Senn-Thomas Middle School
February 10th-14th Weekly Update
Good afternoon! I hope you had a great weekend. We are excited about the upcoming week, and we are looking forward to seeing our students on Monday morning. Please take a few minutes to read through this week's updated newsletter, and feel free to call or email if you have any questions.
- We will need to cancel tutoring this week due to a few scheduling conflicts, but we will be working on making those adjustments and will resume tutoring next week. Thank you for your understanding!
- If you need any support or assistance with the parent portal, please complete the form included below. Mrs. McClain or Ms. Drury will call you to help with your questions.
- Please be sure to remind your child to charge his or her Chromebook. In addition, please remind them to bring their chargers with them in case they need to charge their Chromebook during the day.
- We will not be in session on Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th.
Feel free to email or call if you have any questions. Have a wonderful week!
Thank you,
Tracy Lewis
STMS Principal
Upcoming Dates
No School:
Friday, February 14th - Staff Professional Development
Monday, February 17th - Presidents' Day
American Heart Association Fundraiser
Coach Davis and Coach Brakhage will be hosting a Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament this week in PE as a fundraiser for the American Heart Association. In addition to the tournament, we will also be having a spirit week. (Please see the graphic below.) Feel free to use the link below to donate for this fundraiser. Thank you for your support!
Rose Grams from Student Council
STMS Student Council is selling Rose Grams for $1 from now until February 12th. Wooden roses and your message will be delivered to students and staff members of your choice! Families may purchase Rose Grams using this Omella QR code (set 'tips' to zero) and students may purchase from their 1st or 5th hour teachers. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Butcher (cbutcher@dunklin.k12.mo.us).
NJHS Soda Tab Collection for Ronald McDonald House
Join The STMS Annual Ronald McDonald House Soda Tab Collection Competition this March. This annual event is organized by the STMS National Junior Honor Society and is a friendly competition between advisory classes. All tabs collected will benefit the Ronald McDonald House in St. Louis. Collection takes place during the month of March.
2024-2025 Calendar Highlights
Reminder about Morning Drop off Time
Attendance Information and School Hours
Please help us by reminding your child about the importance of school attendance. Missing just two days a week adds up quickly and creates a situation where students fall behind in their learning. If there is anything we can do to help support you, please let us know. We track student attendance and will communicate with families if a student's attendance falls below 90%.
The graphics below illustrate how we are doing with attendance up to this point. Every single day matters. Thank you for your help!
Important Forms, Links, and Information for Students
Twin City Little League Information
Parent ProTech - Online Safety
Looking for a way to stay up-to-date with tech and keep your students safer online? Protect your family online with Parent ProTech's on-demand platform. Sign-up using the form below. Parent ProTech is a great way to help kids stay safe online and keep parents/guardians informed. It's a free service provided by Dunklin R5. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Yearbook Information
Parent Portal Assistance
Parent Portal
Senn-Thomas Middle School
Email: tlewis@dunklin.k12.mo.us
Website: www.dunklin.k12.mo.us
Location: 200 Senn Thomas Drive, Herculaneum, MO, USA
Phone: (636) 479-5200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Senn-Thomas-Middle-School-101838704948380/
Twitter: @SennThomasMS
Principal: Dr. Tracy Lewis
Assistant Principal: Mr. Kyle Borror
Counselor: Mrs. Tiffany Bungenstock