Panther Weekly
May 10, 2024
MAP testing: May 14-27
From May 14 to May 27, all students will begin taking the Measure of Academic Progress tests, more commonly known as “MAP” tests. While these tests have no impact on your
student’s grades, they are critical for measuring their progress in reading and math.
Students in grades 1-5 take MAP tests in the fall, winter, and in the spring. Kindergarten students take MAP tests in winter and spring. This testing helps measure progress during the school year, identify academic areas that need more attention, and inform instructional adjustments.
The data generated from this year’s MAP tests will help teachers identify which skills
each student needs to work on. Teachers will use this data combined with fall data to plan student instruction.
There is nothing your student needs to study or prepare for the test. Your child's teacher will communicate which day during the window they will take the math and reading test. The most
important thing that you can do to support your child is make sure they get good rest
the night before and eat a healthy breakfast in the morning. Attendance on testing day is also important so students can test in the classroom environment that they are accustom to. If an unforeseen illness does occur, there will be make up sessions.
You can learn more about the MAP tests at www.ccsd89.org/maptest
Spring pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's school ID number. All families can also log on and order a free Digital SmileSafe card. More about the Smilesafe program here
Fifth grade transition to middle school
Last day of school year: morning attendance on May 31
Reminder: The last day for students will be a half-day (morning attendance) on Friday, May 31. Read more: https://bit.ly/3TI5PV1
The updated 2023-24 calendar can be viewed here: www.ccsd89.org/2324calendar
The 2024-25 calendar can be viewed here: www.ccsd89.org/2425calendar
Upcoming Events
May 15: First grade zoo field trip
May 15: Blood drive at Glen Crest, 2-6:30 p.m.
May 17: Park View Field Day
May 17: Spring chorus concert at Glen Crest, 7 p.m.
May 20: Rain date field day
May 20: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
May 21: Fourth grade field trip Isla a la Cache
May 21: Spring band concert at Glen Crest, 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m.
May 22: Second grade zoo field trip
May 24: Fifth grade field trip to Police Department
May 27: NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)
May 28: Fifth grade Step up Day to Glen Crest
May 29: Fifth grade celebration
May 30: Eighth-grade promotion at Glenbard South, 7:30 p.m.
May 31: Last day of school (morning attendance)
June 10: Start summer school and summer library
June 19: NO SUMMER SCHOOL (Juneteenth)
June 28: Last day summer school and summer library
Community invited to donate blood May 15 at Glen Crest
Community members can support the urgent need for blood by donating between 2 and 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, at Glen Crest Middle School, 725 Sheehan Avenue, Glen Ellyn. Sign up for the May 15 blood drive at this link. Future blood drives will be held at Glen Crest on August 28 and November 6. Learn more about the process of donating blood at www.ccsd89.org/blood
It is critical you complete registration for 2024-25 school year ASAP
Thank you to all the families that have completed 2024-25 registration. If you have not completed the process, it is critical you do so as soon as possible. Letters were sent in the U.S. mail with the unique “SnapCode” you will use to complete registration. Register at: www.ccsd89.org/register2425
Unused lunch money will roll over to 2024-25
Any unused money in your student’s MySchoolBucks lunch account at the end of the year will automatically roll over to the next school year. Families of current eighth-grade students will need to contact CCSD 89 Accounting Coordinator Lauren Parker at (630) 469-8900, extension 3507, or lparker@ccsd89.org to request that funds be transferred to a sibling or request a refund check for the remaining funds.
CCSD 89 families can share feedback on special education services
CCSD 89 conducts an annual survey to gain insights into the best ways to meet the needs of students with disabilities and their families. The information gathered through this anonymous survey will assist the district in planning professional development for staff as well as determining how to best support students and their families.
English-language survey: https://forms.gle/qoKk6RCrptZD46kM6
Español: https://forms.gle/eSfj4Lvsj9ZUcv2K7
The survey will close June 15. For questions, contact CCSD 89 Direct of Student Services Katie Kreller at kkreller@ccsd89.org.
Summer construction is scheduled to begin May 31
Construction projects at CCSD 89 buildings are scheduled to begin on the last day for students: Friday, May 31. Access to some buildings will be limited throughout the summer. You can see a list of scheduled and completed construction here: www.ccsd89.org/24construction
Families are encouraged to stay off the school’s playground equipment when construction crews are actively working at the school. (At the end of the summer, crews may also be at the buildings on weekends.) Read more: https://bit.ly/3vht66D
Keep reading! Park View library will have books for all CCSD 89 students
From June 10 to June 28, all CCSD 89 students are invited to check out books from the library at Park View Elementary, 250 S. Park Boulevard. The Park View library will be open from 8 to 11 am. Monday through Friday to read or check out books. Any student currently enrolled in CCSD 89 (preschool through seventh grade during the 2023-24 school year) is invited. The library will be closed June 19.
Resources for helping your child through difficult times
Tragedy can affect a nation or a single family. Some crises happen suddenly while others build over time. Each situation can be difficult for children to understand and challenging for families to navigate. Our school has a counselor, social worker, and psychologist available to help students and families with strategies for transparent, age-appropriate conversations. The district has posted additional resources at www.ccsd89.org/crisis
Need tech support for your student’s school computer?
Families that need support for iPad or Chromebook issues should use the district’s online help system. Enter your contact information and some details about the problem at: https://bit.ly/89techsupport
Online backpack
See all the CCSD 89 community fliers at www.ccsd89.org/backpack
History Center presentation on Lilly Pulitzer (May 11)
Cub Scout Rolling Rodeo (May 14)
Glen Ellyn Public Works Open House (May 23)
Martial arts at Butterfield Park District (winter, spring)
Dodgeball Nights at Butterfield Park District (through May)
Home-based Child Care Kit (through May 31)
College of DuPage Youth Academy (June-August)
Junior lifeguard and junior swim instructor lessons (June-August)
Park District Big Boss and the Toes concert (June 2)
AAUW used book sale at Westfield (June 20-22)
World’s Largest Swim Lesson (June 20)
DuPage Community Health Fair (June 21)
Wheaton College youth summer softball camp (July 8-10)
Park District Funk Brotherz summer concert (July 14)
Park District Prairie Station summer concert (July 28)
Butterfield Park District pool memberships (summer)
Butterfield Park District summer camp (summer)
B.R. Ryall YMCA Summer Camp (summer)
Park View Elementary School
Attendance phone: (630) 858-1600, press 1
Online backpackEmail: info@ccsd89.org
Website: www.ccsd89.org/parkview
Location: Park View Elementary School, South Park Boulevard, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 858-1600
Facebook: facebook.com/CCSD89
Twitter: @ParkViewCCSD89