Weekly Family Communication
The mission of Holy Rosary School is to help each child discover and fully develop their God-given talents. As a Catholic School community, we strive for excellence in our students’ spiritual, academic, physical, mental, aesthetic, and social-emotional growth. It is our intention that those who attend this institution mature into active citizens leading a committed faith life and reaching out to help others locally, nationally, and internationally with their wisdom, time, talent, and financial resources.
Principal's Message
Dear Holy Rosary Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
Welcome back to our returning families and welcome to our new families joining our Holy Rosary School Community. We also welcome our new Pastor, Father Phuong, and our Parochial Vicar, Father Tim.
At the start of a new year we have the chance to see old friends and to make new friendships. It's a chance to set new goals and grow in our relationship with Christ. I love the start of a new year and the freshness that comes with it!
I wanted to share a couple hiring updates with you. First, we had a change in our 5B homeroom position that we hired for last spring. I'd like to welcome Anna McGuigan to the Holy Rosary staff. Anna will be our new 5B homeroom teacher. She comes to us with experience in the Archdiocese, recently completing a long term math/science substitute position at Villa Academy. Anna is excited to be here and we're thrilled to have her! Second, we are hiring for two positions: a shared aid position between preschool and kindergarten and a before/after school traffic duty position. Information on both positions can be found here.
The electronic newsletters this month will contain quite a bit of information. Thank you for reading them carefully! We'll have our outdoor movie night on August 23rd and we hope to see you all at our meet the teacher event August 28th from 2:00 - 3:00.
In the meantime, if we can be of any service to you, please don't hesitate to reach out.
In Christ,
Upcoming Dates
- Aug 23rd - Outdoor HRS Movie Night (7pm)
- Aug 28th - Meet the Teacher (2pm)
- Sep 3rd - 1st Day of School (K-8)/Parent Coffee Hour
- Sep 5th - Parent Night
- Sep 13th - 7th/8th Grade Dance
- Sep 17th - School Pictures
- Sep 20th-21st - Westfest
2024-2025 Update
We have made an adjustment to the 2024-2025 School Calendar. Our Half Day in March has been
changed to Friday the 21st. The calendar is available
on the school website.
Notes & Reminders
Outdoor Movie Night
Join us for the annual HRS outdoor movie night on the lower playground Friday, August 23rd. This is a great way to reconnect with old friends and spend time with new ones while watching Inside Out! Popcorn, popsicles and drinks to be provided. Bring low-back chairs and a blanket. Movie starts at 7pm but arrive early to grab a spot.
We need a few volunteers for the evening! If you would like to volunteer to help, please email: parentsclub@holyrosaryws.org
Used Uniforms
Please be informed that school uniforms will be on display in front of the school all next week (8/19-23) from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to view the uniforms in person and ensure you have the correct sizes and styles for your child. We encourage you to stop by during these hours.
First Week Of School Dismissal Times
Dismissal according to last name: M-Z earlier time & A-L later time shown.
Kindergarten – No school Monday, Tuesday through Friday 11:55a/12:05p dismissal
1st-8th grade
Monday: No school
Tuesday: 11:55a/12:05p dismissal
Wednesday: 2:00p/2:10p dismissal
Thursday: 2:55p/3:05p dismissal
Friday: 11:55a/12:05p dismissal
Drop Off Notes For The Fall
Students with last names starting with A-L, the drop off window for the fall will be last names M-Z at 8:15 and last names A-L at 8:25. Pick-up will follow the same pattern- 2:55 for last names M-Z and 3:05 for last names A-L. If you need to make arrangements for another window for reasons like carpooling, we are happy to work with you. These staggered times help us with the traffic around the school in the morning and afternoon.
Teacher Letters & Class Lists
Teacher letters will be mailed out to students on Wednesday, August 21st. The class lists will be posted on the front kindergarten doors on Friday, August 23rd at 9am. Class assignments will not be available prior to August 23rd.
Classroom Supplies & Comfort Kits
Student classroom supplies have been ordered. A fee of $50 per student will be charged via SchoolAdmin on the 10th of September. Please note there are a few items we are still asking families to provide. Click here for details. Students should bring comfort kits to their classrooms on the first day of school.
Parents Club Coffee Hour
Save The Date! Tuesday September 3rd, we will have a coffee hour after you drop you kids off at their classroom. Meet new parents! Reconnect with friends after a fun summer!
Medication Policy
Washington State Law requires in order to dispense medication, prescription and over the counter, your child must have an oral medication/prescription permission form authorized by a licensed healthcare provider, who has prescribed the medication and the parent/legal guardian. The parent/guardian must also provide the medication, which is from a licensed healthcare provider in its original labeled container from the pharmacy. The container must include the name of the student, medication, dosage information, and enough medication to be administered at school. For non-prescription medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen the school also needs an oral medication/prescription form signed by a health provider and parent. No medication will be given to a child without an oral medication/prescription form on file. Forms must be submitted every year. They do not carry over from the previous year.
Action Items
Electronic Devices At Home
Outside of school, all students in grades 5-8 need to have access to a Chromebook/computer with a physical keyboard and internet access in order to complete homework assignments. If your child(ren) does not have access to a device at home, please complete the questions in the attached survey so we can support your needs.
