South Scoop
Edition #3 November, 2024
This & That
Dear South Family,
During this month of Thanksgiving, we want to make sure we start this newsletter off with a big Thank You for all you do for our students, each other, and the school. We are so appreciative and grateful for you...please know that! November brings the Fun Run, the end of the first trimester, and some special holidays-Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving. Thank you to our Veterans on staff and in your families! Looking forward to a fun, fall month! Aloha, Steph and Rebecca
Important Info
- Teachers, please check your classes in Aspen to make sure everything is correct and that you have access to what you need. This will ensure everything is ready to go for report card grades. This needs to be done by Tuesday, 11/5/24, the latest. *It will NOT be able to be changed during report cards. The directions to do this are: 1. Go to Aspen 2. Staff View 3. Gradebook top tab (NOT student) 4. See your list of classes. 5. If anything is wrong or missing, please email Andrea Smith and include Carol, Rebecca, and Steph on it.
- There will be a Lockdown and Evacuation drill sometime during the first week of November. Please practice and review the expectations for these drills. Some other resources include these social stories, Lockdown Drill (from Liz Vitullo-Thank you!) and Lockdown Drills School Safety Story We also have a Portuguese Lockdown Story and a Spanish Lockdown Story.
- Ed Camp is on Tuesday, November 5 at SMS from 8-2:30PM. The schedule is HERE. **Culture & Climate Committee Mtg on this day in 1st session (8:30-9:25AM Rm # 101). This will be combined with the Field Trip Planning Group.
- Second Cricket Convention is on Friday, November 22 @ 2:30-3pm. Please wear your South Spirit Wear or green on this day!
- Prep Makeup 24-25
- November South Family Newsletter
- South MCAS Dates 2025
- Special Event Dates for South, '24-'25
- CPT/TAS Schedule
- Updated Evacuation Locations and Leads list-only two now-A=baseball field-3-5; B=SMS-K-2
- Library: We will let you know when Mrs. Roies has the library up and is ready to go.
- Weekly Character Traits
- South Sign Out Log: Please sign in/out on the visitors log when you come into/go out of the school. This is for safety reasons.
Mark Your Calendars!
Sunday, 11/3-Daylight Savings Time Ends-”Fall Back”
Tuesday, 11/5-No School for Students-Teacher Professional Development *Culture & Climate Committee Mtg on this day in 1st session (8:30-9:25AM Rm # 105)
Wednesday, 11/6-Fun Run Kick Off
Monday, 11/11-No School-Veteran’s Day-Thank you, Veterans!!
Wednesday, 11/13-Faculty Meeting
Wednesday, 11/13-World Kindness Day
Friday, 11/15-PJ Day *if student reach goal of 65% signing up *will let you know
Monday, 11/18-Fun Run!!!
Wednesday, 11/20--Early Release @ 12:30PM
Thursday, 11/21-Mastery Martial Arts Interactive Assemblies: Grades 3-5: Bullyproof- 9:15-9:45AM
Grades K-2: Stand Tall, Stand Proud, Stand Out-10-10:30AM
Thursday, 11/22-Coffee Connection- for families in the library @ 9-10AM.
Thursday, 11/22-Cricket Convention-wear your South Cricket Gear or Green
Wednesday, 11/27-Early Release @ **11:30-NO LUNCH Served
Thursday, 11/28 & Friday, 11/29-Happy Thanksgiving! No School
New Ways November
Use this New Ways November Calendar suggestions to try new things!
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom I Have, Who Has Game
A fun game for lower case letter recognition is HERE.
Gratitude Activites
30 Gratitude Activities for the month of November