Early Learning Update
May 2024
May Events
3 - Family Reading Program (Every Friday in May, 9:00-11:00)
9 - STEM Night @ Jordan Elementary, 5-7pm
12 - Mother's Day!
14 - Orange PreK Open House
15 - Parent Engagement Workshop
16 - Dinosaur Crafternoon @ Taft Library
21 - Open Houses @ California iInspire Academy, Nohl Canyon, Panorama, Villa Park, Crescent, Esplanade & Running Springs Elementary Schools
23 - Managing Big Emotions presentation @ Esplanade Elementary
27 - Memorial Day Holiday - No School
28 - Sycamore Elementary Open House
Highlights - Early Learning Round Up Event
Hope you can join us again next year!
Follow us on Instagram: @EarlyLearning_OUSD
Family Reading Program
Join us every Friday in May, from 9-11am at the Early Learning Community Center for information on how to support your young child's literacy, a free book to keep every week and time and materials to make your own family photo book to share with your child.
2345 E. Palmyra. Park on Yorba Street & look for the balloons!
Coffee and refreshments included. Childcare available.
Parent Engagement Workshop
Join us on May 15 at the Early Learning Community Center for a Parent workshop with presentations and resources on Summer Water Safety, a free Parenting Coach resource, and Summer Library programs for kids.
9:00-10:30 @ 2345 E. Palmyra. Park on Yorba Street and look for the balloons!
Click on the link in the flyer to RSVP: Flyer
Coffee & Refreshments included. Childcare available.
Managing Big Emotions
Did you miss our Managing Big Emotions presentation at the ELCC last month?
You are in luck! Our team will be presenting again at the Community Room at Esplanade Elementary on May 23rd at 8:15am. Come hear tips on how to help your child manage their emotions and create a Calming Kit to take home and share with your family.
Orange Public Library Events
Make sure to check out the events happening at the different Orange Public Library branches.
Some favorites:
Dinosaur Crafternoon at Taft Library on May 16th from 3:00-4:30 for ages 3-12.
Lego Playtime - throughout the month at the El Modena and Taft branches, from 3:30-4:30 for ages 3-12.