Superintendent's Newsletter
April 2024
Message of the Month
Dear School Community,
With the winter season behind us, we are looking forward to the months of spring and the learning activities that come with it for our students. As the excitement of more enjoyable weather builds, it is an important time to revisit our classroom and school expectations to ensure that the momentum that has been built the past six months is sustained. Our schools are filled with amazing students, doing amazing things and I know the month ahead will bring more rewarding student achievements.
Please review the reminders and updates regarding district-wide happenings.
With all respect,
Michael S. Nelson
Superintendent of Schools
Pictures of Superintendent School Visits
FORM Instrumental Concert
Student Collin Nashold at the Mattapoisett School Committee meeting.
Project 351
Student Opportunity Act
The Student Opportunity Act (SOA) is a three-year targeted plan to describe how the schools will use evidence-based approaches and strategies to address closing the learning gaps for student groups with higher needs. To solicit stakeholder feedback, we held community forums and sent a survey to all families which closed earlier this week. This feedback will be compiled and utilized to develop the plan for each school district and presented at the upcoming school committee meetings. We thank all of the community members who shared their feedback!
Keynote Speaker Katie Greer
April Vacation Math Acceleration Academy
We are excited to announce registration is now open for the April Vacation Math Acceleration
Academy! The Math Acceleration Academy (MAA) will provide identified and eligible students, enrolled in grades 3 through 10, with an opportunity to engage in a four-day (Tuesday - Friday) academic program designed to accelerate student learning in mathematics through engaging,
standards-aligned lessons that meet the specific academic needs of identified students. The MAA will run April 16 – 19, 2024 from 7:45am to 3:00pm. Breakfast and lunch will be available for students who participate. The entire program will be FREE for all selected students! Students will work on individualized and targeted mathematical skills, MCAS skill practice, and making connections with other concepts. Staff will collect formative assessment data related to procedural fluency and conceptual understanding. Please complete the Math Acceleration Academy Registration Form by April 8th. Completing the interest survey does not guarantee enrollment. The selection process will be based on collected assessment data (MCAS scores, AIMSWEB data, and classroom data points) to determine which students would benefit most from attending the four-day program. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Kris Lincoln, Interim Director of Student Services at or 508-758-2772 x1942.
Kindergarten & Preschool Registration Now Open
Our elementary schools are now registering kindergarten students for the 2024-2025 school year. Learn more.
Project GROW offers high quality preschool education to Marion, Mattapoisett and Rochester children ages 3-5 years old. Learn more.
The Tri-Town Preschool Program enrolls children ages 2.9-5 years old. In addition to providing a high quality preschool experience, this program serves as a model setting for high school students interested in Early Childhood Education. Learn more.
Project 351
On March 19th, another Project 351 Playbook Workshop was held at the high school in support of the Day of Action Service Leadership Initiative. Grades 4-6 students from each elementary school collaborated together for this workshop, and grades 7-12 worked together as well. Students brought an item of clothing to donate for the Cradles to Crayons clothing drive. Donations are being accepted until April 3rd!
Now Available! ORRconnect Mobile App
We are pleased to announce ORRconnect has launched! This mobile app will allow families to receive targeted, real-time updates right at their fingertips regarding school happenings. Families can filter content, calendars and settings unique to one building or all. Check out the Mobile App Info Sheet for details on the information within our app. If you have questions, please email
Search ORRconnect in the app store or use the links from your mobile device.
ORRconnect on Facebook
ORRconnect is also on Facebook!
Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date with school happenings.
In the School Community
Old Rochester Regional High School senior Jaymison Gunschel and junior Emerson Gonet have been selected to serve on Governor Maura Healy’s Youth Advisory Council. Read more.
RMS student Zachary Jupin presented to two 5th grade classrooms about Down Syndrome in honor of Rock Your Socks Day, and World Down Syndrome Day. Zachary was presented with a Certificate of Recognition by Principal, Ms. Letendre for taking a leadership role in educating his peers.
This month at School Committee meetings, our members approved FY25 Budgets for each district and approved a new transportation agreement along with many donations. Click here for the complete schedule, meeting resources and minutes.
Thursday, April 4th - Rochester School Committee
Thursday, April 11th - ORR School Committee
Thursday, April 25th - Marion School Committee