Room Parents Needed For 7th Grade, 2024-2025
Be a room parent for the 2024-2025 school year! If you enjoy planning and attending classroom parties, parent nights out, and spoiling the teachers with birthday gifts, then this job is for you! Room parents fill such an important role in each class and help take a little weight off our teacher’s shoulders. This time spent also goes towards your family commitment hours. If you are interested in being a room parent for the 2024-2025 school year or would like more information on room parent responsibilities, please contact Nikki Henning at nsantee@gmail.com. In your email, please include the grade you are interested in and your child's name.
Cadet Jackets
We have many cadet jackets in stock and ready for purchase and pick up. The cadet jacket is a fan favorite with the kids and can be part of perfect uniform days as well as everyday wear. Please click on this link and order your child's jacket, should you wish to purchase them. You can pick up in the office anytime between 8am to 3pm or the first day of school.
Address Change
Please remember to notify the office of any address, phone or email changes in order to have the most up-to-date information in our school directory for this year.
Junior High Summer Reading List & Battle Of The Books Competition
Keep your reading skills sharp by choosing some of these great books to read over the summer. In Junior High you will all take part in Battle of the Books, a fun academic team challenge where you will collectively read a list of books for a competition in the spring. You can get a jump start by reading some of the books off our Battle of the Books list this summer. You might also enjoy reading some great titles that have been nominated for book awards. No matter what books you choose, the most important part is to have reading be a part of your summer routine. Take your books with you on all your summer adventures and enjoy! Book List
Summer Math & Reading Challenge
It's almost summer, which means time for fun and relaxation! Students also have the opportunity to keep their math and reading skills sharp by participating in the summer math and reading challenges. Students should fill out and record their time as the summer progresses and be ready to turn it in during the first week back at school. It will be due on Friday, Sept. 6th! Both the summer math and reading challenges are optional.
Students will receive these forms before the end of the year from their homeroom teacher, but it is also attached here if you'd like to print at home.
Girls Robotics Team
Looking for 6th and 7th Grade Girls interested in participating in The First Lego League Challenge next year. Friendly competition is at the heart of FLL Challenge, as teams of students engage in research, problem-solving, coding, and engineering - building and programming a LEGO robot that navigates the missions of a robot game. Participants must be willing to commit to weekly meetings starting in September and be available to attend the competition held the first week of December. Space is limited. If your daughter is interested, contact Corrie at corrietomlinson@hotmail.com.
We wanted to share that BASE for the 2024-25 School year is very full after completing the re-enrollment period for current BASE families.
Knowing that there is a great need in our community for before- and- after school care, we invite families to get on the BASE Wait List. Our hope is that there might be some movement over the next few months and BASE could accommodate some families who are still in need of care for the next school year.
Please complete the application form to get on the Waitlist: https://forms.gle/4dmmtenmZu5CyiEd7
BASE Is Looking For High School Students
Is your high schooler looking for part-time work?
Our BASE (Before and After School Enrichment) is seeking creative, confident, and energetic individuals to assist in its Extended Day Program beginning in September, 2024.
This is a part-time position for age 16 years and older, 6 -20 hours per week, primarily in the afternoons from 3-6. Additional hours are available on half-days and school closure days. We welcome former HRS students as well and can usually work around their high school schedule.
Interested applicants should send a letter of interest to BASE director, Rachel at base@holyrosaryws.org.
Events & Fundraising
Welcome Back to the efc! Be sure to read this area weekly for updates on all fundraising events.
Calendar of Events – mark your calendars for these main events, more may be added throughout the year.
Holy Rosary’s Carnival of Community is the weekend of September 20 and 21. Get ready for carnival style rides, games, food booths, live music and a beer garden. This is a huge volunteer event, check future efc newsletters for volunteer positions. Benefits Holy Rosary School and Parish.
Tree Lot
The tree lot opens the Friday after Thanksgiving and remains open through mid-December. Spread a little Christmas cheer to the West Seattle community and knock out a few volunteer hours. Another large volunteer event with weekday evening shifts and weekend all day/evening shifts. Benefits Holyr Rosary School.
Save the date for our largest fundraising event, our annual auction on March 8, 2025. This is always a fun themed evening of fun and fundraising! Benefits Holy Rosary School.
Gator Bowl
A newer event that has been a sell out the past 2 years, sign up early as you don’t want to miss all the fun of themed blowing. Benefits the Holy Rosary Endowment Fund.
Annual Fund
The Annual Fund assists in funding programs that enhance our curriculum standards. Due to your generous contribution students have access to art, band, music, physical education and Spanish. By participating in the Annual Fund you help build on the strengths of Holy Rosary School; so that our students can ignite their spirit and minds to their fullest extent. Goal: 100% participation. Benefits Holy Rosary School.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers needed
We are looking for a couple of volunteers to run our Lost and Found room. Duties would be to come into the school twice a month and clean it up, check for names to return items to students and put other remaining items outside in front of the school for parents to view. Please email Karla if you are interested. klawson@holyrosaryws.org.
