NPS Engage News

May 3, 2024
Upcoming Important Dates
May 15: Early Release Day - All Schools
May 27: Memorial Day - Closed
Mark Your Calendars:
The Last Day of School is Friday, June 14. It's an Early Release Day.
Dear Natick Public School Students, Families and Staff,
As we start to prepare for the next school year and possible future building projects, I want you to be aware of several significant town actions that have taken place over the last few weeks to the benefit of the schools and students.
On April 25, Town Meeting approved a 4.22% increase to the FY24 town appropriation and a school transportation subsidy in the amount of $429,844 to support the School Department’s Operating Budget for FY25 (which starts July 1) for a total increased appropriation of 4.74%. The remainder of the budget is supported by federal and state grants plus a 5.4 million dollar offset against circuit breaker reserves. In FY21 and FY22, the district received one time funding to mitigate the harsh impact of the pandemic on student learning. These funds have and will be utilized over each of the fiscal years between FY23 and FY25. This last large offset will exhaust the remainder of the one-time COVID-related funding. Fourteen positions affecting central administration along with the elementary and middle schools were eliminated for FY25 plus the closure of Johnson Elementary School yielded a cost savings of almost $800,000 in order to sustain the budget within available funding.
Despite these financial constraints, the FY25 Budget will maintain all new programs and staffing initiatives instituted between FY22 and FY24, which include new elementary librarians, elementary assistant principals, math coaches, interventionist specialists, digital and personalized learning coaches as well as a Director of Social and Emotional Learning and Equity. It also maintains 40 additional educators hired to support the large increase to required student services during this same period. The purpose of these initiatives and additions were to address immediate and critical needs of students as well as to support preparation for best outcomes for all students upon graduation.
On May 2, Town Meeting approved the following capital items for the School Department: furniture replacement, school playground resurfacing, and design funds for a potential upgrade of an athletic field at the high school. This latter project has been contemplated since the 2015 Master Plan Study for Natick Town fields. There is a much more significant demand for field time than at any other time in Natick’s history. This field would benefit middle school and youth sports in addition to high school.
Additionally, with the joint approval of the Natick Select Board and School Committee, NPS submitted a Statement of Interest (SOI) for a building project with the Massachusetts School Building Authority on April 12. The SOI is a request to consider a possible project for Memorial Elementary School to address crowding, undersized learning spaces, and aging infrastructure. This is the third NPS submission of an SOI for Memorial Elementary School. However, this is the first submission to include the possibility of including permanent preschool classrooms that are currently located at the former East School and Bennett-Hemenway. We anticipate the MSBA’s decision on our application after the start of the next school year.
As you may know, many towns are facing significant funding shortfalls due to the cessation of COVID-related one-time funding and significant inflation costs. Many towns are grappling with significant reductions to school staffing and programs. On behalf of the School Department, I extend my appreciation for the support to the past, present and future funding of the schools. Throughout my brief time here in Natick, it has been abundantly clear that the residents are deeply committed to the welfare of all town citizens, and of our students in particular.
Thank you,
Bella Wong
Wilson Student Belts Out the Anthem at Fenway
Did you catch Eliana Aliprantis before the Red Sox-Cubs game last weekend? She sang the national anthem for the entire Fenway crowd!
Discover Upcoming Events
Tonight: The Harlem Wizards in Natick
The "Kids for Wish Kids Club" at Natick High is hosting a charity event with the Harlem Wizards on tonight, Friday, May 3rd at 6:30 p.m. Money raised from this event goes to Make-A-Wish of MA/RI to support local children facing critical illnesses. Visit wish.org/kfwk for more information about this NHS club. To get tickets, go to http://harlemwizards.com/tickets/natickma.
NPS Music Events
Review the music department calendar & contact your school’s music department for additional details.
May 5: Natick High School Jazz Ensemble plays at the Hatch Shell in Boston as part of the MAJE HS Gold Medal Showcase.
Next week: Wilson Middle School (under the direction of Kevin Goddu) will be at Trottier Middle School in Southborough on Wednesday, May 8th for the MAJE Festival.
