Carlock Corner
October 18, 2024
Upcoming Dates - Mark your Calendar
Monday, Oct. 21: PTC meeting at Carlock @ 6pm
Tuesday, Oct. 22: Picture Retake Day - 7:45am
Tuesday, Oct. 22: All School Field Trip @ 9am (see details below)
Wednesday, Oct. 23: Early Release Day @ 10:45am
Thursday, Oct. 24: Land of Smiles whole school presentation
Friday, Oct. 25: Carlock Fire Department - Survive Alive House
Monday, Oct. 28: Spirit Week Starts!
Tuesday, Oct. 29: Vision and Hearing Screenings
Thursday, Oct. 31: Harvest Day (see details below)
Monday, Nov. 4: Parent Teacher Conferences - Sign up now, see details below.
Tuesday, Nov. 5: No School
I wanted to take a moment to extend a warm welcome to Melissa Zabukovec, our newest addition to the Carlock Team. We are thrilled to have her join our community, and I'm confident that her expertise and enthusiasm will be a valuable asset to our school community.
Melissa Zabukovec is our new EOP - her email is zabukom@unit5.org
All School Field Trip - Tanner's Orchard
On Tuesday, October 22, we will be having a whole school field trip to Tanners Orchard. Carlock will depart at 9:00 AM and return to school around 2:10 PM. The day is planned with a variety of fun events.
Please note that families signed off on field trips via Infinite Campus. However, if you do not want your student to participate in the field trip, please contact their teacher and Kelly Fitzgerald at fitzgeke@unit5.org by Monday, October 21.
Students should dress appropriately for changing weather, including layers such as a sweatshirt or coat. Additionally, lunch orders were sent home by the classroom teachers some time ago. Please check with the teacher if you are unsure whether your child is bringing lunch from home or if they ordered a school bag lunch.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov. 4, 2024
Classroom teachers have sent/will be sending out sign-up information for parent-teacher conferences on November 4. We understand that everyone's schedule is different, so you are welcome to attend either in person or virtually, whichever is more convenient for you. Additionally, our specialty teachers (P.E., Music, Art, and IMC) are also available for meetings. Please email them directly to arrange a time to discuss your student.
These 15-minute meetings offer an excellent opportunity to learn about your child's academic progress, strengths, needs, and learning styles. Please take advantage of this time to collaborate with their classroom teacher to create a plan for your child's success.
Some questions you might consider asking during a parent-teacher conference include:
- What subject does my student enjoy the most? Which do they like the least?
- How can I support my student with studying at home or preparing for class?
- How well does my student get along with their peers?
We hope to see everyone Nov. 4!
The following information outlines the Harvest Day Celebration:
Our annual Harvest Day will take place on Thursday, Oct. 31 from 12-2:30. For those of you who are new to Carlock, Harvest Day includes a variety of fun activities such as cookie decorating, pumpkin tic-tac-toe relay, photo booth, pumpkin bucket toss, and a craft! The students will end their day with a costume parade around our playground.
To make sure the event is safe for all, the following rules will be effect:
Students will change into costumes after Harvest Day games; they should not wear them all day.
Costumes should be appropriate for an educational setting and not reflect crude or inappropriate humor. They should be age-appropriate and follow the school dress code.
We do not encourage group/partner costumes as they can be exclusionary and make children feel “left out.”
No face or body paint
No candy
Harvest Day Parade:
Students will change into their costumes before the parade.
Parents and guardians are asked to refrain from wearing masks/scary costumes to avoid frightening our little friends.
We encourage parents to spread out along the fence (playground/front sidewalk) so that everyone can have an unobstructed vantage point and so students can enjoy support from all.
After the parade, the students will return to their classrooms; they will be dismissed at our regular time. Only volunteers will be allowed back into the classroom.
If the weather makes outdoor activities impossible, activities will occur inside the building. In this scenario, only volunteers would be able to attend the parade due to space restrictions. A message will be sent out if this occurs.
The parade should last approximately twenty minutes. During that time, the students will walk around the outdoor classroom, to the blacktop, out of the opening of the fence by the parking lot, over to the back of the bank and around to the bank front door for a treat, back to the school on the front sidewalk.
Parents can stand along the fence within the parking lot for the best views.
Participation in the Harvest Day activities is entirely optional. Children who do not wish to participate will be given an opportunity to read and work on other fun activities in our main office during the day. Please get in touch with your child’s teacher if you would like your child to sit out of any activities. If you are in need of a costume, please contact the main office.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this Harvest Day a safe and fun experience for our Eagles!
Fire Safety Educational Day - Oct. 25
KG, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade will go through the Survive Alive House set up in our bus lane for our students.
The 4th & 5th grade will head to the fire station in the afternoon for a tour and pizza.
Carlock Updates
School Clubs
Carlock will be starting 2 clubs!
Garden Club - will meet on Thursday's during recess
Gameboard Club - will meet on Tuesday's during recess
Information and sign up will be communicated through each classroom.
Colder Weather
Is your child ready for the chilly weather? 🧣❄️ Make sure they come bundled up! We head outside for recess when the temp is 20°F or above. Let's keep our kids warm!
What is PBIS? PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. This is a program designed to better engage our learners and minimize distractions throughout the school day.
Once of the important aspects of this program is having consistent expectations throughout the building.
On Tuesday, October 15, our Carlock Student Council held an all-school assembly to discuss our word of the month. Additionally, students wrote thank-you cards to local businesses in the Carlock area that have had a positive impact on them.
On Friday, October 18, our fifth graders will visit different classes to give a brief presentation on the theme of impact.
IMPACT is our word of the Month!
Connect with Carlock
The Carlock Corner will be sent throughout the school year for families to stay updated with Carlock happenings.
Email: fitzgeke@unit5.org
Website: https://carlock.unit5.org/
Location: 301 W Washington St, Carlock, IL, USA
Phone: 309-557-4412
Carlock Cell Phone: 309-989-2643 (text or call) use after 2:30pm if no one answers main line
Facebook: Carlock Eagles Principal Page
Twitter: @Carlockeagles