Morgan Messenger
Week of August 11th
Dear DMIS Families,
Thank you to all the families who joined us for our Back to School Open House! It was wonderful to meet so many of you, and we are thrilled to welcome all our students back on Monday morning. We are excited to kick off the new school year and can't wait to see the energy and enthusiasm our students will bring to DMIS!
It is mandatory that all annual notifications must be completed in PowerSchool this year. If you need assistance logging in to complete these documents, please do not hesitate to contact the school. Your cooperation in completing these notifications is greatly appreciated, as it helps us ensure we have the most current information for your student. All forms must be signed in order to issue your student a Chromebook during our first week. Additionally, please take a moment to review the WPS Parent & Student Handbook to familiarize yourself with important policies and procedures for the school year.
Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
The doors to the school will open at 8:00 AM on August 12. Families should follow the map below for the car rider line to ensure a safe and quick process. It is important for parents to stay in their vehicles and fill the loop completely. Students will exit the door closest to the sidewalk. All cars in the loop should empty regardless of location within the loop so that we can completely fill for the next group. Due to a number of unsafe car situations in previous years in both the morning and afternoon, all parking lots on the Daniel Morgan Campus will be closed for parking during morning arrival and afternoon pickup. Parents are not to park in the lots between 7:50-8:15 AM or 3:00-3:30 PM. Anyone who parks and waits for their child will be required to move. In addition, transportation changes will not be accepted after 2:30 PM. All students leaving early must do so before 2:45 PM. Students may not be picked up early between 2:45 PM and 3:30 PM. Thank you for your cooperation, as safety is our top priority.
Bus Information
We have received several requests for information about bus stop locations and times. Please see the link below to find the stops for your student or click this link to look up the stop for your specific address. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the transportation department for assistance.
Student Dress Code
Our dress code can be found on Page 27 of our Parent/Student Handbook, which details the acceptable school dress code under School Board Policy JFC - Student Code of Conduct Policy. Here are some key points:
Clothing must cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit, down to 3 inches in length on the upper thighs (see image below). Tops must have shoulder straps.
Shoes must be worn at all times and should be safe for the school environment (pajamas, bedroom shoes, or slippers shall not be worn, except for school activities approved by the principal).
See-through or mesh garments must not be worn without appropriate coverage underneath that meets the minimum requirements of the dress code.
Headgear, including hats, hoodies, and caps, are not allowed unless permitted for religious, medical, or other reasons by school administration.
Personal Electronic Devices
Please remind your students that personal electronic devices should be turned off and put away during the school day. We want to ensure that our students are focused on their learning and minimizing distractions. Personally owned electronic devices, including but not limited to laptops, tablets, iPods, iPads, cell phones, smart watches, and other internet connected personal devices shall adhere to this policy. Using devices during the school day will lead to removal and a request for parent pick up of the device. If you need to contact your child, please feel free to call the front office.
Schedule Adjustments
Schedule change requests must be made through an administrator. Please be aware that schedule adjustment requests will not be accepted after Friday, August 23rd
Thank you for your attention to these important details as we prepare for a successful school year. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming our students back to DMIS!
Warm Regards,
Sam Gates
📆 Our Schedule This Week
- August 8th: DMIS Open House
- August 12th: First day of school for students
- August 13th: Begin Student Chromebook distribution
- August 14th: Fire drill & PBIS Assembly (1:40-3:00)
- August 16th: Lock down drill
🗓 Coming Up!
- August 20th: Fire drill
- August 22-29th: 5th Graders attend STARBASE (more info coming soon)
- August 22nd: DMMS Cross Country at Home
- August 24th: DMMS Girls Basketball Scrimmage @ Aylor
🍕 Weekly Lunch Menu
💡 Reminders
August 12th is our first day of school. Students should be here by 8:15.
- What was the best part of your day?
- Tell me something you know today that you didn't know yesterday.
- What did you do to make someone smile today?