Tools for Resilience & Well-Being: Elementary Parent Workshop Series
In-person workshop series held on Mondays, including May 6th, 13th, and 20th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Cole Center, Natick.
Laura McCarthy, MA, parent educator and Natick mom will share practical ideas and strategies to help you increase connection, manage emotions, behavior, and stress, while building a positive mindset and hope. Free childcare available for children ages 4+ (registration required). Light dinner will be offered. Click here to register: Registration Link, or find out more at www.sparkkindness.org
Special Education Parent Programs
(Natick Office of Student Services & SEPAC-sponsored or recommended events.)
Friday, May 17, 2024
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
A virtual conference:
Stop the Use of Exclusionary Time Out Rooms in Schools
Go online to learn more and to register.
Please follow Natick SEPAC on Facebook & contact the Office of Student Services if you have questions about student services-focused events.
Cheer on NPS Teams: Near And Far
Check out the Athletics Calendar!
Natick is participating in the Unified Track and Field MIAA Division 1 Sectional Championships on Tuesday May 7, 2024 at Millbury High School in Millbury, Mass.
May 3 School Newsletters
Registration through Active.com is open now. Our popular Summer Enrichment program courses include Cooking, Arts and Crafts, Pondology, Chemistry, Sports, and much more. Students from rising Kindergarteners up through rising 8th graders are grouped by grade level.
NEW THIS YEAR: All participants in Summer Enrichment & Summer Scholars will receive a complete schedule of classes (subject to availability) running from 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. View our website for more info. Please complete our financial aid form, if applicable.
Natick High School Students: Volunteer With the Natick Summer Programs
Are you interested in fulfilling your Community Service Hours this summer and helping make a difference in a child's life? If so, please consider applying to volunteer with the Natick Summer Programs! Please check out the Natick Summer website for more information.
This summer we are offering 5 weeks of classes. Volunteers are expected to be present each day of the week for the session they sign up for. You can earn up to 18 hours of community service per week. The dates are as follows: Week 1: July 8-11; Week 2: July 15-18; Week 3: July 22-25; Week 4: July 29-Aug 1; and Week 5: August 5-8. Read the Volunteer Guidelines to get a sense of the expectations and your daily obligations. If you're ready to apply, complete the Volunteer Application to be considered. Volunteers must commit to an entire week(s) to be selected and earn community service hours!
All students who apply to volunteer must submit a Teacher Recommendation Form. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 24. Contact the Summer Learning Principal if you have questions.
Friendly Reminder: Bus Registration
Please visit the NPS Transportation Department webpage to access the online registration form or to download the paper registration form (translations available online). Ensure that your family is ready to go when school starts! Contact the transportation department with any questions.
IMPORTANT: If you paid using UniPay, but did not fully fill out and return a registration form, your child will not be registered for the bus. The registration system is separate and you cannot register through the UniPay website, unfortunately. Contact Transportation & Facility Rentals Supervisor Ms. Robin Agostinelli-Solivan if you are unsure of your child's status.
Natick METCO Students Had an Exciting, Educational April Break!
As part of a program organized by METCO HQ, Natick students, along with students from nearly 10 other districts, visited Gingko Bioworks Lab with Franklin Cummings Tech, where they participated in a micropipette lab and they modified DNA to turn yellow to simulate biofluorescent DNA. They also simulated how DNA builds with AGTC strands by using LEGOs as DNA models. Students enjoyed a field trip to The Possible Zone, a STEAM and entrepreneurial based program for students.
This group of METCO students also visited the Massachusetts State House, where they spoke with a panel of professionals who work in Governor Maura Healey’s cabinet about their professional journeys. They also had the opportunity to eat lunch and have conversations with METCO Alum and State Rep. Christopher Worrell. As part of this enrichment week, students later explored the Harvard Medical School campus and participated in a medical simulation, which required them to identify patient health problems.
Students who participate in the METCO program are thriving from the elementary to high school grade levels. Natick became a partner METCO district in 1969. Learn about METCO's history.
Next meetings: May 6, May 20, June 3, June 17.
