Kuehnle Chronicle
24/25 Issue 7
Happy New Year!
As we welcome 2025, it’s a wonderful time to reflect on the many ways we’ve grown together as a school community. Your partnership, whether through supporting learning at home, attending school events, or encouraging our students to strive for their best, is deeply valued and appreciated.
Thank you for all you do to help our students and school thrive. I wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and fulfilling year ahead.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Elbert
Kuehnle Principal
School Hours
School Starts at 8:10 am.
School Ends at 3:25 pm.
Students may enter the building at 7:45 am.
Front office hours: 7:45-4:00 pm
Important Dates
January 7: PTO Spirit Night Altitude
January 8: Classes resume for students
January 10: Quarter 2 Report Cards posted to Skyward Family Access
January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, No School
January 22: PTO Spirit Night Chick-fil-A
January 24: PTO Winter Dance Family Event 5:30-7pm-Cafeteria
January 27-31: Great Kindness Challenge
February 3: Lifetouch Spring Individual and Classroom Picture Day
February 4: 100th day of school
Kuehnle Brag Button
We invite all community members and families to take a moment to recognize and celebrate our amazing teachers and staff.
Please fill out the form to share your appreciation. This form will be open all year long and will be in each edition of our Kuehnle Chronicle.
Your responses will be compiled and shared with the entire school community, highlighting the dedication and hard work of our staff. Thank you for helping us celebrate those who make a difference every day!
Kuehnle Tardy Procedures
We want to thank you for your continued support in ensuring our students are ready and prepared to begin their day on time. As a reminder, the school day begins promptly at 8:10 AM. Students arriving after the tardy bell rings at 8:10 AM will be marked tardy.
Additionally, any student arriving after 8:30 AM must be accompanied into the building by a parent or guardian to be signed in. This policy helps ensure the safety and accountability of all students.
We encourage all families to plan ahead to allow enough time for morning routines and traffic, so students can arrive at school ready to learn. Thank you for your cooperation and partnership in supporting our school community!
School Cafe
Klein ISD will continue using Schoolcafe for lunch accounts. Click HERE for updates this school year.
SchoolCafe, is an all-in-one portal that allows families to complete meal benefits applications, deposit funds to their student’s lunch account, view meal transaction information in real- time and more!
Please click on links below for how to sign up and set up your account.
How to apply for meal benefits (free & reduced lunch): Click HERE Or HERE
How to make payments in Schoolcafe: Click Video How TO
You will need the following information to sign up for Schoolcafe:
● 6 digit student ID* Skyward includes an “s”. Do not include this when enrolling in SchoolCafe
â—Ź Last name of student
â—Ź Enrolled campus
Click HERE to find your child’s ID Number and select the Skyward application.
If you choose to send money to the campus for your student’s account, please place the money or check in a sealed envelope and label with the following : Child’s First and Last Name, Teacher’s Name, Grade and Amount Enclosed. Student lunch prices is $2.50 and breakfast price is $1.50
Kuehnle Spelling Bee
The 2024-2025 Kuehnle Spelling Bee took place on Friday, December 6th. Participants included students from 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade who had placed in the top 12 at the campus “Qualifier Bee”. The students who participated from 3rd grade were Arhaan Jamil, Sean Rhesty Beatriz, Karl Boungue, and Schuyler Pernites. The 4th grade participants were Olivia Boykin, Fiyin Kuku, and Mason Martinez. From 5th grade, Iva Savannah, Nazir Than, Pierre Hayes, Micah Juarez, and Louie Evans.
After 20 rounds, our runner-up was Fiyin Kuku and our champion was Nazir Than with a winning word of “grotesque”! Nazir will go on to represent Kuehnle in the district spelling bee on Tuesday, January 28th at the Klein Multipurpose Center. Way to spell, Koalas! Your Kuehnle family is so proud of you all!
Kuehnle PTO Spirit Night Altitude
Kuehnle PTO Spirit Night Chick-fil-A
Kuehnle PTO Winter Disco Dance Family Event
🎉 Get Ready to Boogie! 🎉
Join us for a Winter Disco on January 24 from 5:30-7:00pm
Get ready for a night of fun and dancing that's guaranteed to be a blast!
- Free Entry for Kuehnle Families
- Enjoy complimentary food while supplies last
- In the Cafeteria
- DJ
- Photo Booth
Don’t miss out on the fun—mark your calendars!
Great Kindness Challenge
Join us as we celebrate kindness week at Kuehnle by participating in the following dress up days.
Become a Volunteer at Kuehnle
We đź’— Our Kuehnle Volunteers!
Be a Kuehnle volunteer! We offer many ways for parents and community members to volunteer such as parent readers, Watch Dog Dads, helping hands and much more.
Ensuring the safety of our students is our top priority. Having our volunteers complete a background check is one of many ways that we assure safety and security in our schools.
All volunteers must submit a new application each school year
Click HERE for more information and to complete the annual required process.
Kuehnle Yearbooks are on sale NOW.
Soft Cover: $22.00*
Hard Cover: $28.02*
*Price does not include sales tax
To purchase your Yearbook now click HERE. or go to www.treering.com
Passcode is: 1016534883652460
See image attached for more information.
Questions? Please email kuehnlememorybook@gmail.com
PTO Membership
We would love for you to join Kuhenle PTO! By joining and paying your membership dues, we are able to do so many wonderful things for the students and staff at Kuehnle. We appreciate all of our Koala families.
Birthday Snacks
Klein ISD permits parents/guardians or grandparents to supply birthday snacks for their child’s birthday through the Klein ISD Food Service Department. Please email our food service manager at dyoung1@kleinisd.net for more info and a list of items available.
Birthday snacks will be distributed for the entire class at the end of the lunch period, after students have had a nutritious meal as defined by the School Lunch Program and Texas Department of Agriculture.
Written consent from a parent/guardian must be obtained before a student will be permitted to have a birthday treat. (Sent in the 1st day packet.)
Two weeks notice is required for ordering birthday snacks through Klein ISD food service.
Print this form and turn in to our Kuehnle food service manager, Mrs. Young.
Click HERE for the form.
Campus Safety & Security
In accordance with Klein ISD safe and secure policies, A valid driver’s license must be shown at the front door before entering the building. All visitors to our campus must ring the doorbell, identify themself, give student's name, provide reason for visit, and show their valid photo I.D. Please do not allow individuals not in your group to enter behind you. Once inside the building, check in at our front office and your license will be scanned if you are visiting any area past the front office. Name tags will be provided which should be visible on the front of the shirt and worn at all times by all visitors. Please use the main entrance (near the flagpole) to enter and exit the building. Thank you for helping keep our campus safe and secure.