KMS Newsletter Template

From Mr. Morrow's Desk
We hope everyone had a great holiday break. We want to remind you that Monday, January 6th, 2025, is the start of 2nd semester, so to continue check ParentVue, in Synergy, to continue to monitor your child's progress. By using ParentVue, you can also view individual assignments for each class, see missing assignments, check attendance, and see your student's behavioral history. If for some reason you do not have access to the ParentVue, please visit the office and we will provide you with the details you will need to sign up.
The KMS Parent Teacher Group is still looking for parents who would like to join and help support the teachers in our building! For anyone interested, please contact Mr. Morrow at cmorrow@kvilleps.org or call (616)532-1575.
School Closings
In the event of inclement weather, please check the following media stations to determine the status of KELLOGGSVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS for the day:
Websites - kvilleps.org or K'Ville's Facebook
Radio - WOOD
Television - WOOD, WOTV or WZZM
From Mrs. Lanser's Desk
Happy New Year! This is a great opportunity for students to reflect on 2024 and set new goals for the future. Many students may set goals for attendance and grades, but it is also important to remember behavior. Now is a good time to talk to your student about how to treat others and remember that KMS does not tolerate mean behavior or bullying. We understand that students may have conflicts from time to time and we encourage them to seek adult counseling through the counseling office, restorative justice, and the main office. Teachers are always available to assist students in any way possible.
What is Happening in the Counseling Office?
Congratulations to Yanireliss Torres Camacho and Addyson English who were the KMS spelling bee winner and runner up. These students will take an online test in February as part of the county-wide spelling bee competition. Congratulations to all the students who participated in the bee!
The school counselors are available to support all students with academics, social-emotional needs, mental health or anything else they need. If you have concerns about your child that you would like to discuss with a school counselor, please reach out by calling the main office or sending an email: Laura Kuperus (Lkuperus@kvilleps.org) or Emily Tuttle (etuttle@kvilleps.org).
7th Grade News
Seventh grade field trip to Chicago:
Seventh grade students have had the opportunity to raise funds by selling candy bars and gourmet popcorn to help pay for their field trip to Chicago at the end of May. All money raised and any unsold items should have been turned in before Christmas break. Phone calls will be made home if this has not happened. At the beginning of the second semester we will do a second round of selling chocolate. Informational letters will be sent home with behavioral criteria and grades in order to attend the field trip. Students will also receive letters during the third quarter indicating their remaining balance, which does not have to be paid until May 1. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. McKay or Mr. Padilla at 532-1575 or by email: emckay@kvilleps.org or mpadilla@kvilleps.org
8th Grade News
Eighth Grade Field Trip to Mackinac
Eighth grade students have had the opportunity to raise funds by selling a variety of snacks and candy to help pay for their field trip to Mackinac Island at the end of May. All money raised and any unsold items should be turned in by Friday March 28th. Phone calls will be made home if this has not happened. As we get closer to the trip informational letters will be sent home to students and parents including reminders of behavioral and grade criteria in order to attend the field trip. Students and parents will also receive the remaining balance for the trip, which does not have to be paid until after spring break. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs.Blaskis or Mrs.Montano at 532-1575 or by email: bblaskis@kvilleps.org or mmontano@kvilleps.org
News from the Attendance Coordinator
One of the State of Michigan's truancy laws: Prefers that students miss no more than ten days during the entire school year. This includes excused and unexcused absences. Although school-related absences, field trips, tests, and medical appointments (with documentation) do not count toward truancy, please keep in mind the importance of your child attending daily.
As a reminder:
Attendance is important... Every minute counts!
When you miss a day... it counts!
When you miss a class... it counts!
When you are late to class or leave early...it counts!
Thank you for helping your student be in class as much as possible!