The Cardinal Way
Ignite - Connect - Empower
Congrats to Jennifer Karushis, the Student-Selected Staff Member of the Week!
Mrs. Jennifer Karushis was recognized on Friday during iPass because the students wanted to recognize her as this week's staff member of the week!
Reserved Parking Spot for the Week
Free Entree from Texas Roadhouse
Weekly Inspiration
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
At the start of a week that is all about celebrating teachers, it's an interesting question to ask - what would the world be like without teachers? The question leaves most people speechless and the descriptions are all negative which is proof that teachers make a difference. In this video, every person was able to connect and remember at least ONE teacher. They remembered their name, what they did to personally impract them, and how they made them feel.
In the month of May when our tank is empty and the stress levels are high, remember that YOU are or have the opportunity to be "that teacher" for at least one student. If you can make an impact on just ONE student, then I'd say you're a success.
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Being a teacher is not just a profession or WHAT you do - it's a calling that requires passion, dedication, empathy, and a commitment to making a positive impace on the lives of others. So the next time someone asks you what do you do, please tell them truth and don't sell yourselves short.
Thank you for all that you do for our students, staff, community, and each other!
Cardinal Recognitions
Thank You To:
- Ashley Quinlin for her help with organizing the posters, cards, and gifts for our super hero lunch lady day.
- Everyone who helped make the SHS Cultural Week a success - All of the EL and sheltered teachers, Mr. Woodke, the groups and sponsors who participated, classroom teachers who took their classes to participate in activities, and the LMC & PE staff members for hosting the events. A special thanks for the PTEC preschool for coming over to practice the talent show as well.
- The coaches and athletic department for hosting more senior nights this week for boys volleyball, unified track, and girls club lacrosse.
- Our LMC and PE departments for being flexible with their space during the next 2 weeks of AP testing. There were last minute changes due to the lack of air conditioning in 267 and we truly appreciate their understanding.
Scholastic Awards Program
SHS students were celebrated for their excellent academic achievements and scholarships earned during the 23-24 school year. It is a special program honoring special students who expended the extra effort necessary to attain honor for themselves, their families and their school.
School Lunch Hero Day!
This Friday, we were able to celebrate and recognize our child nutrition staff for School Lunch Hero Day! As a token of our appreciation, each member received a water bottle with a keychain and mints in it for their "Com-MINT-ment" to SHS. They also received thank you cards from students along with a banner signed by staff members.
Cecil Head Art Scholarship Award
Sal Lynch (SHS) won 2nd place and Sophia Moloch (PMHS) 3rd place in the Cecil Head Memorial scholarship. They are pictured here with Roger Gale who retired from SHS and was a close friend of Cecil Head.
Chirps & Cheers
"Don't worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition."
- Abraham Lincoln
Future Educator Signing Day
Dr. Spray, the Perry Township HR department, and SHS administration invited future educators and their families to the 1st ever signing day event. Seniors planning to go into the education field were invited to participate. It was a wonderful event that celebrated the students and encouraged them to return to Perry Township upon completion of their post-secondary programs.
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Southport theatre's monologue class performed the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee musical. It was an interactive experience that showed off the students' improv skills and left the audience laughing. The students were fantastic and the entire production was very well put together. It was fun to see Mr. Francis and Mr. Lundsford on stage during the production as well!
Cultures of Southport - Festival Day
Festival Day allowed students to experience cultural activities from all over the world including myths and urban legends, games, school information from around the world, poetry, and more! The activities took place in 267 and the LMC, and classes were able to learn from our EL students.
Cultures of Southport - Map Activity
EL and Sheltered classes collaborated to plan activities using the giant maps. Students were able to teach each other about regions around the world and share their personal experiences.
Cultures of Southport - Talent Show
Students were able to highlight their various talents in front of their classmates on Friday. Students sang, played instruments, danced, and participated in a traditional fashion show with outfits from their cultures. It was a wonderful event highlighting the various cultures represented at SHS!
Educational Humor
Southport High School
Website: https://www.perryschools.org/sh/
Location: 971 East Banta Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-789-4800
Twitter: @SHS_Cardinals