Tomahawk Talk
Week of February 10, 2025
Inclement Weather Forecasted (Tuesday and Wednesday)
In the event of inclement weather this week, we still have TWO remote learning days left. Once we have used both remaining remote learning days, any additional inclement weather cancellations will result in traditional snow days (where the missed days will have to be made-up). As always, we will share all communication from BCS as it becomes available.
Remote Learning Day Schedule for Tomahawk
All students know how to access their live meeting links in Schoology.
- 9:00 - 10:00 AM: Check In Morning Meeting & ELA Instruction
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Independent Work Time (ELA)
- 11:00 AM - 11:20 AM: Morning Specials (based on day of the week)
- Bush, Kent, Puffenburger & Williams
- 11:20 AM - 11:40 AM: Morning Specials (based on day of the week)
- Akins, Flohr, Michael-Bragg & Viands
- 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM: Morning Specials (based on day of the week)
- Blacker, Hott, Inskeep, Irwin & Shaffer
- 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch (all classes)
- 1:00 PM - 1:20 PM: Afternoon Specials (based on day of the week)
- Glover, Hause, Kerns/Morgan, Otto & Sowers
- 1:20 PM - 1:40 PM: Afternoon Specials (based on day of the week)
- Campbell, Mance & Parks
- 1:40 PM - 2:00 PM: Afternoon Specials (based on day of the week)
- Ansari, Church, Kurutza & Mayes
- 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Math Instruction & Wrap-Up/Questions
Important Dates
Upcoming Dates
Monday, February 10th
- Remote Learning Day for the following classes only:
- Akins, Flohr, Viands, Blacker, Hause, Hott, Irwin, Otto, Shaffer & Sowers
- FINAL DAY for Candy Gram Sales
- Smencil Sales
- 3:45 PM: Math Olympiad Team Meeting
- 3:45 PM: Rec Club
- 6:00 PM: Virtual PTO Meeting on Teams
Tuesday, February 11th
- New 4th Grade Wing Opens!
Wednesday, February 12th
- Smencil Sales
- 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM: FINAL Fall Robotics Meeting
Thursday, February 13th
- Candy Grams: Delivered
- 3:45 PM: Student Council Meeting
Friday, February 14th
- Valentine's Day ♥️
Monday, February 17th
- No School: PL Day
Tuesday, February 18th
- 2-Hour Delay for Students
- Book Fair Shopping (during PE and Library)
Wednesday, February 19th
- Book Fair (during PE and Library)
- Smencil Sales
- 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM: Book Fair Family Shopping Night
Thursday, February 20th
- Book Fair Shopping (during PE and Library)
Friday, February 21st
- Book Fair Shopping (during PE and Library)
Virtual PTO Meeting: Monday, 2/10 @ 6:00 PM
Student Placements: 2025-2026 School Year
Tomahawk Intermediate will consider parent requests for classroom teachers for the 2025-2026 school year.Please keep in mind not all parent requests are able to be met for several reasons.
Those reasons are:
- The number of requests for each specific teacher
- Required special education services
- The date and time the written request was made
- State mandated class sizes
If you would like to request a classroom teacher for your student, please click the link below. The deadline to submit a request will be: March 1, 2025.
Any questions related to student placement should be directed to Dr. Ematrudo at Requests made over the phone will NOT be considered.
Parent Drop-Off
Drop-Off Procedures:
- Please enter the parking lot and take the 1st or 2nd left into the parking lot where students will exit the vehicle where a staff member is present.
- Please ensure students are ready to exit the vehicle as they approach a staff member to keep the flow of traffic moving.
- Please DO NOT enter the bus loop at any point for student drop-off.
Drop-off time is from 8:15 AM to 8:40 AM.
- We kindly request that you adhere to this schedule to prevent congestion and delays.
Late Arrivals:
- Students are considered tardy after 8:40 AM.
- If your child arrives after this time, they will need to be signed in by a parent or guardian in the school office.
Parent Pick-Up (Door #11)
Every day/Routine Pick-up
Parents/Guardians report to Door #11 at 3:15.
