Mustang Tales
Parent Monthly Newsletter, Manitou Springs Elementary School
December 2024
As we move through this holiday season, I am reminded daily of the incredible community we have here at MSES. I am grateful for our amazing staff, dedicated families, and the shared commitment to creating a nurturing environment for our students to thrive.
A special thank-you to everyone who joined us for our Veterans Day program. The turnout from veterans and families was truly heartwarming. Mr. Trammel did a remarkable job weaving together veterans’ heartfelt testimonies, the voices of our students, the Boy Scout color guard, the moving notes of Taps, and the Armed Services songs into a meaningful and memorable performance. It was a powerful way of showing the importance of honoring those who serve.
I’m also deeply grateful for the creative collaboration that brought the Peace Canes Project to life in our Arts Plaza. This delightful display, featuring countless hours of origami paper folding, reflects the dedication and teamwork of our students, with some folding over 50 pieces! A huge thank-you to Carrie Dunlap for her leadership and vision in bringing this beautiful symbol of peace and unity to fruition.
A huge thank-you to our Parent Action Committee (PAC), under the leadership of Sarah Luggie, for hosting the amazing Maniboo—our spirited school carnival! This fun-filled event brought together about 200 attendees of all ages, creating memories while supporting a great cause. Thanks to your participation and generosity, we raised an impressive $2,900 to fund teacher grants and special projects that directly benefit our students. Whether you joined in the games, explored the activities, or simply came to share in the joy of the evening, your involvement made all the difference.
A heartfelt thank-you to many of our parents that shared their time and talents:
Cambria DeVoy, who guided all of our art classes in creating a school tapestry while teaching students about weaving and supporting emotional regulation.
Dr. Kimberly DeLaHarpe, who wowed us with her knowledge of physics “magic” during our TEAMs program and Maniboo Fun Night.
Elizabeth Coggins, who presented to 2nd graders about government systems and the election process, inspiring future civic leaders.
Ben Engelhardt, who shared his firefighting expertise during the 2nd-grade smokejumper focus, sparking curiosity about this heroic career.
Dan Stuart, who dedicates time every week to tutoring reading, both during and after school, helping students develop essential skills and confidence.
Your contributions and support remind us of the power of a vibrant community. Together, we can provide unique, hands-on experiences that deepen learning and foster connection. If you’d like to share your knowledge, skills, or volunteer time, we’d love to have you join us! Please fill out our survey, and we’ll find the perfect opportunity to plug you in. Share your Skill, Knowledge or Talent with MSES: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1BCsFjazB786yGPNzNhJWo0b8BPROcghNFaglnI3ojZY
We truly are better together!
Wishing you the best of the holiday season,
Carolyn Leyes, Principal
Jenny Sueppel, Assistant Principal
Kindergarten students have been cruising along learning how to read! They are getting better and better every single day learning new high-frequency words and how to "crack the code" to practice fluent reading. In math, students are comparing many objects and discussing the differences between their lengths, heights, and weights. Their previous number sense learning is coming in handy as they put numerical values to their comparisons. We are also exploring our five senses and how each one helps us understand and experience the world around us. We are looking forward to coming together for our annual Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast right before we all head off for Thanksgiving Break with our families.
1st Grade
First grade has been busy learning about what it means to be a good community member. We have learned about lots of different types of people that live and work in our communities. We have talked a lot about how when we exhibit the qualities of good citizenship, the communities we live in become safer and more enjoyable. Some values we have learned about are: being honest, respectful, responsible, and making positive contributions to our learning and local communities. We also got a chance to have Officer Thomson come in and talk about how he helps keep our community safe! He even gave us cool light up siren balls!
In math, we have been working on number fact families and learning how you can use the three numbers in a number bond to make four different math problems. If you put 9, 3, and 6 into a number bond, you can create two addition problems: 3+6=9 and 6+3=9. AND you can create two subtraction problems: 9-3=6 and 9-6=3. We have been practicing counting on and counting back. We are working hard on our math facts within 10 with addition and subtraction.
In writing, we have been practicing drawing what we want to write about, mapping out what we should write first, next, and last, and then finally writing full sentences to let our readers know about the topic of the week. Last week we wrote about three places we would like to visit in our communities.
