The Star Gazer
For Shaw Families: Back to School
We are so excited for school to start tomorrow! We hope your children are excited too! The first day is a big day and we want to give you a few pieces of information that might make the day go better for everyone!
Linked below you will find a video showing how the drop off and pick up procedures will work. If you have been with us in the past, the only thing changing is this year all of 1st grade will go out the back doors. Please be patient and know that the line will not move quickly at first but by the end of the week it should take less than 20 minutes for all lines. Some things you can do to help:
- remind students to gather there things and be ready before you pull up to the drop off spot
- please stay in the car and allow our staff to help your child get out if they need help. If they can do it on their own, that's great also!
-if your child needs help putting their seat belt back on at the end of the day, please pull up past the flow of traffic to stop. For K-1 dismissal, we ask that you pull up to the electronic sign for this.
- Drop off can be at any door but we will have the most help in the back. If you have an older child that can help your younger child get to the main hallway where they will sit until 7:40, you can use any drop off spot if its faster.
The doors open at 7:25 am. Please keep students in the car until an adult comes to open the school doors. For returning students, drop them off on the first day like normal. If you want to come in with them, please park in the front. There will be a photo op spot in the front lobby. As hard as it is, please make this a quick transition. The longer parents stay the harder the separation often is. School staff will be available to help as needed.
We look forward to seeing everyone back tomorrow!
Drop off/Pick up for 2-3 will be outside the green hallway (south side)
Drop off/Pick up for 4-5 will be outside the blue hallway (south side)
Pre-K students who have K-5 siblings will be in the back again; Pre-K students who don't have K-5 siblings will be picked up and dropped off in the front.
Please be checking your email for an invitation to join Rooms!
SEESAW is going away and being replaced with Rooms. You will sign up ONE TIME and then automatically be connected to your child's teacher each year. Download the Springdale Schools App and stay tuned for more information on how to join.
See below how Box Tops is all electronic now! Use the code and link to our school with your Walmart Account. It is so easy and makes additional funds for our PTA!
School Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7:45-3:10
Wednesday 7:45-1:50
Upcoming Dates
August 12th- First Day of School
About Shaw
Dori Little, Assistant Principal
Email: sbewley1@sdale.org
Website: shaw.sdale.org
Location: 4337 Grimsley Road, Springdale, AR, USA
Phone: 479-750-8898
Facebook: facebook.com/Shawstars