Attendance: Finish Strong
Attendance is a critical building block for student learning. A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn. Attendance is also a powerful signal and leading indicator of equity. It can signal when students might need additional support and areas for system and school improvement. Chronic absenteeism impacts all students—no matter their age. Students that miss just two days a month for any reason are more likely to not read at grade level, and more likely to not graduate.
As we embark on the second half of the school year, we encourage families to set an example for their children by showing them that attendance matters and that you won’t allow an absence unless it is truly necessary. As long as your child is healthy, please encourage showing up for class when school is in session. Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as connect to peers and their teachers. We recognize that some absences are unavoidable. We understand that children will get sick and need to stay home occasionally. The important thing is to get your child to school as often as possible, on time, and to communicate with the school when your child will be absent.
Attending school every day will help children as they progress through their academic career. Attendance is an important life skill that will help your child graduate and keep a job. Just think if you didn’t attend your job each day how this would impact your job? The same is true for your child and school. Please make school attendance a priority. It can help your child now and into the future!
iReady Results
In last month's newsletter we mentioned that teachers will be using iReady again to assess students for their winter benchmarks. This online program helps us determine your child's need, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the year. We are happy to report that most students made significant gains in all areas which is cause for celebration. YAY!
Your child's individual report will be sent home during conference week. Please make sure to review it and we encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher should you have any questions.
Art Contest
Students may or may not be allotted time to work on this project in class. This is an optional contest for students that wish to participate.
Click here to view this poster in Spanish.
Valentine's Day Celebrations
Teachers will be sending home details about how their class will celebrate Valentine's Day and we ask that you please keep our school policies in mind. Only commercially prepared and prepackaged food items are allowed. To minimize disruption to learning, we discourage sending special deliveries (balloons, flowers, gifts, etc.) to students at school. If sent to school, these items will NOT be delivered to classrooms. Children will pick them up in the office after the school day. Please be mindful that some of those items cannot be taken on the bus.
Montesano PTO Valentine's Day Grams
Click here to purchase candy grams from the PTO.
Click here to view this poster in Spanish.
Dates to Remember
- February 6-7: Early Release, 12:00 p.m., Elementary Conferences
- February 10: 100th Day of School!
- February 17: No School, Presidents' Day
- March 10: Weather Day; School in Session
- March 21: Weather Day; School in Session
- March 28: Early Release, 12:00 p.m.
- March 31 - April 4: No School, Spring Break
Absence Reporting Reminder
If your child is absent, please excuse the absence in one of the following ways:
- Report the absence online via Skyward Family Access;
- Email the school office;
- Call the school office at 360-249-4528.
Lost & Found
Is your child missing a sweatshirt or jacket? You can check our lost and found online. A link is available on our website or by clicking here: Beacon Lost & Found.
It is very helpful to clearly label personal belongings with your child's name so that lost items may be returned promptly.
Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Beacon Elementary School
Email: bpage@monteschools.org
Website: http://www.monteschools.org/beacon-elementary
Location: 1717 Beacon Avenue, Montesano, WA, USA
Phone: 360-249-4528
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/monteschools/
Twitter: @Monteschools