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
Third Grade continues to strengthen reading and writing skills using Benchmark Advance. Skills include key details and main idea, distinguishing between important and unimportant information, verb tenses, and many other metacognitive skills. Our reading text has focused on the question: Why do people participate in government? We read about the community coming together to save Fargo, North Dakota from a flood, voting and activists. Students are writing about the three branches of government or an activist.
In Math, we continue to work on understanding place value in order to add and subtract using many strategies. Students are continuing to work on multiplication and division facts through skip counting. Sometimes, we use Youtube videos that are skip-counting songs.
4th Grade
In Math, we are wrapping up Module 2: Place Value Concepts for Multiplication and Division. We have covered solving for area and perimeter of a rectangle or square, and learned about measurement conversions for customary units of length. We have also learned about how to determine factors and multiples of numbers, as well as the difference between prime and composite numbers.
In ELA, we are halfway through Unit 3: Government in Action! Students are reading a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to learn more about how governments influence the way we live. In Reading, we are developing the skills of summarizing, differentiating between important and unimportant information, determining the main idea and supporting key details, and more! In Writing, we are planning for an informative essay in which students choose a problem that affects citizens of our country and research solutions that our government has determined to help solve the problem. Ask your fourth grader which problem they are researching and why!
5th Grade
Fifth grade has been busy! Our current Benchmark unit on The Constitution and Voting Rights couldn’t have happened at a better time. Cross curricular activities allowed the students to view a video on the history of voting beginning in 1789 up through the 1970’s! A timeline was created to organize the events. Skittles supported multiplication of fractions and whole numbers in math! We are looking forward to the holiday concert on 12/17 at 5pm. All students are expected to perform! They have been working very hard! We wish you a gobbling Thanksgiving break!
☮ A Thousand Cranes: A Symbol of Peace & Unity ☮
We’re excited to share that A Thousand Cranes is now on display at the MSES Art Plaza!
This stunning installation features 1,000 origami cranes, each one carefully folded and decorated by our talented 3rd-5th grade students. Inspired by the Japanese legend that promises a wish to those who fold a thousand cranes, this project embodies our collective hope for peace, unity, and understanding. It’s a powerful testament to the beauty of art collaboration!
Coinciding with International Day of Peace on September 21st and the start of our year-long focus on community building, this installation represents the values of love, kindness, and hope. Through their artwork, our students are making a meaningful contribution to peace—both locally and globally.
The installation will be on display through the end of the year. At next year’s Meet the Teacher, the individual cranes will be passed forward during our welcome back festivities. We invite you to visit and witness the power of art and community.
Many students went above and beyond in their spare time to help reach the goal of 1,000 cranes! [Not pictured: June and Casen]
We have been working on our upcoming Winter concerts!
- K, 1st and 2nd grade students perform on Monday, December 16th from 5-6PM
- 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students perform on Tuesday, December 17th from 5-6PM
We look forward to seeing you there and please reach out to dtramel@mssd14.org if you have any questions! Thanks!
*Concert black
-Concert black attire includes black shoes, pants, shirts, and dresses. I do not want families to have to shop for these events so as close to black dress attire is completely acceptable! It does not have to be dress clothes and if there are logos or the clothing is mostly black, that is perfectly fine! For example, if a student only has white shoes, black pants and a blue shirt, THEY WILL STILL PERFORM!
On Beyond
The students are learning how to throw a ball. We had a blast playing dodgeball. The students are also learning the skills and rules of kickball. Thank you so much for remembering to have your child wear good shoes on their PE day. This helps out a lot!
After studying the celebration of the "Dia de los Muertos" students from all levels designed beautiful masks to illustrate the topic. Students have also been practicing "Thanksgiving" vocabulary in Spanish. Topics covered by grade level include:
- K and 1st are working on the unit ¿Cómo te llamas ? "What is your name?"
- 2nd graders are working on The Greetings and farewells.
- 3rd graders are practicing dialogues in Spanish with the topic of "La ropa / The clothes. ¿Qué ropa tine Luke? Luke tiene pantalón azul y zapatos rojos. / What clothes does Luke have? Luke has blue pants and red shoes."
- 4th grade is working on "The Story of Boots and the Scarf" / "La historia de las botas y bufanda" / Boots, Scarf, Hat, etc.