Safe Environment Training
To volunteer at any school or parish events, individuals need to be Safe Environment cleared (includes a background check). Please login below and select the Protecting God’s Children class.
1. Log in to the Virtus web site
2. Create an account
3. Select Archdiocese of Seattle from the dropdown
4. Then select Holy Rosary Seattle
Extracurricular Activities
CYO Soccer & Cross Country
CYO Fall Soccer & Cross Country is now open!
K-8 Fall soccer starts September 7th
K-8 Fall Cross Country - first meet is September 22nd
Now is the time to register your players so that we can work hard this summer to make the season start as smoothly as possible!
Women With Purpose
NEW FALL Holy Rosary’s Women With Purpose (WWP) Study Sessions
Thursday Evening or Friday Morning or Both!
Looking for a way to connect with other women and renew and grow your faith life? Holy Rosary’s WWP group offers all that and more. Women of all ages and stages of life are welcome and you do not need to be Catholic to join a Women with Purpose session. This fall, we are offering two incredible sessions, Thursday Evenings: “The Bible Timeline, the Story of Salvation” and Friday Mornings: “The Rocking Chair Prophet” by Matthew Kelly.
- WWP Thursday Evenings from 6:00pm to 7:30pm, September 12, 2024—April 10, 2025.
- WWP Friday Mornings from 9:15am to 11:15am, September 6—November 22, 2024
- Register for WWP Thursday Evenings, Friday Mornings or Both!https://holyrosaryseattle.org/wwp-registration
- Contact Deyette Swegle for questions, scholarships, if you are interested inFriday morning childcare at dswegle@holyrosaryseattle.org.
- Meeting Location:
- Thursday evenings—Parish Office Basement
- Friday Mornings—Parish Center Reception Room
Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)
"We have one mission, one family - together in Christ - to support others by investing in the good works in the Archdiocese of Seattle." - Archbishop Etienne
The ACA is a combined effort between the Archdiocese of Seattle and its many parishes to support a vibrant Catholic Community in Western Washington and carry out the mission of the Church. The ACA funds Catholic social ministries, programs for youth and young adult ministries. For more information, please visit our Parish website. Please consider giving today to help us reach our goal of $128,841 through the ACA link: GiveACA - 2024 - Archdiocese of Seattle (archseattle.org).
Youth Confirmation - Registration for 2024-25 is Open!
6th and 7th grade parents, please go to https://holyrosaryseattle.org/youth-confirmation to learn more and register your child for Confirmation! You can also contact Jessica Kulwik at evangelization@holyrosaryseattle.org or call 206-937-1488 ext. 203 with any questions.
Welcome Circle
FUNDRAISING GOAL: $50,000. We are actively sponsoring the Kadyliak family, pic-
tured below. They will be moving from Ukraine to Seattle in June or July. Funds will used to
help with initial expenses while they get established including rent, food, furniture, and
household supplies. See QR code or go to parish website and click on “Online Giving.”
Checks can be made out to the Parish with “Welcome Circle” on the subject line. Check with
your employer to see if they offer a company match! Your gift will have a direct and mean-
ingful impact on the Kadyliak family and the lives of other individuals and families we assist.
Baptism for Children
If you are interested in having your child baptized, please email Deyette at Deyette Swegle. You may also complete our Baptism Registration form by using this link, https://holyrosaryseattle.org/infant-baptism-registration.
1st Reconciliation & First Holy Communion Preparation
Please contact Sr. Stella at srstella@holyrosaryseattle.org or call 206-937-1488 ext. 252.
OCIA Adapted For Children (Former RCIA)
Please contact Sr. Stella for more information at srstella@holyrosaryseattle.orgor call 206-937-1488 ext. 252.
Becoming Catholic: Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
Learn more and register at https://holyrosaryseattle.org/rcia-adults. Please contact Jessica Kulwik at evangelization@holyrosaryseattle.org or call 206-937-1488 ext. 203 with any questions.
Children’s Liturgy Of The Word (CLOW)
We offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word year round at Sunday 10:30am Mass.
Other Opportunities For Children
- Parish Children’s Choir YouthChoir! (Grades 3-6) | Holy Rosary Catholic Church | Seattle, WA (holyrosaryseattle.org)
- Altar Serving (5th -High school)–email Paul Dolejsi at Pdolejsi@holyrosaryseattle.org for more information.
Adult Confirmation
Learn more and register at https://holyrosaryseattle.org/adult-confirmation-1. Please contact Jessica Kulwik at evangelization@holyrosaryseattle.org or call 206-937-1488 ext. 203 with any questions.
Westside Baby Needs
Westside Baby recently posted they are at a critically low level for clothing needs (NB to age 12). As you're cleaning out closets this summer, consider dropping off gently used clothes with them. Their drop off hours at their White Center warehouse are:
Tuesdays: 9am - 7pm
Wednesdays- 9am - 5pm
Thursdays- 9am - 4pm
You can also drop donations at the Little Gym of West Seattle during open hours.
Thank you for supporting this important organization that provides for families in need in the greater West Seattle Community.
Shug's Mini
Holy Rosary family owned Shug's is now open Wednesday- Sunday from 1pm to 9pm. 3800 California Ave SW