Pinon Pawprint
November 4 - 8

Weather Update
Winter is coming! We are likely going to get some snow this week.
We work closely with our school district team, LANL, and Los Alamos County to monitor the weather and the need for any school delays or closures. We meet frequently in the days leading up to the weather and through the night of any weather events. LANL has a team of experts that includes meteorologists, experts on severe weather, and traffic specialists. They work to review possible weather across Northern NM. We also work closely with the county who keeps us updated on road conditions across the region and within the county.
In addition, our LAPS team includes our transportation director and facilities director who both advise us on the ability to drive school bus routes and ensure our parking lots and sidewalks are safe. Our transportation director goes out, often in the middle of the night or early morning, and drives the bus routes to make sure they are safe. All of these organizations work together to make decisions about when to delay the start of the school day or if there is a need to send students and staff home early. We will always err on the side of caution. Safety is our top priority.
Despite all of the precautions that we take to make timely, safe decisions, there will still be occasions when we decide to delay and the weather changes after the decision is made. We have had situations when a storm moves in unexpectedly or the storm never arrives and the weather is better than expected. Please be patient and know that everyone is doing the best they can to make these decisions.
We also know that everyone has different comfort levels and tolerances for inclement weather. You should always make the decision about your own family's transportation or ability to get to school. The conditions at your home may be different than in other areas or your comfort in driving or having your student drive may be different. If school is in session and your child will not be at school due to weather, please call the school's attendance line and the absence will be excused. If you are an employee, please contact your supervisor.
We will keep you updated and communicate any closures as quickly as possible, typically by 5:30 in the morning. Here is a link to the district inclement weather guidelines
At this time, we do not expect an accumulation of snow and ice in the morning and do not expect a delay, but we will keep monitoring this storm and will update you early in the morning.
Let me know if you have any questions about the process. Again, please make the decision about attending school that best meets your family's needs during any weather event.
Jennifer Guy
PTO Update
A huge thank you to all who supported our recent fundraisers and events! Between Charleston Wrap, the No Hassle fundraiser, and our Fall Festival, we were able to raise $10,346 which helps us continue to support our Pinon teachers and programs!
Our next PTO meetings will be Tuesday, Nov 19th, 11:30 am at the school and then a parent update meeting at 5:30 pm at the White Rock library in the large meeting room. We would love to have you join us!
Follow our Facebook page for important info and updates: https://www.facebook.com/pinonPTO.
Stay in touch via https://pinonpto.org/ and pinonpto@gmail.com.
Thank you!!
Board Officers:
Whitney Pack, President
Haley Gayner, Vice Presidents
Alexis Rodriguez, Secretary
Megan Hesselink, Treasurer
Smiths Community Rewards
To all of our Smith's shoppers! If you would consider connecting your card to Piñon PTO while you have a child here, that would make a huge impact. So many things happen with the money we receive from Smith's. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!
You can easily connect your card to Pinon at:
Panorama Parent Survey
We need and value your feedback!
Below is a link to the Panorama School Climate survey that all school districts in New Mexico are asked to use this year. We will survey parents and caregivers, staff, and students. These surveys give us important data to help guide our practice and improve our programs for students and families. We will use the data when developing school programs and school budgets.
It is important that we have feedback from all of you. Last year only 18% of our families responded and we need to hear from a larger population. We need feedback on the things that are working well so that we know what programs to continue as well as opportunities for improvement. The survey will take you about 5 minutes. You can change the language for your survey in the top left hand corner.
Your survey is anonymous.
This Week
- MathCounts 5th/6th Gr - 11:30 & 2:45
- Homework Club 2:45 room 104
- Lego Club 2:45-3:45
Tuesday - VOTE!
- PTO Mileage Club 7:45 Upper Playground
Wednesday, October 30⋅9:15 – 10:00am
- Homework Club 2:45 room 104
- Pinon Choir 2:45
- Band and Orchestra 7:30 and 8:20
- One Circle - Girls' Group 11:30-12:15
- National History Club - Gr. 6 11:30 & 2:45
- Homework Club 2:45 room 104
- PTO Mileage Club 7:45 Upper Playground
- Student Council 7:30
- 2nd Grade trash club during lunch
- Chess Club @ lunch
- Have a great weekend!!
