The Weekly Update #35
May 12, 2024

Mission and Vision
All Living the Pursuit of Excellence for Lifetime Achievement
The Mission of CGUHSD is to inspire excellence by providing globally competitive educational and career opportunities for all students
Message From the Principal
Greetings Cougar Nation,
Greetings, I hope that this email finds you well. As the weather warms, be sure to put on that sunscreen and drink lots of water! "Then 90 Days of May" as I like to call it is fast approaching. We will have a lot of year end activities and events, all leading up to our big day on May 21....Graduation.
As the end of the year approaches, please be reminded that we are still in school until the last day, our expectations for behaviors and academics will continue to be set at a very high level.
Seniors and Senior Parents, we met with Senior on Friday morning and explained our process for graduation. We will be sending out information on graduation this coming week. This information will include the following: parking map, directions for students, expectations of our guests and visitors, and other important information.
Thank you to all of you who took a moment to say thank you to the amazing teachers on our staff during Teacher Appreciation Week.
Friday evening was our Senior Awards Night and it was amazing. The CGUHS Class of 2024 has earned a total of $6.6 million in scholarship offers! Outstanding work Cougars!
Many students and parents received an email earlier this week regarding absences and the Potential Loss of Credit (PNC) designation in the gradebook. Many have submitted the forms for appeal and we are working through the stack. We will be notifying students and parents the status of the appeals, Seniors only, by Wednesday. Freshman, Sophmores, and Juniors will receive your appeal responses by Wednesday, May 22.
Exams for seniors are this week and for all underclassmen next week. Please also be reminded of the criteria (same as first semester) for exemption from final exams: 7 or fewer absences, at least a B in the class and 90% or more of the work accounted for.
Senior Exam Schedule:
Senior Finals - Regular Bell Schedules each day! (Because there is no change in the bell schedule, teachers may give their exam over the two days.)
Monday, May 13
Tuesday, May 14
Thursday – May 16 - Make-up day for Seniors who go on the Senior Trip who are not exempt from finals.
Underclassmen Exam Schedule
May 22
Period 0 – 7:10 – 8:05
Period 1 - 8:10 – 9:30
Period 3 – 9:40 – 11:00
Period 5 – 11:10 – 12:30
Period 7 – 12:40 – 1:35
May 23
Period 2 - 8:10 – 9:30
Period 4 – 9:40 – 11:00
Period 6 – 11:10 – 12:30
IT will NOT be collecting any computers this summer, so please do NOT collect them!!!!
Some reminders:
All Casa Grande Union students who drive to school must have their parking permit displayed .
Parking violations will be cited, and fines will be assessed at the rate of $5.00/day and per violation.
Please be responsible and get your $25.00 parking permit. YOU MUST PARK IN ASSIGNED SPACES.
If someone is parked in your spot, please let the office know and we will address it.
Our administrative team met with all students to review our behavioral expectations at the beginning of the year, please click here to see the topics we reviewed. Students, your teachers went over this last week in Cougar Hour. It is your responsibility to be familiar with our expectations.
As this semester continues to move forward, there are a number of important items that I want to share. Please remember that Mrs. Clement, Mr. Raymond, Mrs. Telles, Mr. Robbins, and Dr. Gardner and I remain available to assist you in any way that we can.
Protect the Den!
Dr. Chris Lineberry
Casa Grande Union High School
Cell Phones
Nationally, there has been a significant spike in cyberbullying and classroom disruptions from cell phones in the classroom. We know that teen mental health continues to decline across the country from excessive screen time and social media. You can read some of the latest research on this important topic here. Our policy is OFF AND AWAY (Cell phones and Earbuds) during classtime.If there are extenuating circumstances, ex. diabetes and need to monitor, a caregiver with severe illness, etc please send Mr. Raymond an email and he and our staff will work with you to come to a solution.
Between classes and at lunch, there is no problem with students having their phones out or listening to music with their earpods, etc.
Student Academic Responsibilities
CGUHS Student Responsibilities 2023 - 24
This school year we will be discussing academic responsibilities at length with all of our students. It is important that students not only familiarize themselves with these responsibilities, but that they practice these responsibilities on a daily basis. We reviewed these expectations with students this week. If students follow the guidelines below, they will experience tremendous success at Casa Grande Union High School.
- Acquire Knowledge of Content - Students understand the content they are learning in class.
- Come Prepared for Class - Students bring the needed materials for class.
- Take Notes - Students accurately and completely take notes.
- Ask Questions - Students ask questions when a lack of understanding occurs.
- Complete Homework - Students complete assignments on time.
- Attend Tutoring/Seek Help - Students attend tutoring or seek help when they need it.
- Attend Regularly - Students attend class regularly and arrive on time.
- Take Assessment Seriously – Students bring their best effort possible on assessments.
- Appropriate Work Ethic/Attitude/Behavior - Students display appropriate work ethic, attitude, and behavior.
- Put cell phones and ear buds off and away while in the classroom
- Be Kind
Student Fines / Fees
Students must pay any and all fines / fees in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. Any student fines or fees can be paid online. Students can purchase parking passes, pay class fees, technology fines, etc. All of this should be done online. You can access the payment center by doing the following:
You will need a PowerSchool Parent Portal account to access TouchBase.
If you don’t have a PowerSchool Parent Portal account, please call your
student's school office to get an account set up.
Please sign into to PowerSchool to access TouchBase. The steps below
can only be done using an internet browser such as Google Chrome, Internet
Explorer, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Android browser, etc. (computer, tablet, smartphone) and CANNOT be done using the Powerschool Mobile App.
- Sign in to PowerSchool.