Park in the first parking area on the left when you enter the main parking lot. Please park in a designated parking space.
Parent/Guardian must sign out the student (see link below)
Important Note:
We kindly ask that you do not pull into the bus loop during drop-off or pick-up times. This area is reserved for our school buses and should remain clear to ensure the safety of all students.
We also ask that you try to avoid office pick-ups between 3:00 PM and 3:15 PM. Many of our students are transitioning back to class from specials, and all staff members are working to get students packed up for the day during that time. It becomes disruptive to the environment when we have to call students out a few minutes early. If you need to sign your child out prior to 3:00 PM, please send in a note so that the teacher is prepared for their early dismissal. Your help in honoring this request is appreciated.
Yearbook Orders: Due March 3rd
i-Ready Math Support
We want to thank you for your feedback regarding the new i-Ready Math curriculum introduced this year. We understand that the increased rigor has presented some challenges, and we are committed to supporting both you and your child in navigating this transition successfully.
To assist students in practicing the strategies taught in the classroom while at home, we are excited to share a video library of resources. This library includes:
Unit Overviews: A broad introduction to the key concepts covered in each unit.
Lesson-Specific Instructional Videos: At least one video per lesson for every grade level, designed to reinforce classroom instruction and clarify key strategies.
We hope these resources will help build confidence and deepen understanding for students as they work through the curriculum.
New 4th Grade Wing
We are excited to share that the first addition to our school was completed on Saturday, February 8th and passed Fire Marshal inspection! This milestone will impact ten classrooms as we transition into the newly constructed spaces.
Here’s how the completion will affect classroom locations:
- Five classrooms will move from the portable units into the 4th-grade wing so that the portable can be demolished in preparation for the second addition:
- Mrs. Akins, Mrs. Flohr, Mrs. Hause, Ms. Sowers & Ms. Viands
- Five 4th-grade classrooms will relocate to the newly completed wing:
- Mrs. Blacker, Mrs. Hott, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Otto & Mrs. Shaffer
Due to delays in materials, the project’s original completion date of January 3rd was postponed. To provide our teachers with the necessary time to transition and set up their classrooms for students, all students in the affected classrooms will have a remote learning day on Monday, February 10th.
This remote learning day applies only to students in the following classrooms:
3rd Grade: Mrs. Akins, Mrs. Flohr & Ms. Viands
4th Grade: Mrs. Blacker, Mrs. Hause, Mrs. Hott, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Otto, Mrs. Shaffer & Ms. Sowers
Teachers of these classrooms will share detailed remote learning instructions and expectations with students and families in advance. Thank you for your understanding and support during this exciting period of growth for Tomahawk!
Volunteers and Chaperones Update
There are changes to the BCS Volunteer/Chaperone Process. Those wanting to become a Level I (Unsupervised) or Level II (Supervised) Volunteer will need to complete the following steps.
Watch Meghan's Law video
Complete a quiz and attain a score of 80% or above related to the video and BCS procedures
After completion, those requesting to be a volunteer will receive a customized message with next steps.
A follow-up email will be sent by the district to provide specific instructions for next depending on the level (Level I Volunteers the background check link & Level II Volunteers school approval list status).
Student Reward Day: Thursday, 3/13 (for eligible students only)
Students who do NOT earn the March Magic event on Thursday, March 13th will have a regular day of school. They'll be in a classroom with instructional activities and academic support. The criteria for the reward day is listed below.
PTO: Candy Gram Sale
Lost and Found Items @ TIS
Our Lost and Found rack is overflowing with items! If your child is missing a hoodie, lunchbox, water bottle, or other item, please have them check the Lost and Found, which is located directly outside of the cafeteria. It would also be helpful if student names were written inside of personal items so that we can return them to the rightful owner when misplaced.
Counseling News (from Mrs. Boyd and Ms. Thomas)
Bus Transportation
As a reminder, transportation updates are posted to the BCS Transportation Dashboard:
In the event that a bus is canceled, we encourage parents/caregivers to transport student(s) to and from school. If you are unable to transport your student to school, please contact our main office at (304) 754-3171. Absences will be marked excused if due to a cancelled bus route.
