Crystal Springs Beep! Beep! Blast
January 2023 Parent Newsletter
Principal Message
Jan 2023
Dear Roadrunner Families,
Happy New Year and welcome back from break! Crystal Springs staff and I hope each of you stayed safe during the inclement weather and enjoyed your time with family and friends over the holidays creating positive memories to look back on in years to come. While it was nice to spend some quality time with my own family, it was a great feeling to welcome back 500 smiling faces last week. Seeing students excited to be back at Crystal Springs causes me to pause and appreciate all the efforts of staff, students, and parents alike in creating our positive learning community.I look forward to our continued partnership!
As we return, the end of the first semester is fast approaching, concluding on Friday, January 27th. Report cards for the first semester will be sent home with students on Friday, February 3rd. The information within the report card is more robust as compared to your child’s progress report from the fall. For assistance in understanding the scores provided, please see review the following documents based on your child’s grade level:
You may find the information provided similar to the conversations held during conferences as your child continues to make steady progress. As a result of the home-school partnership, you may also find that your child has made strong progress in an area that was once a challenge. If your child has encountered an area of challenge since conferences, consider having a conversation with your child about holding a growth mindset in this area. To learn more about growth mindset and/or strategies to support your child, we encourage you to explore the following links:
Taking a team approach to this work will support students in both hearing and using the same language when at home and at school. All of us praising effort will help students shift their thought process from “I can’t” to “I can”! Together, we prepare students to reach their full potential.
Keep Smiling,
Ali Airhart, Principal
Crystal Springs Elementary
In This Issue
- Dates to Remember
- In the Know!
- Kindergarten and New Student 2023-2024 Registration
- ParentSquare Communication Tool
- PACE information
- Sorenson Head Start Programs
- Sorenson Ready Start
- Visitor and Volunteers
- Roadrunner Pantry
- Are you Moving?
- Attendance Information.
- In Appreciation
- PTA News
- District News
Dates to Remember
Important Events in January
- Early Release Wednesday
- January 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th
- Martin Luther King Assembly, January 13, 1:35-2:05
- No School - Martin Luther King Jr Day
- Monday, January 16th
- First Semester Ends
- Friday, January 27th
- No School - Teacher Grading Day
- Monday, January 30th
Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming February Events
- Early Release 12:35pm - Elementary Conference
- Friday, February 10th
- No School - Presidents Day
- Monday, February 20th
- No School - Mid Winter Break
- Tuesday, February 21st - Friday, February 24th
Kindergarten and New Student 2023-2024 Registration
Kindergarten Registration and New student Registration for the 2023-2024 school year will begin the end of February 2023.
Please check the district website for updates/availability:
ParentSquare Communication Tool
Northshore launching ParentSquare communications tool for families and secondary students
Crystal Springs Elementary and Northshore School District are committed to continually evaluating and improving our communication services and support for families and students.
We are excited to announce that the District has adopted a new communication tool called ParentSquare. This multilingual communications platform is designed to keep families, guardians, staff, and middle and high school students informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with our school and the District.
ParentSquare will go live on January 23, 2023 for the District and our school office.
ParentSquare will provide families and students streamlined communications, responsive to your needs including, but not limited to:
● Communication in your preferred language;
● Messages from our school or the District via email, text, or app notification;
● Opportunity to receive information as it is sent, or all at once with a daily digest at the end of the day;
● Ability to reply to staff directly from a post (similar to social media) in the app;
● Direct messaging to staff; and
● Ability to sign up for conferences, sign forms, permission slips, and much more all from your mobile device or computer.
How to Get Started with ParentSquare
You can activate your ParentSquare account in three ways:
Option 1:
● Use the email (or text message if you do not have an email on file with the District) that was sent to you on Jan. 9 from the sender ParentSquare, inviting you to join the platform.
○ When you click the button that reads “Activate your account” in the email, you will be asked to create a password and login using the email address you have on file with the District.
Option 2:
● Visit the ParentSquare website and use the email account or phone number you have on file with the District to activate your account; or
Option 3:
● Download the ParentSquare app on your iOS or Android phone and request activation. To take full advantage of ParentSquare’s functionality we recommend everyone downloads the ParentSquare app for even easier access to school and District information.
Once you have activated your account, ParentSquare will connect you to your student(s) enrolled in our school and any other schools in Northshore.
After you’re logged into your account, you can also access help articles for more information on navigating and using ParentSquare.
Need Help Activating your Account or Have Questions?
If you would like assistance activating your account, district staff will be available to walk you through the registration steps during two ParentSquare Q&A sessions this month:
● Wednesday, Jan. 11, 6-7 p.m. on Zoom (
● Tuesday, Jan. 17, 6-7:30 p.m. at the Northshore Administrative Center, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway in Bothell.
More information about ParentSquare and a FAQ (including an overview of Northshore student technology applications) can be found on our District’s website. Students in middle and high school will use StudentSquare within the new communication platform. Information about StudentSquare will be shared with families later this week and sent directly to your student.
We look forward to sharing more information and connecting with you on ParentSquare soon!
Ali Airhart
PACE at Lockwood Elementary
PACE Application Deadline For The 2023-2024 School Year
PACE (Parents Active in Cooperative Education), a choice educational enrichment program offered through the Northshore School District, is currently accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year. All applications are due prior to the February 9th PACE lottery drawing deadline, and a site tour is required prior to application.
The hallmarks of PACE include an enhanced educational experience due to high parent involvement, enrichment activities, encouragement for students to become self-motivated learners and a strong sense of community among families. Families commit to a minimum number of volunteer hours per year of program support. PACE is located at three elementary school sites in the district with feeder patterns from all Northshore elementary schools.
