2/3: School Counselor Appreciation Day
2/4: AR Pizza with the Principals lunch
2/4 & 2/5: Play Practice @ 2:30pm
2/6: Mid-term for third 9-weeks
Stem Club @ 2:30pm
2/11 & 2/12: Play Practice @ 2:30pm
2/13: STEM Club @ 2:30pm
2/14: In-Service Day (Teachers only)
Valentine's Day
2/17: Presidents' Day - No School
2/18 & 2/19: Play Practice @ 2:30pm
2/20: STEM Club
2/21: School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
2/25 & 2/26: Play Practice @ 2:30pm
2/27: STEM Club
2/28: Monthly Student Birthday Celebrations
Spring Picture Day
There will be NO ASP on February, 13th.
Have you seen our Book Vending Machine? It sits right outside the library and it is amazing! There are 4 ways for students to earn a FREE book from the Vending Machine:
1. Every student gets a book for his/her birthday.
2. Every teacher starts the year with a Golden Ticket for each student. The tickets can be given out for all kinds of amazing things, such as good behavior, good grades, great effort, kindness, etc. It's up to the teacher to hand them out when she sees fit.
3. Students can earn a book when they reach a certain number of AR points. K-2nd need 30 points and 3rd-5th need 75 points.
4. Every student who reads at least 5 books over the summer for our Summer Reading BINGO challenge earns a book.
If anyone has a business that would like to donate toward restocking books for our vending machine, please let Mrs. Cole or Mrs. McKinney know. Happy reading, everyone!
What is Family Engagement? Family Engagement is a shared responsibility in which schools, community agencies, and organizations are committed to reaching out to engage parents in meaningful ways and the parents are committed to actively supporting their children’s and adolescents’ learning and development.
Parents/Guardians you have the opportunity to request meetings, formulate suggestions, and participate in decisions made relating to your child’s education. If you have any questions, want to give suggestions or request a meeting, you may contact your child’s teacher to set up a conference, or contact Kathy Honeycutt, Parent Involvement Coordinator, or Lori Welborn, Principal. We are looking for input into CSE School Policy for school year 2025/2026. If you have any suggestions/ideas, please let us know, you can email Kathy Honeycutt, Parent Involvement
Coordinator at khoneycutt.cse@catoosa.k12.ga.us Parents, we value your opinion.
Look for the Spring Survey coming in March. The survey will be on the school website and a copy will be sent home, you can fill out the paper copy or go online to http://cse.catoosa.k12.ga.us
under Title I Spring Survey. All students who return a survey will receive 5 Warrior Bucks
BOX TOP APP - Join CSE in earning cash for our school by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios, Crescent Rolls, Betty Crocker Cake mixes, etc.) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast! Twice a year, our school receives a check to help pay for whatever we need including equipment, supplies, or experiences the kids love! Download the Box Tops for Education app here:
True Life Chiropractic (Dr. Jamie & Samantha)
SMH Construction
Mark Collins @ Metro Boiler
Fort Oglethorpe United Methodist
Ms. Rubene's Silverdale Baptist Sunday School Class
Susan Wybenga (Costco)
Cadence Bank (Ft. Oglethorpe)
Dunkin Donuts - Manager Rose Capers
Food City (Mission Ridge Rd.)
Cloud Springs Baptist Church
Office Depot
Creightons Wildflowers
Cloud Springs Elementary
Check out our school video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niF05c7fdWkWebsite: http://www.cse.catoosa.k12.ga.us/
Location: 163 Fernwood Drive Rossville, GA 30741
Phone: 706-866-6640
Facebook: facebook.com/cloudspringelementary