Woodside High School
Weekly Wildcat Notes: August 14 - 16, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!
First Day is Wednesday, August 14th
On Wednesday, 8.14, we will follow the "1 to 7 Period Schedule" (Click Here for the Bell Schedules).
Thursday is an A day and Friday is a B day.
View Schedules on Infinite Campus
Wildcat Welcome Days
Did you miss Wildcat Welcome Day?
It has been energizing to see our students and their family members return to campus for Wildcat Welcome Days picking up their schedules and books. If students did not attend Wildcat Welcome Day, on Wednesday, 8.14, they must report to the New Gym at 8:00 AM to check in, take their school photo and receive their OFFICIAL course schedule. Please come to the Gym between 8:00 - 8:30 AM to avoid missing class time.
Woodside Staff at SUHSD Convocation 2024
Message from the Principal (Includes Parking, Cell Phone, School ID Photo Info)
Dear Woodside Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!
I hope you had a wonderful summer! On behalf of the Woodside High School Staff, I look forward to welcoming all our students on the first day of school, Wednesday, August 14th. Our staff has been hard at work preparing for your arrival, and we are excited to welcome our newest wildcats of the Class of 2028 and students new to Woodside.
As we prepare to kick off the 2024-25 school year, you may have noticed that Woodside Road is going through some modifications to improve safety for pedestrians and bicycles--one result of these improvements will be the elimination of parking for students along Woodside Road. Please be aware of the impact our school has on the surrounding residential community. I’d like to share some important information regarding safety and parking:
1. Pick-Up/Drop-Off Points: Utilize the designated pick-up/drop-off points on campus (Churchill entrance/Alameda) rather than the surrounding residential areas. Leave home early!
2. Minimize Traffic Congestion: Encourage your child to walk, bike, or use mass transportation whenever possible. Information on SamTrans bus route 78 and route 87 are available.
3. Caution and Be Respectful in Adjacent Neighborhoods: When driving in nearby neighborhoods, exercise caution at intersections, driveways, and around pedestrians.
4. Parking Permits: If your child drives to campus, please ensure they obtain a parking permit through AVP Porter’s Office and park on campus. Details on obtaining a permit can be found here.
Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a safe and smooth start to the school year!
School Pictures and IDs
All students will be taking their school photo at Wildcat Welcome Days. For those who wish to order a school photo are welcome to do so with Lifetouch.
The school picture day ID is : EVTZP3MSX
This year Woodside will be using digital student IDs through Minga. Students are encouraged to get the Minga app on their phone. Physical IDs will also be distributed to students at a later date.
Students can use last year's ID or remember their Student ID#, and they can punch it in for the free Brunch / Lunch meals.
Cell Phone Policy Updated for 2024-25
Rationale for the updated School-wide cell phone policy:
Improve academic engagement and student mental health
Procedures and Policy
The school-wide expectation is that all teachers use a cell phone pocket system, including during tutorial period. Students will utilize the pocket system without prompting or reminders from staff members.
Students will leave their cell phones in the pockets when using the bathroom.
Students will have access to phones during brunch & lunch.
Exceptions to use of the pocket system must go through the AVP Office or an accommodation through an IEP or ‘504’.
Teachers have discretion when to use cell phones for an academic activity.
Progressive discipline policy* if a student refuses to use the cell phone pocket upon request
1st infraction - verbal warning and student/teacher discussion
2nd infraction - teacher will contact the parent via phone call or email
3rd infraction - detention
*Any defiance or dishonesty in using the pocket system will result in a referral to AVP
Woodside High School expects students to be engaged and focused during class time and tutorial. To maximize academic engagement all classrooms utilize the cellphone pocket system. Students are expected to place their cell phones in their assigned pocket prior to instructional time and without prompting or reminders from their instructor. Cellphones are not permitted when students use the bathroom during class time. Unless specifically directed by a teacher during instructional time, electronic devices are only permitted during non-instructional times such as before school, brunch, lunch, passing periods and after school.
If a student misuses their cell phone during permitted times or practices any dishonesty regarding their cell phone or electronic device (including airpods, etc), progressive disciplinary action will be initiated with a referral to the AVP Office. Repeated infractions may result in the revocation of a student having a cell phone on campus.
Warm weather requires staying hydrated
We recommend that students bring a reusable water bottle to refill at various filtered water-filling stations around campus: Inside the MUR, outside the MUR, and at the I-building, along with water fountains throughout the campus and near the track on Bradley Field.
We look forward to reconnecting with our returning students and creating many opportunities to deepen a sense of belonging across our campus. While several of our staff members and I send our own children off to new schools or drop them off at college for move-in day, we, too, empathize with the many mixed emotions 9th grade and new-to-Woodside parents might be experiencing this week as your kids start at a new school. Therefore, I am even more committed to ensuring that your teens find a sense of belonging and a welcoming place where their voices can be honored and heard here at Woodside.
Please subscribe to this newsletter so that you can receive the Weekly Wildcat Notes directly in your inbox!
Included in this Newsletter:
- Important Safety Information on Parking, Pick Up and Drop Off
- Important Cell Phone Policy Update
- Important Dates and Schedules
- Information about Logging Into IC and CANVAS
- The BIG READ-September Events
- Senior Sunrise - August 16th (see flyer below)
- Information about Varsity Tutors, an online tutoring program (this replaces Paper)
With Gratitude,
Karen van Putten, Principal
Important Dates & Schedules
August 14 - 1 is a "1-7 - A - B" week
- August 14: First Day of School: ALL Classes Meet: 1 - 7 Period Schedule
- August 15: A Day Schedule
- August 16: B Day Schedule
- August 16: SENIOR SUNRISE on the I Wing Lawn 6:15 - 7:45AM (see flyer below)
- August 17: Music Department Car Wash Fundraiser (9AM-2PM) Alameda Drop Off
- August 22: Freshman Assembly - PAC (Tutorial)
- August 23: School-wide Aspirations Field Day - I Wing Lawn - Baseball Field
- August 29: Back to School Night
- September Events: The BIG READ - Make sure you have finished reading your summer reading.
- Click Here for the Weekly Calendar of Events
Class of 2025--Senior Sunrise is Friday, August 16th
Logging Into Infinite Campus and Canvas
Our teachers will use Canvas to post information about their courses, including assignments and day-to-day grades. In class and below, you will find more information about Canvas, specifically for students and families. Students will learn about Canvas in the first week of school.
If you have lost your Canvas login credentials, please reach out to our school’s Guidance Information Specialist (GIS), (650) 367-9750 x40096.
Varsity Tutors - Free On Line Tutoring Support (FREE)
It's going to be a great year of learning and growing!
Woodside High School
Email: kvanputten@seq.org
Website: woodsidehs.org
Location: 199 Churchill Avenue, Woodside, CA, USA
Phone: (650) 367-9750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Woodside-High-School-584534558341797/