North Point Intervention News
October 2024

Everything Ci3T
What is Tier 2 Intervention?
Tier 2 support involves providing small group instruction to a part of your students on a specific essential skill. Students can receive Tier 2 support in all areas. Resources are provided for the following categories:
Student Interventions:
Academic Interventions
Leader In Me
NPHS conducted a Measurable Results Assessment (MRA) survey for our families, students, and staff in September. Our staff Lighthouse Team will meet to analyze the data. The team will discuss areas of focus, strategies for implementation, and identify students who want to be involved with the process.
Student Center
Students enrolled in AP courses can place their AP Test orders online between now and November 8. Read this LETTER for more information.
If your student has an IEP or 504 and wants to apply to use accommodations on the AP Exam, contact Mrs. VanRonzelen to start the process.
As we settle into the school year and seasons are changing, remember to take care of yourself and reach out to your counselor for help, if necessary:
Make a set sleep routine and schedule, it is recommended to turn off all electronics an hour before bed to reduce impacts of blue light, and reduce caffeine and sugar before bed
Practice good hygiene
Eat healthy foods throughout your day
Find organizational strategies that fit your needs
Recognize positive traits about yourself
Practice mindfulness- or any other relaxation techniques that works for you
Engage in activities that you enjoy as often as you can
Spend time with people who make you feel good and are positive influences
Talk to a trusted adult
Treat others with kindness (this will make you feel good, in turn!)
Students/Staff of the Month
October Week 1: Student of the Week
October Week 1: Staff of the Month
October Week 2 Student of the Week
October Week 2 Staff of the Week
October Week 3 Student of the Week
October Week 3 Staff of the Week
October Week 4 Student of the Week
October Week 4 Staff of the Week
Tiered Intervention Team
NPHS Administration
NPHS Counseling Department
NPHS Instructional Staff