Westwood Weekly
December 8, 2024
Westwood High School
Email: fossittc@nice.k12.mi.us
Website: https://nice.k12.mi.us/
Location: 300 Westwood Drive, Ishpeming, MI, USA
Phone: 906.485.1023
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/niceschools
Scheduling Update
Elementary Holiday Concert
On Thursday, December 12, Aspen Ridge Elementary will hold thier annual Holiday Concert at Westwood High School. There is no student parking at WHS that day. Students should park at Aspen Ridge and walk to Westwood. Thank you for your understanding.
Friday, December 13th
Students are released at 11:55 pm on Friday, December 13th for staff professional development.
WHS Holiday Concerts
The WHS Holiday Band Concert will be held on December 18th at 7:00 pm in the Patriot Performing Arts Theater.
The WHS Chorus and VIM Holiday Concert will take place at 7:00pm on December 19th in the Patriot Performing Arts Theater.
Christmas Break Schedule
This is a reminder the last day of school before Christmas break is Friday, December 20. This year we have a full two weeks off and will return to school on Monday, January 6th.
Patriot Online Academy Update
Students who are planning on taking a Patriot Online Academy class in the 2nd semester, please pick up an application from the office.