Our Week Ahead
May 22-26
Happy Monday!
Hey All,
I hope you were able to enjoy the sunshine this weekend! It's crazy that this is our last full week of May. CRAZY!
A few big things:
- There is no second bus this week. The number of afternoon meetings I have is just piling up, and I can't relieve the second duty person at 3:25- so we'll cancel the whole week.
- There is a maintenance request email now. If you need anything done, please submit a request to: maintenancehelp@gisu.org
- The form to request buses is at the bottom of the newsletter.
- Recess behavior is ramping up; the best way to keep it safe is to be proactive. See the recess portion of the newsletter below.
- If you need anything last minute for the end of the year, please request a grant through the PTA.
- Our last PAW Celebration is Friday. Please get your nominations in the Great Golden Paw, UA Student of the Month, and Joe will be distributing his nomination forms.
Information about the 6th-grade celebration, the last day of school, and other little things is below.
Thanks for being rockstars!
Table of Contents
- Quick Look Ahead- Updated May Calendar
- Fresh Fruit/Veggie Bins- Please, Please, Please remember to bring your bins down.
- May Calendar of Events
- Shared Staff Resources Folder
- School Group Email Address
- Updated Links at The Very Bottom (including our mentoring nomination form)
Quick Look Ahead
- May 23rd Healthy Roots Farm and Donna come to GIS Grades 3-6
- May 25th GIS Play @ 6:30 PM
- May 29th No School
- May 30th Grades 5-6 to Healthy Roots Farm 10-12
- June 2nd 6th Grade Camp Out
- June 14th K to deliver Artwork to Food Shelf
- June 14th the last day of second buses for the year
- June 15th 6th Grade Celebration at Knight's Point time 6-8 PM
- June 16th Last Student Day
- June 19, 20, 21 In-Service
- June 22 Classroom Cleanout
Instructional Coaches
Jenn is flying solo for the rest of the year, and if you know Jenn, she is always willing to help. Just know her response time might be delayed.
Classroom Inventory
End of Year PD
- Please move around the playground and fields.
- Intervene early
- Give positive feedback when you see kids following your expectations
- Have kids transition into Joe when necessary
There is no longer any tag of any kind allowed on the play structure. This has been the cause of many negative social interactions during the past week.
I forgot to add this in my family newsletter, but please announce in your morning meeting that gum is no longer allowed. On Friday alone, Ms. Shannon scrapped up five sticky masses.
Over the Sandbar, You Go
Last Day of School
From 12-2, we will have the Sheriff's Department and their obstacle course, the Big Blue Trunk, and water play options for classes. More information coming soon from the PBIS team- who knows more than me about how this has worked in the past!