Week of August 26th
DPS Principal Newsletter
“A new school year means new beginnings, new adventures, new friendships, and new challenges. The slate is clean and anything can happen” — Denise Witmer.
Before hearing about the upcoming year, let me share what's been going on this summer at DPS -
- 80 students attended Summer Clinic
- 8 students attended Extended School Year for special education services
- Classroom teachers worked on curriculum and assessments
- Related service providers coordinated their 24-25 schedules
- Ms. Luther and her custodial team cleaned and waxed our whole building so it's "spic and span"
- New desktop computers were installed in classrooms
- Mrs. Cutting organized our School Supply Giveaway (if you missed it and still need school supplies please reach out to her)
- We are working hard to fill all teacher and paraprofessional openings
For me personally, this summer was so much fun! The top 3 highlights were vacationing at the Thousand Islands again with Mr. Goho, my best friend and her daughter visiting from Michigan, and rescuing a 9 month old puppy (named Bean)!
Please let all of the DPS students know that I'm very excited to see them soon at the orientations and on the first day of school! I miss their energy and smiling faces!
Rescue Day (I'm holding Bean!)
Dock Time at the River
Letchworth State Park
Sunset at the River
Important Food Service Update for 4PK Families
The USDA has specific 4PK guidelines that we will be following for the upcoming school year. Please note the following -
- Skim and 1% milk will be served (no chocolate milk)
- All foods must be whole grain
- Cereals can have no more than 6 grams of sugar per ounce
- At lunch, students will select main choice, PBJ, or daily sandwich and then all fruits/vegetables on menu will be served on their tray instead of having choices
⭐ Orientations and First Days of School
Below you will find important information about orientation and the first day of school for each grade level!
3PK Teachers and Paraprofessionals
Mrs. R. Sick, Mrs. Barnhart, & Mrs. Fronk - Room 114
Miss Steff, Mrs. Arena, & Miss Philpot - Room 116
Parent Orientation
Wednesday, August 28th from 6:00-6:30pm in the DPS cafeteria. Parents/Guardians only!
Student Orientation
Thursday, September 5th at your assigned time (8:30, 9:30, 10:30, 12:00, 1:00 or 2:00). Students and Parents/Guardians!
First Day of School
Friday, September 6th
4PK Teachers and Paraprofessionals
Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Caldwell, & Mrs. Moulthroup - Room 108
Mrs. B. Spoor & Mrs. Zalewski - Room 106
Mrs. C. Spoor, Mrs. Burgermeister, & Mrs. Sutton - Room 102
Mrs. Zakes & Mrs. Welton - Room 104
Student Orientation
Thursday, September 5th at your assigned time (8:30-10:30 or 12:00-2:00). Students and Parents/Guardians!
First Day of School
Friday, September 6th
K Teachers
Mrs. Blodgett & Mrs. Will - Room 124
Mrs. Debasitis - Room 124
Mrs. Kowal - Room 118
Mrs. Troll & Mrs. Will - Room 126
Miss Waldon - Room 126
Student Orientation
Thursday, August 29th from 5:00-6:00pm. Students and Parents/Guardians!
First Day of School
Thursday, September 5th
1st Teachers
Mrs. Bennett & Mr. Wampole - Room 122
Mr. Malone - Room 120
Mrs. Malone - Room 121
Ms. Kernan - Room 122
Mrs. Williamson - Room 123
Student Orientation
Tuesday, September 3rd from 2:50-3:20pm. Students and Parents/Guardians!
First Day of School
Thursday, September 5th
2nd Teachers
Mrs. Bancroft & Miss Burley - Room 134
Mrs. Doggett - Room 132A
Mrs. Halbert - Room 134A
Mrs. C. Sick & Miss Burley - Room 132
Student Orientation
Tuesday, September 3rd from 2:50-3:20pm. Students and Parents/Guardians!
First Day of School
Thursday, September 5th
📑 Parent/Student Handbook
Below is a link the 2024-2025 DPS Parent/Student Handbook. This will serve as an excellent resource to you throughout the school year.
Arrival and Dismissal
All 4PK-2nd grade students will enter at the main entrance of school and must be to school by 8:00.
- Students can be dropped off anytime from 7:40-8:00.
- Breakfast will be served from 7:40-8:10.
- Buses unload students at 7:40.
All 3PK students will enter at the side door at 9:00 for the AM program or 12:30 for the PM program.
Dismissal changes must be made before 1:00pm. Parent pick-up will begin at 2:15pm each day at the following doors based on last name. Please make sure we have the name of the person picking up and that person has a driver's license for identification.
- A-C at the ELC doorway on the parking lot side
- D-H at the back playground door
- I-Q at the first door on the left in the driveway between the HS & PS
- R-Z at the second door on the left in the driveway between the HS & PS
All 3PK AM and PM students will exit at the side door at 11:30 for the AM program and 3:00 for the PM program. Our 3PK students are dropped off and picked up in the small Primary Bus Loop during the following times: 8:45-9:00, 11:20-11:35, 12:20-12:30, and 2:50-3:05. Please consider parking in a different location so that you aren't trapped in the loop.
Tardy Arrival (after 8:00am)
If your child arrives to school after 8:00am, he/she is considered tardy. Please walk your child into the school main entrance to complete an excuse. Then staff will give your child a tardy pass and he/she can walk to class independently.