Location: The third floor meeting room at Natick Town Hall and through hybrid virtual viewing or on Pegasus local access TV.
Please note that 2024-2025 School Year Calendar was approved.
Parent Academy
Transparency Center
NPS Registration at Community-Senior Center
Registration appointments are available four days a week at the Natick Community-Senior Center. Appointment times can occur Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Thursdays from 12 noon to 7 p.m. Please call 774-721-7500 or email registrar@natickps.org. Registration information can be found on our website.
Get free online tutoring for students in grades 5-12 via Paper. Explore by clicking the blue "P" in the Chromebook browser plug in. Access Parent Guides and additional information. If you have a comment to share about how Paper has worked for your child, email communications@natickps.org.
News from Our Community Partners
TOWN OF NATICK PROJECT: Human Services Study
Please help Town staff to better plan and prioritize programs & services for people of all ages and abilities in the Natick Community.
The Town of Natick invites you to complete this survey about the provision of human services. Human services includes all things that enable residents to survive (e.g., food, housing, financial stability) and to thrive (e.g., meaningful engagement, childcare). This effort is part of a grant-funded program that will help shape Natick's future. Click here to take the survey. Click here to learn more about the project. This survey will be live until 5/6/24.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
To raise awareness, the Town of Natick is sponsoring various events, resources, and collaborations around Natick. All events are FREE & open to the public (some require registration). Visit bit.ly/mentalhealth_natick for more information. Follow @NatickSupportsMentalHealth on Facebook.
For All Ages: Mental Health Art Contest
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. In May of 2023 the Morse Institute
Library asked patrons the simple question, ‘How can we support each other?’
In May 2024, artists of all ages are invited to submit an original piece of artwork using the responses from 2023 as an inspiration. (If you would like the 2023 responses as a text file please email jenewman@minlib.net.)
Six winning designs will be featured on limited-edition library tote bags and tees. Access the contest flyer for complete info.
The Worcester WooSox are hosting a Natick Town Takeover on Friday, May 17. As part of this event, the Town of Natick is holding a raffle (ie. random drawing) for all Natick students (ages 4-15) to win a chance to participate in on-field events. There will be 4 events raffled off (including Jr. Announcer, 7th Inning Singers, & more), as well as free tickets for all winners.
The raffle is only open through Sunday, May 5th.
Attend Farm Fest, May 11 at Natick Community Organic Farm
Memorial Day - Special Rededication Ceremony
The Natick Veterans Council and the American Legion Post 107 will rededicate Memorial Field to honor all wartime veterans killed in action. Observe this solemn, meaningful event on Mon., May 27 at 11 a.m. on Natick High School’s Memorial Field.
Use this link or click on the flyer below for more information.
Is someone in your household not receiving the Engage biweekly district newsletter or important notices related to bus transportation? Direct them to communications@natickps.org to let us know. Reminder: Review your school newsletters produced by your principal teams.
Smore.com newsletter HYPERLINK + FILE & ATTACHMENT notice: Files and attachments download best on a desktop computer. These files should be viewable on most mobile devices as well. While images might be hyperlinked, this is done in addition to inserting key links throughout the text. The links and files inserted in the newsletter are included in order to condense the space used.
Have a story idea to share? Submit it here. NEXT newsletter: May 17
Get Notified Via Phone When NPS Messages You
Our email communication system, SchoolMessenger Communicate, has two APPS in the Apple App Store. They are reported to both be functional. If you want to get notifications on your iPhone about messages from Natick Public Schools, download the recommended SM Home app (newer) or the SchoolMessenger Education app. Also available in the Google Play Store. Make sure you enter your email of record (listed in PowerSchool) to sign up. Email us to let us know more about the performance of these apps.
Natick Public Schools does not discriminate in employment nor its educational programs, services, and activities based on race, creed, color, age, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, physical and intellectual differences, immigration status, homeless status, or any other basis prohibited by law. Please be aware all electronic communication to and from Natick Public Schools is public record and subject to public disclosure per Massachusetts General Law Chapter 66, Section 10.