- 5th grade is working on the Invitation Unit. "¿Quieres ir al cine conmigo? / Do you want to go to the movies with me?"
Health Office: Mobile Smiles
Mobile Smiles is offering free dental hygiene this fall - they will come to the school to see your student. There is a registration packet attached or you can pick up the form at the front office. Please return forms by December 16, 2024.
Counselor Corner
The Power of Regulation Stations: In each classroom at MSES, students have access to a Regulation Station in which there are a variety of items that engage students’ senses and can be used for emotional regulation. Consider creating a cool down space or regulation station in your own home. These spaces do not have to be large and can even be a quiet corner with comfy seating and calming items (a soft pillow, stress ball, favorite book, relaxing music). When your child is feeling big emotions, gently guide them to this space and give them the opportunity to cool down before addressing the situation. Once they’re calm, talk about what happened and help them problem solve or express their feelings in a constructive way. This strategy helps children learn that it’s okay to take a break and that they can regulate their emotions by stepping away from a stressful situation. It also builds independence and empowers them to manage their own emotional responses.
Holiday Help/Community Support
Would you like to request help or provide assistance with food and gifts during the holiday season? Please turn in assistance requests on or before Monday, November 18th. To provide assistance, contact the District Wellness Team no later than Monday, December 2nd. Please see the attached documents for more information.
Incredible Years Parent Program
Hello Families,
Parenting is a tough job, and we all feel from time to time that we could use a little support or some new ideas for handling behaviors with our children. The Incredible Years Parent Group does that! This evidence-based group is facilitated by Julie Lavigne and Kym Ferguson. It covers topics such as:
- How can I support my child’s learning through play
- How can I deal with challenging behavior
- How to create routines and set limits at home
- Supporting your child’s self-esteem and problem solving
- Much more
This is a cooperative group of dedicated parents who work together to learn new skills, practice, and problem solve throughout the 14-week program. Here’s what you need to know:
- Starts on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 from 4-6:30pm
- 14 weeks, 1 evening a week
Where: Manitou Springs Elementary School
How: Space is limited so,
- Contact Angela Gieck or Julie Lavigne to let them know you are interested
- agieck@mssd14.org or 719-339-6058
- Free childcare and family dinner
- Great incentives and prizes
- Because we could all use some support sometimes
- Add some new tools to your toolbox and form some close relationships
Tech Corner
Password Power
Did you know that weak passwords can be cracked instantly by a computer?! Strengthening our passwords is one of the best ways to prevent getting hacked. Here are three strategies that should be used together to strengthen passwords, as outlined by the US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency:
1. Make passwords long: At least 16 characters are suggested. Longer is stronger!
2. Make passwords random. Use a random string of mixed-case letters, numbers and symbols or create a memorable phrase of 4-7 unrelated words. Common Sense Media suggests a blend of these approaches:
- Start with a phrase. Think of a quote or group of words that will be easy to remember.
- Write down just the first letter of each word in the phrase.
- Capitalize some of the letters.
- Add one or two memorable numbers and/or symbols.
- Memorize it. Repeat your new password in your head so it sticks.
Parent Social Media Resource
Looking for a one-stop shop to help you navigate social and digital media as a parent? Check out this resource from Safer Schools Together: http://saferschoolstogether.com/resources/parent-caregiver-resources
Stock the Breakroom!
Please help us stock the breakroom and celebrate MSES staff!! This will be taking place the week after Thanksgiving Break. Please click this link for details and dates. Stock the Breakroom: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0948A5AF2BA3F58-53444849-stock#/
Thank you for your support!!
Our iTopit fundraiser was a success! We had 121 purchases with a total of $184 donated to MSES!
Lost & Found
Upcoming Dates...
11/25-11/29: Thanksgiving Break
12/3 & 12/4: Blue Hands Art 11-2
12/6: Fitness Friday
12/11: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
12/16 : Winter Performance (K-2) 5-6 pm
12/17: Winter Performance (3-5) 5-6 pm
12/17: Coffee with the Principals, 8 am
12/19: DAC Meeting, 9 am
12/23-1/3: Winter Break
1/6 & 1/7: Work and PD Days - No students
School and District calendars are available at https://mse.mssd14.org/calendars
Manitou Springs Elementary School
110 Pawnee Ave. Manitou Springs, CO 80829
(719) 685-2195