Monday, November 11th
- NO SCHOOL TODAY - Veterans Day!
Chartwells Meal Service
View menus online at https://laschools.nutrislice.com/menu in order to make the best choice for your student(s) but keep in mind that menus can change without notice and substitutions in the menu occur daily.
When in doubt, pack your student's lunch or pack additional foods in case they do not like what is provided. Meals are subject to change w/o notice.
Scholastic Book Fair
Students can shop before school, at lunch recess, during their library class, and after school.
After school hours:
Monday 11/4 - 2:40-4:00
Tuesday 11/5 - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday 11/6 - 2:40-4:00
Thursday 11/7 - 2:40-4:00
Friday 11/8 - 2:40-4:00
Volunteers Needed - Sign Up Here!
Fall Photo Retakes
November 6
Dear Parents,
School picture retakes are coming! Here is a PDF of our school’s RETAKE Picture Day Flyer. The PDF is hyperlinked, click anywhere on either page and it will take you directly to the online ordering page. You can also order online by going to www.mymjthomas.com and entering our school's event code. (Event Code: NM726)
Retakes are for absent students, new students, students who want to purchase, and students who want a retake. In order to get a retake replacement package, students must return their original package of photos.
If you have any questions or concerns about pictures please call MJ Thomas Photo at
Important Parent Workshop
Lunch Time Volunteering
All lunchroom and recess volunteers MUST receive a red volunteer badge through the LAPS Human Resources office. This includes fingerprinting and a background check.
- Kindergarten-3rd Grade has lunch from 11:15-12:00
- 4th-6th Grade has lunch from 11:30-12:15
Please review the available slots and click on the button to sign up. Sign in at the office for a volunteer bag and yellow safety vest.
Thank you!
Coming Soon!
Scholastic Book Fair
November 4-8 in the library
Election Day
Tue, November 5 --- No School
Fall Picture Retakes
Wed November 6 in the Gym
Veterans Day
Mon November 11 --- No School
School Board Meeting
5:30 PM Mountain
Parent Council Meeting
Tue, November 19
12:00-1:00 PM -- Board Room
LAPS Band Showcase
Tue, November 19 --- 6:00PM in Smith Auditorium
Thanksgiving Break - No School
Wed November 27-Fri, November 29
Ride the Bus Day (80th Day)
Mon, December 2
MOY Istation Assessment (K-5)
Mon, December 2-6
Pinon Spelling Bee 4-6 Grades
Thur, December 5
1:00-2:00 in the gym
MOY iMSSA Testing (3-8)
Mon, December 9-13
School Board Meeting
Tue, December 10 --- 5:30 PM Board Room
3rd-4th Grade Musical
Wed, December 11 --- Time TBD
Pinon Choir, Band & Orchestra Concert
Thur, December 12
8:30-9:30 AM
Pinon Science Fair Family Visit Night
Thur, December 12 --- 5:30-7:00 PM
Pinon Science Fair - Judging and Student Visits
Friday, December 13 --- 8:30am – 2:00pm
Parent Council Meeting
Tue, December 17
12:00-1:00 PM
Elementary Grades Due in PowerTeacher Pro
Wed, December 18 --- 5:00 PM
End of First Semester (89 days)
Fri, December 20
Winter Break
Mon, December 23 - Fri, January 3
Piñon's Guiding Principles
Piñon’s Vision Statement
All Piñon students will be Kind and Learn.
Piñon’s Mission Statement
Piñon Elementary provides the skills and values for student success now and in their future.
Piñon’s Core Values:
- Character: Piñon Elementary School teaches, models, and practices kindness, integrity, and resiliency.
- Community: Piñon Elementary School fosters a mindset of safety and respect in school and home communities.
- Commitment to Learning: Piñon Elementary School utilizes learning strategies that promote academic rigor and students' passion to learn.
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Piñon Elementary School
90 Grand Canyon Drive, White Rock, NM, USA 87547
Principal Email: Ivanna Austell, iv.austell@laschools.net
Asst. Principal Email: Jennifer Kieltyka, j.kieltyka@laschools.net
Phone: 505-663-2680
Piñon Website: https://pinon.laschools.net/
PTO Website: https://pinonpto.org/