BCS Absence Note Form
Please complete this form if your child is absent from school. This form is for all parent notes, and also for medical appointments. Please upload the doctor's note for all medical appointments during school hours, or when a child is out of sick due to illness.
Student Expectations
*Classroom-managed behaviors. Teachers will provide verbal warnings, redirect students, remind them of expectations, re-teach behaviors, and inform parents of minor incidents. Consequences may include: loss of recess time, lunch detention, loss of privileges, referral to school counselor, etc. Repeated violations of minor behaviors will become major offenses (habitual violation of school rules).
Examples of minor behaviors:
• yelling out
• out of seat
• inattentive behavior
• interrupting instruction
• minor disrespect
• talking during instruction
• minor peer to peer conflict
• name calling (non-Title IX)
• inappropriate language
• invading personal space
• touching another student WITHOUT intent to harm
• rough play
• refusing to open a book, complete an assignment, work with another student, work in a group, take a test, or do any other class – or school-related activity not listed herein.
*Administrator-managed behaviors. Possible consequences include: in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, lunch detention, loss of privileges, referral to school counselor, etc.
Examples of major behaviors:
• Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation: A student will not bully/intimidate/harass another student. According to W. Va. Code §18-2C-2, “harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional gesture, or any intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act, communication, transmission or threat that:
• A reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of harming a student, damaging a student’s property, placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person, and/or placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to his or her property;
• Is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or emotionally abusive educational environment for a student; or
• Disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school.
• Disrespectful Conduct Toward Peers or Staff: done with intent to harm and/or repetitive. Note: repetitive behavior may be defined as bullying. Major disrespect includes: screaming, throwing items (chair, desk, sharp object, etc. with intent to hit peer or staff), or profane language indecent act/gesture.
•False Fire Alarm: setting-off the fire alarm knowingly and willingly without cause.
• Habitual Violation of School Rules: evidence of previous interventions; minimum of 2 prior parent conferences (phone or in-person). Student’s behavior is consistently impeding on the learning of others.
• Physical Fight with Intent: Engaging in a physical altercation using blows with intent to harm or overpower another person or persons.
• Possession/Use of Weapon: As defined in WV Code §61-7-2, a “dangerous weapon” means any device intended to cause injury or bodily harm, any device used in a threatening manner that could cause injury or bodily harm, or any device that is primarily used for self-protection. Dangerous weapons include, but are not limited to, blackjack, gravity knife, knife, knifelike implement, switchblade knife, nunchaku, metallic or false knuckles, pistol, or revolver. A dangerous weapon may also include the use of a legitimate tool, instrument, or equipment as a weapon including, but not limited to, pens, pencils, compasses, or combs, with the intent to harm another.
• Sexual Misconduct: Exposing oneself publicly and indecently, displaying or transmitting any drawing or photograph of a sexual nature, or committing an indecent act of a sexual nature on school property, or on a school bus, or at a school sponsored event.
• Technology Misuse: Violating WV Code 126CSR41, WVDE Policy 2460, Educational Purpose and Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources, Technologies and the Internet.
• Threat to a Student or Staff Member: Severely disruptive, imminently dangerous, illegal, and/or aggressive behaviors are willfully committed and are known to be illegal and/or harmful to people and/or property. The inappropriate behaviors include, but are not limited to: verbal, written, electronic and/or illustrative communications intended to offend and/or humiliate.
• Use/Possession of Tobacco Product: usage or possession of tobacco products on school property (cigarettes, vapes, jewels, chewing tobacco, etc.).
• Vandalism: • done with intent and/or cannot be easily cleaned or repaired.
Staff Contact Information
If you need to contact us, please call the office at 304. 754.3171 or email the following personnel:
- Dr. Ematrudo, Principal:
- Mr. Robison, Assistant Principal:
- Mrs. Brandy Pulse, School Nurse:
- Mrs. Kline, Attendance Secretary:
- Mrs. Kercheval, Afternoon Secretary:
- Mrs. Walling, Enrollment Secretary:
- Mrs. Boyd, School Counselor:
- Ms. Thomas, School Counselor: