The Weekly Highlander
Volume #20
A Message from the Principal
Dear Highlander Families:
Next week, we have our second dance of the year on Friday, February 7th, from 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm. There will be a DJ, snacks for sale, gaga ball, and so much more. Hewes ASB is sponsoring this event and will sell tickets for $5 each in your student's first-period class Monday - Thursday. There is more information and the permission slip in this newsletter.
Current 6th and 7th-grade students met with counselors this week to learn about elective options for next school year. Students need to complete their course selection forms for the 2025-2026 school year and give them to their CURRENT core teacher by Monday, February 3rd. Counselors will be coming to each core class during the month of February to work with students to input their course selections into Aeries.
Current 8th-grade students will begin their course selection process for high school in March. There will be a showcase night at Foothill High School on March 13th, where families can learn more about the electives and program offerings. We encourage parents and students to attend this very informative night; a detailed schedule will be sent to all students as we get closer to the date. Foothill counselors will come to Hewes to meet with students to explain the course selection process and register them for high school classes after spring break.
Please stay connected to Hewes by checking our website and following us on Instagram @heweshighlanders for the latest information and news.
Sahra Tanikawa, Principal
Mr.Kramer - Thank you for your dedication to helping our students grow. You meet them where they are and guide them toward improvement. Your flexibility and creativity make a meaningful impact, allowing students to thrive. We appreciate how you challenge them to think while providing the support they need to succeed. Hewes is fortunate to have you on our team!
Highlander for the Day!
The Hewes staff is recognizing HIGHLANDERS “H” FOR A DAY AWARD! Highlander for a Day is a program at Hewes Middle School that celebrates students for incredible moments in the areas of Respect, Responsibility, and Results.
Hewes Teacher of the Year
Tickets MUST be purchased by Thursday, February 6th
Tickets are $5 and are sold in first period
Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year
This week our counselors began working on registration for the 2025-2026 school year with our current 6th and 7th grade students. Presentations and information were shared in PE and course selection forms went home with 6th grade students on Monday and 7th grade students on Tuesday. The information presented to students was emailed home and can also be found on the registration page of the Hewes website. All forms are due to your child's current core teacher on Monday, February 3rd.
School Site Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, February 3rd at 3pm in the library
High School Registration Information
ELOP - Extended Learning Opportunities Program
Sixth-grade families interested in the ELOP after-school program need to reach out to Nancy Roman at the YMCA. The best way to connect is to email her directly at nroman@ymcaoc.org. She will be able to provide information about eligibility and registration.
Import Dates to Remember
- Saturday, February 1 - TPSF Pickle Ball Tournament & Robotics Tournament
- Monday, February 3 - Course Selection Forms Due to 6th & 7th Grade Core Teachers
- Monday, February 3 - School Site Council Meeting @3pm in the library
- Tuesday, February 4 - Boys Basketball Scrimmage @ Pioneer 3:30pm-5pm
- Tuesday, February 4 - Choir Performance, Knights on the Radio at Foothill 7pm
- Thursday, February 6 - Girls Basketball Scrimmage @ Pioneer 3:30pm-5pm
- Thursday, February 6 - Choir Performance, Knights on the Radio at Foothill 7pm
- Friday, February 7 - ASB Valentine's Day Dance - 2:45pm - 4pm
- Wednesday, February 12 - Chick-fil-A fundraiser
- Friday, February 14 and Monday, February 17 - Presidents Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL
- Wednesday, February 19 - Breakfast Club @8:15am in the MPR all are welcome
- Wednesday, February 19 - Knight at the Museum - 7th grade presentations @6pm
- Monday, February 24 - Friday, February 28 - Conference Week - Minimum Days Mo/Tu/Th/Fr
- Wednesday, February 26 - Basketball City Finals - Momentus Sports during the school day
The Board of Education desires to provide a safe school environment that allows all students equal access and opportunities in the District’s academic, extracurricular, and other educational support programs, services, and activities. The Board prohibits, at any District school or school activity, unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying, targeted at any student by anyone, based on the student's actual race or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, immigration status, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital status, parental status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics
Website: https://hewes.tustin.k12.ca.us/
Location: 13232 Hewes Avenue, Santa Ana, CA, USA
Instagram: @heweshighlanders
FaceBook: Hewes Middle School
Phone: (714) 730-7348