- Once signed in, click the icon in the left panel labeled Purchases and Payments (see image on left).
You will immediately be taken to TouchBase without having to sign in.
100% of our seniors who are on track to graduate have passed the required civics test as well as CPR! Fantastic job Seniors and special thanks to Coach Keiser, Diana Angelastro, and Donna Telles for working so hard to ensure everyone had the opportunities needed to pass and graduate. Our counselors will be working closely with Mrs. Clement and our students / families to ensure that students are on track to graduate. Seniors must complete 22 credits in order to graduate. Additionally, every senior must take and pass the AZ Civics test, and must complete ECAP (Education and Career Action Plan). This year we will be using the AZ Pipeline program to guide our students through this process. Additional information can be found here. We will be rolling out our ECAP program as well as ensuring that students have opportunities to take and pass the Civics test in the coming weeks.
Scholarship Information
The Pinal Promise is a fantastic opportunity for our students to attain scholarship money and attend CAC. This scholarship is exclusively for students who live in Pinal County. For more information, click here. Additionally, Dr. Flemister and Mrs. DeCarlo will be sharing information with all seniors and senior parents throughout the year regarding scholarship opportunities.
Student behavior, especially in regard to aggression and fighting has escalated significantly in the last few weeks prior to break. Since Sept 11 we have had 16 students suspended for fighting. We have to be better than this. Parents, students, families.....I am asking for your help in eliminating this behavior from our campus. We have to be better than this, and as a school we are going to focus on empowering our students to make decisions and have options in order to resolve conflict peacefully. We are all Casa Grande Cougars, we all bleed the same. We hurt the same, we care the same, and we all to a certain degree want the same. There is no room on our campus for discrimination. Period. There is no room for violence. Period. We will always take the proper steps to ensure that our students, teachers, and staff are fully supported. If you would like, you can take a listen to my latest podcast (all students will be doing so this week in Cougar Hour) to learn about The Code of the West and how we as a school are going to embrace the Code, not only in our words, but in our actions as well. I will be asking our students to take a pledge against engaging in fighting and ask for all of your support in this endeavor.
Credit Recovery is progressing beautifully! Students are working extremely hard and staff is doing a phenomenal job of guiding and assisting!
Please click here to read more about our Credit Recovery Challenge and how we intend to overcome it.
Vaping - Repeat from Last Week, However, VERY IMPORTANT
I would like to remind students that when you are attending any school sponsored event, whether you are participating or watching, you are responsible for following our behavior guidelines and code of conduct. I would also like to remind our athletes, coaches, advisors, club members, parents, etc that when we attend an event, we are representing the community of Casa Grande, our families, and our school. School rules still apply and conducting ourselves with respect, kindness, honesty, and integrity (whether competing or just attending) are all integral components of our expectations for our campus.
Upcoming Activities this Week
Ongoing Activities
- Senior Shirt Sale in the Office
May 11
- May 11: CGUHS Near Space Research Team Spring NASA/ASCEND High Altitude Balloon Payload Launch
May 13 – Senior Finals
- 3:00 – Set Up for FFA Banquet @ cafeteria. Banquet begins at 6:00 PM
- 3:30 – Elite Dance Company Auditions @ Dance Room
- 6:00 – 9:00 – Drumline Training and Auditions @ Performing Arts Rooms in A Building
May 14 – Senior Finals
- Disney Graduation Trip for Seniors departs
- 10:00 – 3:00 – 8 Band Student Team to CGMS, Cactus, and Villago
- 3:30 – 8:30 – CTE Engineering Space Business Round Table Meeting @ASU, Tempe
- 3:30 – Faculty Meeting @ Library
- 5:00 – Set up for Boy’s Basketball Banquet @ cafeteria. Banquet begins at 6:00 PM
- 5:00 – 8:00 – Band Guard practice @ Gymnasium
May 15 – Seniors Pick up Clearance Cards in Discipline Office today
- Senior Graduation Trip Returns
- 5:30 – HOSA Banquet in Culinary Arts Dining Room
- 6:00 – 9:00– Drumline Training and Auditions @ Performing Arts Rooms in A Building
- 6:00 – 8:00 – Spiritline Tryouts @ Gym
May 16 – Senior Finals Make-up Day
- 8:00 – 3:00 – AVID Fieldtrip to CAC
- 3:30 - 5:30 – Link Crew Training
- 6:00 – 8:00 – Spiritline Tryouts
- 6:00 – Softball Banquet in the L Building Multipurpose room
May 17 – Last Day for Seniors to return Clearance cards in order to Graduate
- 3:15 – Spiritline Tryouts
- 6:00 – 9:00 – Spring Drumline Training and Auditions
May 18
- 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM – Amerind Graduation PowWow in Gymnasium, Practice Gym, Cafeteria, and Commons in front of the Gymnasium
Looking Ahead
- May 22 – Underclass Finals – Periods 2, 4, and 6 with 12:30 Release Time
- May 23 – Underclass Finals – Periods 1, 3, and 5 with 12:30 Release Time
AP Testing Schedule – Testing in D204
May 13 – 8:00 AM – AP Calculus AB
May 14 – 8:00 AM – AP English Language and Composition
May 15 – 8:00 AM – AP World History Modern
May 17 – 8:00 – AP Physics
Class of 2024 Special Events
May 13 and 14 - Senior Finals
May 14 - Disneyland Senior Trip
May 15 – Graduates pick up Clearance Cards in Discipline Office
May 16 – Senior Make-up Finals Day for students who went on Senior Trip
May 17 – Last day to return Clearance Cards to Office
May 21 - Senior Breakfast
May 21 - Graduation