St Elizabeth's News
Good afternoon parents and caregivers,
It was lovely to welcome back everyone to Term Three on Wednesday and to also welcome some new families to our wonderful school community. I hope everyone managed to spend some time relaxing and reconnecting with friends and family.
Wednesday marked the beginning of the ten-year anniversary of the opening of St Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary School. The school officially opened on July 14, 2014, with Mrs O’Shaughnessy as founding Principal, three staff members and fourteen students. To honour this special occasion, a Foundation Garden has been created with a beautiful statue of St Elizabeth of Hungary as the centre piece, a foundation stone, house faction pillars and a native Noongar seasons garden. A number of special guests joined our school community for the Blessing Ceremony, with Father Peter blessing the statue of St Elizabeth of Hungary and the various elements of the garden. A very big thank you to Mr Nicoletti for all the work he did to ensure the Foundation Garden is a spiritual and sacred space. The Blessing Ceremony is below for those families that would like to read through it with their children.
On Thursday, we held a lovely NAIDOC Week Assembly based on the 2024 theme ‘Keep the fire burning, Blak, Loud and Proud’. The Year Five students took us on a learning journey all about famous First Nations people and how they have influenced their lives. It was certainly a wonderful reminder of the important contribution our First Nations people have played in our lives both in the past and the present. All year levels spent time this week recognising NAIDOC Week in a number of different ways. Celebrating the histories, cultures and achievements of First Nations people was a big focus this week.
As like any term, this term is no exception and another busy one. Please make sure that you have read through the Parent Planner and put those important dates in your calendars.
Have a wonderful weekend.
God bless
Rebecca Clarke
We look forward to recognising and celebrating more great work this term!
Friday 19 July
- Pre-Primary class excursion to Caversham Wildlife Park
- 9.00am Mass at St Anthony's Church (Yr3 - Yr6 attending)- Families Welcome
Monday 22 July
- 6.00pm P & F Meeting - New faces welcome
- 7.00pm SAC Meeting
Wednesday 24 July
- 1.30pm - 2.50pm Mater Dei College Showcase - Music, Dance, AFL and Basketball program demonstration - Families Welcome
Thursday 25 July
- 8.45am General Assembly - All welcome
Updated Term 3 Parent Planner attached below
URStrong Parent and Child Workshop - Save the Date
We will be offering a URStrong 'Language Friendship' Parent/Child Online Workshop next term on Tuesday, 20 August 6:00pm - 7:15pm. More details and links to follow.
Parish News
First Holy Communion - Information for Parents
Please see letter and mass preference letters below from the parish regrading First Holy Communion information and processes.
In gratitude
Emma Fernandez
Semester 2 Uniform Days
Premier's Reading Challenge 2024
The Premier's Reading Challenge runs from the 6th of May to 6th of September. You need to try to read as many books as you can in this time.
It's a competition right across the state and there's some great prizes - including a Nintendo Switch.
So, everyone get on board with the Premier's Reading Challenge for 2024, Get to your books and read away!
Bookmark reading records will be coming home in library bags for children in PP to Year 6 to record all your books read through the challenge!
Use the QR code below or head to https://www.premiersreadingchallenge.wa.edu.au/ for more information.
Thank you, Mrs Burgess
Term 3 - 2024
Brand New starting term 3 for Kindergarten to Year 3 students!
Minecraft Club - Craft Dojo
Minecraft club will be continuing in term 3!
If you like to come and have a FREE trail - On Monday 22 July (week 2) please come along!
Containers for Change
This year the Year 6 students are raising money through the Containers for Change initiative to donate to LifeLink. If you and your family have spare cans or bottles that you would like to contribute to our school collection, please scan this barcode when you are returning your containers, every container counts!
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Wednesday 31 January - Thursday 28 March
Term 2: Monday 15 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3: Monday, 15 July - Friday, 20 September
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December
Student Free Dates 2024
Tuesday, 5 March
Tuesday, 4 June
Monday 15 July
Tuesday, 16 July (note date change)
Monday 26 August
Monday 7 October
Please note, these dates are subject to change. Parents will be notified well in advance.
St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stecps.wa.edu.au
Website: www.stelizabethhocking.wa.edu.au
Location: 30 Ranworth Road, Hocking WA 6065, Australia
Phone: (08) 9303 7600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stecps/
Twitter: @stecps