A tour is required prior to applying to the PACE program. To register for a site tour hosted by PACE at Lockwood Elementary, please email
For more information about the PACE program, please visit
Sorenson Head Start, ECEA, Ready Start
Northshore School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition
filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials
including attorney's fees and judgments or awards.
Early Childhood Education
Head Start, ECEAP (Early Childhood Education and
Assistance Program) and Ready Start are early
learning programs that provide many free services to
eligible 3-5 yr. old children and their families.
Call one our Family Support Specialists to see if you are eligible:
Woodmoor Elementary
Sheriece Simon: 425-408-6072
Kendra Rodriguez (Spanish): 425-408-5678
Kenmore Elementary
Stephanie Gonwa: 425-408-4829
Emily Birchman (Spanish): 425-408-4862
Sorenson Early Childhood Center
Erinn Zavaglia (Spanish): 425-408-5566
WA 98011
Sorenson and Woodmoor Elementary Ready Start Programs
The Ready Start program is a blended multi-age, inclusive model, serving students, ages 3 – 5.
We are currently enrolling at both locations (Sorenson and Woodmoor Elementary) for the 22/23 school year. Classrooms are taught and supported by a general education teacher, a special education teacher, and a para-professional. Inclusive classrooms create a dynamic learning environment for all students. The average class size is 16 students, with class make-up of 8 students with Individual Education Program, 4 students who pay tuition, and 4 students who are income eligible. Classrooms utilize The Creative Curriculum & Teaching Strategies GOLD Assessment Tool. The staff is committed to fostering student learning and cultivating friendships while creating a sense of community for our students. Utilizing developmentally appropriate teaching strategies to support a whole child approach to learning an inclusive environment, fosters high levels of student learning and social and emotional growth for all students.
The application can be found on the Northshore School District website @
or contact Sorenson at (425) 408-5570
Return all forms including deposit to:
Sorenson Early Childhood Center
19705 88th Ave NE Bothell, WA 98011
Sessions times:
- 8:00 am - 10:30 am
- 11:45 am -2:15 pm
- Children must be 3.5 by August 31st
- Toilet Trained
- Parent Transportation
- Birth Certificate
- Certificate of Immunization
- No Kindergarten Eligible Students
Tuition Cost:
$300 per month
Visitors and Volunteers
If you plan on chaperoning a field trip, you need Level 2 Volunteer status.
To complete the forms at:
Roadrunner Pantry
Happy Fall Roadrunner families!
The Care Team at Crystal Spring would like to let you know that the Roadrunner Pantry is up and running again this year. We have shelf stable food, paper products, hygiene products and more.
If you would like to come to check it out, please contact Nurse Jamey at 425-408-4306 or You can also come to the office and ask to visit the pantry between 9:30 and 3:30. Times are changing here in the Bothell area with inflation, rent increases, cost of gas, etc., we want to give families in need, a little relief by offering these household products.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Nurse Jamey. Make it a Great Day Roadrunner Families!!
Are You Moving?
Information needed:
- Staying within the Crystal Springs service area, please notify our Registrar, Lynnea Webb at and complete the Change of Address form.
- Moving outside of the Crystal Springs Service area please notify our Registrar, Lynnea Webb at as soon as possible.
Please keep your students information current (new address, phone number, emails, and/or emergency contact) by contacting the office or updating in ParentVUE.
Attendance Information
When your child is absent or tardy from school, please call our 24-hour phone line at 425-408-4310 or email and copy your students teacher. Please leave a message or send an email by 9:00am. If your student is arriving late. Please provide the following information:
- Student Name, Student ID and Teacher
- Parent Name and Contact Information
- Reason for absent or tardy
Students arriving Late to school:
There are a large number of students arriving late to school. Please try to have your students here by 9:20, when the first bell rings. 9:25 is the late bell. If driving them and traffic issues are causing the tardies, you can try putting your student on the bus. Arriving late is a disruption to the morning routine for your student and the classroom learning environment. Thank you!
Prearranged/Extended Absences:
In the event that your child will miss more than three (3) consecutive school days for a reason other than health or medical issues, complete and submit the Request for Excused Absence form at least two week before the first planned day of absence.
Change in After School Plan:
If there is a change in your child's after school plan, and how they will be getting home, parents/guardians must send a note or email to your student's teacher in advance. You may also email by 2:30pm.
Thank you!!
Thank you for all your help!
- Stacy Jordon for sorting and labeling all the Lost and Found coats
- PTA: Thank you for all your support of teachers and staff!
Lost and Found
All items in the lost & found are available to view on the Lost & Found page on the PTA website. Check it out today and help us reunite your student with their stuff in 3 easy steps:
- Visit the webpage to view the inventory
- If something is yours, fill out the form at the bottom of the page
- PTA will deliver the item to your child’s classroom!
PTA Facebook Group
Please join our PTA Facebook group to stay in the know! You can find us by searching Crystal Springs PTA 6.10.15.
Signing Up to Volunteer
If you are interested in volunteering for the District, please be sure to submit your volunteer application at least a week in advance for Level 1 checks and at least two weeks for Level 2 (for chaperoning field trips) checks. There is still a bit of a delay with the processing of background checks, so the sooner you submit your application the better chance you have of your application being approved before your intended volunteer activity. Click here to become a volunteer.
Need Mental Health Support?
You are not alone. There are community supports for mental health, suicide prevention, substance abuse, self-harm and more. Click here for more information.