Robert H. Jamison Family Newsletter
August 2023

Welcome Back!
Dear RHJ Families,
I am excited to welcome your child back to school in a few short weeks! Please note that Grade 1-8 students return on August 19th, Kindergarten students return on August 23rd, and PreK students begin on September 3rd. Our Jamison teachers and staff are ready to provide your child with engaging, challenging, and joyful learning in a safe environment.
As we start the new school year, make sure your child comes to school every day, comes on time, comes prepared, and follows our school expectations. Scroll down to review the RHJ Behavior Expectations, which outline how we expect our scholars to behave throughout our building. We look forward to partnering with you to support your child's academic and social emotional growth.
I hope to see you at our Back to School Meet and Greet on Thursday, August 15th from 4:00-6:00pm, where I will be sharing more information for families and addressing any questions or concerns you might have. You will also have the opportunity to meet your child's teachers, pick up your child's school uniform shirt, and enjoy fun activities.
Let's make this a great year.
Principal Roye
Robert H. Jamison Leadership Academy
RHJ staff, together with RHJ families and community, will prepare our students to be future leaders.
RHJ supports all students to achieve academic excellence and cultivate respectful relationships through critical thinking and synergy, so they may be poised to become empathetic, resilient leaders who possess the innovation, knowledge, and determination to improve our world.
Jaguar Creed
We are trustworthy students who are respectful and kind, and confident in our work. We are all brilliant in our own way and determined to meet our goals.
CMSD Vision for Learning
In our pursuit of a more fair, just, and good system of education, it is CMSD’s vision that each of our learners, both each of our scholars and each of their educators, is individually and collectively presented with academically/intellectually complex tasks that are worthy of their productive struggle and allows them authentic opportunities to demonstrate their work and their learning of academic content and transferable skills in a joyful and adventurous environment.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 @4:00-6:00PM
Pick up your free uniform shirt, supplies, and gifts!
August 15: Back to School Meet and Greet @4:00-6:00pm
August 19: First Day of School for Grades 1-8
August 23: First Day of School for Kindergarten Students
August 27-30: PreK Orientation (By appointment only; PreK Teacher Ms. Downey will contact families to schedule appointments.)
September 2: NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
September 3: First Day of School for PreK Students
September 12:
- Early Dismissal @1:00pm
- Open House @6:00-8:00pm (Meet your child's teachers to discuss classroom expectations and academic progress.)
2024-2025 School Uniform Policy
July 2024
Dear RHJ Families,
I hope you are having a safe and enjoyable summer. Jamison will be implementing a mandatory uniform policy for the 2024-2025 school year. After speaking with families throughout the 2023-2024 school year and surveying our families at the end of the year, an overwhelming 73% of families expressed a preference for a uniform policy at Jamison. In addition, over 60% of families felt that a school uniform would improve the learning environment, increase school pride, and promote positive behavior.
We are excited to begin the new school year with uniforms and expect all Jamison scholars to uphold the dress code outlined below.
Scholars will receive their RHJ school logo polo shirts at the Back-to-School Meet and Greet event on Thursday, August 15th from 4:00-6:00pm. Please reach out to Principal Roye at 216-838-5404 or Alyssa.Roye@clevelandmetroschools.org if you have questions. We look forward to a successful school year!
Principal Roye
2024-2025 School Uniform Policy
2024-2025 Cell Phone-Free School Policy
August 2024
Dear RHJ Families,
As we did last year at Jamison, we will continue to make our school a cell phone-free space to improve teaching and learning experiences using a system called Yondr. Yondr has been implemented in over 1,000 schools across 21 countries to facilitate an engaged learning environment.
This change aligns with CMSD’s board policy that states that “To maintain a secure and orderly learning environment, students who choose to bring a personal cellphone or electronic device to school will have their phone/device subject to collection and/or storage during the student school day.” This policy follows Ohio House Bill 250, which requires the minimization of cell phone use in schools.
The Yondr Program utilizes a simple, secure pouch that stores a phone. Every scholar will secure their phone in a personally assigned Yondr pouch when they arrive at school. Scholars will maintain possession of their phones and will not use them until their pouches are opened at the end of the school day. They are required to obtain their Yondr pouch each day at arrival and are responsible for their pouch at all times.
We believe that phones have great utility. We have also found that learning and social behavior improve drastically when students are fully engaged with their teachers and classmates. Yondr recently surveyed over 900 school partners to measure the effects of creating phone-free educational environments. These schools achieved notable progress in multiple areas:
• 65% of schools saw an improvement in academic performance
• 74% of schools saw an improvement in student behavior
• 83% of schools saw an improvement in student engagement in the classroom
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school directly at 216-838-5400 or attend one of our upcoming meetings about the adoption of Yondr that will occur on our Back-to-School Meet and Greet on August 15 from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. In addition, we invite you to look at the attached FAQ document and graphic on how Yondr works.
If there is an emergency and you would like to contact your child during the school day, please reach out to the main office at 216-838-5400. To best serve your child, we appreciate your full support in the continued adoption of the Yondr Program at our school.
Thank you,
Alyssa Roye
Any student who chooses to bring a cellular phone or other electronic device to school shall do so at their and their family’s own risk. The District and its employees will assume no responsibility or liability for loss, theft, damage or vandalism to a cellular phone or other electronic device brought onto school transportation or property, even during times the phone or device are subject to the collection or storage process of the District. To this end, families are not required to send any personal cell phone or electronic device to school with their student and are encouraged to carefully evaluate all associated risks and benefits when deciding whether to send a cell phone or electronic device to school with a student.
Student Code of Conduct Language
The District is committed to providing a safe, positive and productive learning environment for its students. The District recognizes that personal cellular phones and electronic devices can be a source of disruption in the learning environment. Although families may choose, at their own discretion and risk, to send a personal cell phone or similar electronic device to school with their student, the access to and use of the cell phone or electronic device is governed by this policy.
Supply Lists
Click here for School Supply Lists by grade: Student Supply Lists
New for this year, families will have 24/7 access to their children's grades via the MyPowerHub online gradebook! You will be able to stay informed about your child's grades and be better able to support their academic progress. More information will be coming soon.
For the safety of our students and staff, please note:
- Visitors MUST only enter through the Main Office entrance. You may not enter through the main student doors.
- Visitors MUST check in at the Main Office upon arrival and be issued a visitor pass or sticker.
- Visitors MUST have an appointment in order to meet with a teacher. Contact the teacher via Class Dojo or via the main school number at 216-838-5400 to make an appointment.
- ONLY PreK parents/guardians are permitted to enter the main lobby to sign in their children at morning arrival.
4092 East 146th Street, Cleveland, OH 44128
Contact Us:
Phone: 216-838-5400
Principal: Alyssa.Roye@clevelandmetroschools.org
Assistant Principal: Andre.Borders@clevelandmetroschools.org
Secretary: Danielle.Board@clevelandmetroschools.org