Cortland Eagle Express 💛🖤💛
September 2 - September 6
Message from the Principal
SCSC will be participating in the ILEARN Checkpoints for grades three and four. This is a pilot program through the Indiana Department of Education. Our 3rd and 4th graders will be taking ELA and Math assessments three times this year. The purpose of the assessments is to see how our students are performing on essential standards. The teachers will use this data to help drive their instruction and provide remediation for students who have not yet mastered certain standards. The assessments will be 20-25 questions for each subject area. Our first checkpoint window is September 16-27. Attached below is more information provided from the Indiana Department of Education.
Extra Curricular Activities
Practices - during bus stations
Tuesday, September 3rd
Thursday, September 5th
Race dates 9/07, 9/14, and 9/21 at the Grassy Fork Trails (at Freeman Field)
Running Club Members: 1st Grade: Daniel H., Max K., Eli M., Payton S., 2nd Grade: Asher B., Gunner J., Lettie M., William S., Claire T., 3rd Grade: Cameron G., Charlena J., Curry K., Colton R., Jude R., Kinzley T., Luke W., 4th Grade: Carter C.
Practices - during bus stations
Monday, September 9th
Thursday, September 11th
Cortland Robotics Team Members: 3rd Grade: Macee F., Cameron G., Oliver K., Curry K., Colton R., 4th Grade: Olive C., Thatcher D., Jacob H., Xavier M., Gabriel M., Alden M., Emily M.
Cortland Eagles Information - Click on icons below
Message From The Cafeteria
Lunch Menu - A copy of the lunch menu for the month will be sent home with the youngest sibling. This will have both breakfast and lunch options.
Lunch Letters - Lunch letters will be emailed on Fridays. Only if your child’s account balance would fall below $10.00
There will also be a link to access the SCSC Food Services website, that will have the lunch menu, free/reduced application, plus other information from SCSC Food Services, in the Cortland Eagle Express and Wings to Soar.
Cortland Breakfast & Lunch Menu
My Payments Plus
Meal account deposits for lunch, milk and extras. Please discuss with your child to let them know if they are allowed to have extras if there is money available in their account.
Free & Reduced School Meals Application (2024-2025 School Year)
Cortland PTO News
We have not received the Butter Braid/Cookie Dough order form sheets yet from 1st Class
Fundraisers. We should receive them on Tuesday and will get them sent out to you as soon as
possible. Please watch your child's backpacks next week for the paper copy of the forms. I have
attached a copy of the information sheet and flyers below for your convenience.
Lost and Found
SCSC Information and Important Forms
Important Printable forms
Forms can be printed or filled out online and emailed to the office at kleberb@scsc.k12.in.us
After School Community Opportunities
Seymour Community Schools Athletics and Performance Information
Click on the link to see when and where you can watch our Cortland Alumni.
Seymour High School Fall Sports - Cortland Alumni
Lady Owls Cross Country - AnnMarie Shuler (Junior), Izabella Long, Aidda Schepman (Freshman)
Lady Owls Soccer - Elsie Herbert (Sophomore)
Cortland School Hours
7:45 AM - Arrival Bell (Students should report to the cafeteria for breakfast or gym)
7:45 AM - 8:10 AM Breakfast served
8:00 AM - Office Opens
8:15 AM - Tardy Bell (Parents must sign their student in by scanning the QR code and filling out the Check-in form. You can click on the QR code can also be clicked on to go straight to the form to fill out or save on your smartphone.)
8:15 AM - Classroom instruction begins
3:15 PM - Dismissal Bell (Kids Klub, Car riders & Early bus)
3:25 PM - Bus Stations
4:00 PM - Late Bus
4:00 PM - Office closed