October 18, 2024
This Week at GMSS
From the Desk of Ms. Murdock
Hello GMSS families,
After a week plus of a super moon... WE are all ready for a long weekend! Reminder that student will be off Monday and Tuesday!
Thank you for all of your support of our book fair and making it a success! It is always great to see our students enjoy this as well!
We have come to end of the first quarter! It is hard to believe how quickly the time flies. I will be sending grade level emails to celebrate and set some goals for our students.
We will release report cards on Friday, October 25th. It is a great time to set some personal goals with your children for the next quarter.
Mr. Bonath and I will also be meeting with grade levels to kick off the next quarter next Wednesday!
As the weather is every changing, please know we will be outside for recess as long as possible and students need to bring jackets if needed.
Have a great weekend
Robin Murdock
From the desk of Mr. Bonath
Hello South Families! We are pleased to announce our clubs and activities available to students - if you have any questions about a club, please reach out to Ms. Bonath [bonatha@gjps.org] or the advisor for each club. See the chart for available times and dates of meetings!
Each week I will share about a way that we recognize students at GMSS - This week’s student recognition update: Academic Award - Team GPA Champs! At the end of every sports season, the team that maintains the highest cumulative GPA receives this award. Students are recognized in several ways - student names and the team picture are broadcast in our main lobby in the Academic Hall of Fame, they receive Survivor Team points, and we send a certificate home. Stay tuned for more, next week!
From the PTO
Our PTO meetings are the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm. We run our meetings virtually and hope to have many attend!
Next meeting is Tuesday, November 5th
Questions can be directed to:
President Sarah Narloch sarahnarloch@me.com
Vice President Angelia Holliday ahollidayrealty@gmail.com
Treasurer Christine Warrick christine.warrick@sbcglobal.net
Secretary Nimrah Clark Nimrah.Clark@nationwidechildrens.org
From the Guidance Office
Please find our October Mental Health Newsletter
As the weather changes and the days get colder, we do have resources for our families in need of winter essentials. Please reach out to your counselor for further information.
Ohio State University Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) is hosting its annual STEM Day on Sunday, October 20th from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm. STEM Day is a free event in collaboration with College of Engineering students and faculty. This year’s event will be hosted in person @ OSU’s Fontana Laboratories, and features a number of hands-on STEM activities:
This year’s event features:
Ultrasound lab: learn to use and read real ultrasound machines
EMG lab: learn how to take an EMG and read signals from their own muscles
Coding activity: learn some of the basics of web design and programming
Tour of biomedical engineering facilities
Free lunch!
This is a fantastic opportunity for any student who is interested in STEM to have hands-on experiences with real world technology, and learn more about STEM opportunities at OSU!
Sign up at this link:
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Artis (students with last names A-K) artisa@gjps.org
Miss Lubinski (students with last names L-Z) lubinskij@gjps.org
Mrs. Johnson - Mental Health Specialist johnsona@gjps.org
Basketball Open Gyms:
Girls Basketball: Sundays beginning October 20, 27 4:15 - 5:45pm
Boys Basketball: Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning October 15 6:15-8:00pm;
Sundays 6:00-8:00pm
First official day of practice, and tryouts:
Girls Basketball: October 25th
Boys Basketball: November 1
***Students must have a current physical on file, and be complete in final forms to tryout. Final Forms:
Please find a full schedule of events on our home page
Include Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendar
Oct. 18, 2024-7th Grade Fun Night 4:00-5:50pm
Oct. 18, 2024- END of first quarter
Oct. 21, 2024: Comp Day - No School
Oct. 22, 2024: Staff Work Day - No School
Oct 25, 2024: Report cards released on Infinite Campus
Nov. 1, 2024: 8th grade Fun Night 4:00- 5:30pm
Nov. 3, 2024: Time Change- Fall Back
Nov. 8, 2024: PD Day - No School
Nov. 11, 2024: Veteran's Day Assembly
Nov. 13, 2024: KONA ICE at Lunch $3.00
Nov. 27-29, 2024: Thanksgiving Break - No School
Dec. 11, 2024: KONA ICE at Lunch $3.00
Dec. 20, 2024: End of 2nd quarter
Dec. 23, 2024-Jan. 2, 2025: Winter Break - No School
Jan. 3, 2025: Staff Work Day - No School
Jan 15, 2025: KONA ICE at Lunch $3.00
Jan. 20, 2025: Martin Luther King Day - No School
Feb. 12, 2025: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Feb. 12, 2025: KONA ICE at Lunch $3.00
Feb. 14, 2025: PD Day - No School
Feb. 17, 2025: Presidents Day - No School
Mar. 7, 2025: End of 3rd Quarter
Mar. 10, 2025: Staff Work Day - No School
Mar. 12, 2025: KONA ICE at Lunch $3.00
Mar. 31-April 4, 2025: Spring Break- No School
April 9, 2025: KONA ICE at Lunch $3.00
April 18, 2025: Comp Day - No School
April 22, 2025: 7th FUN Night 4:00-5:30 pm
May 2, 2025: PD Day - No School
May 6-9: 8th Grade DC Trip
May 14, 2025: KONA ICE at Lunch $3.00
May 23, 2025: Last Day of School for Students
May 24, 2025: Class of 2025 Commencement
349 Shady Spring Dr
Gahanna, Ohio, 43230