their negative behavior. On the other hand, children intending to cause harm and whose behavior goes beyond normal conflict will continue their behavior even when they know it's hurting someone.
What is the difference between bullying and harassment? – Bullying and harassment are often used interchangeably when talking about hurtful or harmful behavior. They are very similar, but in terms of definition, there is an important difference.
Bullying and harassment are similar as they are both about:
power and control
actions that hurt or harm another person physically or emotionally
an imbalance of power between the target and the individual demonstrating the negative behavior
the target having difficulty stopping the action directed at them
The distinction between bullying and harassment is that when the bullying behavior directed at the target is also based on a protected class, that behavior is then defined as harassment. Protected classes include race, color, religion, sex, age, disability and national origin.
How does peer pressure impact bullying behavior? – Peer pressure occurs when a peer group or individual encourages others to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors to conform to those of the influencing group or individual.
Peer pressure can impact bullying behavior both in positive and negative ways. For example, the influence can have negative effects if a peer group’s bullying behavior encourages others to laugh at someone. It can also be negative when the group views other individuals as not worthy to be part of their group. The impact of negative peer pressure can create environments in which individuals are intimidated to speak out on behalf of someone being hurt or harmed.
Peer pressure can also be positive and healthy. For example, when the peer group encourages kind and inclusive behavior, such as inviting others to join them at the lunch table or letting someone know that they care what is happening to them. The action of peers encouraging each other to reach out to those who are struggling can have a positive impact on the group and other individuals who want to speak out against bullying.
Can a friend be bullying me? – Friends will sometimes have bad days. Friends will sometimes disagree. Friends will sometimes hurt each other's feelings, have an argument, or simply need time away from one another. This is normal and can happen in any friendship, no matter how close. If you are experiencing treatment from a friend that hurts you and you have asked that friend to stop, but it still continues, then that is not friendship. That behavior could be bullying. Friendship behaviors do not include hurting someone on purpose or continually being mean even when asked to stop. A friend will change or be remorseful for her behavior if she finds out she's hurting you. If you aren't certain if what is happening is part of a normal friendship or if it is bullying, talk to an adult you trust and get help sorting out the relationship. And yes, it is okay (and the right thing to do) to ask for help.
How do I start a conversation about cyberbullying with my child? – The internet is the newest place for children and teens to communicate and share moments with their peers. While it can be a positive place for students to interact, the rise of technology has also led to a new and serious form of bullying, known as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is defined as the use of technology to send or share mean, threatening, or embarrassing messages or images to or about someone. It might be in a text, email, message, on social media, or in a post online. Just as it’s important to talk with your child about bullying, it’s important to discuss cyberbullying as soon as your child starts to interact online. Discuss what information is and isn’t appropriate to share online, as well as establishing cyber rules together, such as what sites your child will be allowed to use and hours of usage. During this conversation, explain that if something hurtful is shared online (via words, images, videos, etc.), it counts as cyberbullying, and it’s important that you know about it. Together, you can strategize a plan to respond to the cyberbullying and keep kids safe online.
Here at Jefferson, I cannot promise conflicts, meanness, and maybe even instances of bullying will never occur. I do know that as a school community, we strive to provide a safe and inclusive environment for each one of our 485 students. In addition, we are committed to coaching, supporting and correcting when necessary students through conflicts, meanness, and incidents of bullying.
Free and Reduced Lunch
Annual Updates
You may have received an email regarding Annual Updates. These updates are important and help us to serve our students better. Please log in through HAC and under the "Registration" tab and then click "Update Enrollment". This is not a new enrollment, it is just updating your information to be current. If you are struggling to login, you can open a Tech Ticket and they will respond by email with your login and password.
We appreciate your help in making sure we have up to date information on your child!
New School Bus App
Download the Versatrans My Stop App
We are using a new Versatrans My Stop application for bus route tracking and information. The Versatrans My Stop application provides you with an estimated time of arrival for your student's school bus. Please continue to arrive at the scheduled bus stop location 5 minutes prior to the scheduled stop time. When you open the app for the first time, follow the instructions below and select Everett Public Schools (WA).
How to Log In
All information is transmitted securely and protected. No data is provided without proper credentials being provided.
1. Enter your student’s ID number in the username field.
2. Enter your student’s date of birth in the password field. Use the mmddyyyy format with no slashes. For example: if your student was born on Jan. 1, 2017, your password would be 01012017
3. If you have more than one student, their names will appear in a drop-down list in the top left corner. To view a different child's bus information, select their name from the drop down list.
4. In your phone settings, under Notifications, scroll to the Versatrans My Stop app and make sure:
- show notifications are in the on position.
- pop on screen is also in the on position
5. This will allow you to see any notification that Everett Public Schools sends through the Versatrans My Stop App.
Community Opportunities
Peachjar Flyers for After School and Community Opportunities
School Hours
Regular Hours: 9:10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
Learning Improvement Fridays: 2:15 p.m. dismissal
½ Day Early Release: 1 p.m. dismissal