Justice Family Newsletter
November 2024

Principal Message
Mrs. Rumple's November Message
In the season of giving thanks, I cannot help but be thankful for the opportunity to serve our Justice Intermediate School families, students, teachers, and staff. I’m thankful for the dedication of our teachers, and I’m thankful for the uniqueness that each student brings to the learning environment each day.
Every week our students are engaging in learning opportunities to grow their capacity, and one of the standard opportunities is participation in i-Ready pathways. Each student has a weekly expectation to complete two lessons in Reading and two lessons in Math each week. Meeting this learning expectation is important because the lesson is at the level of each student, and closing lessons along the pathway means closing any learning gaps students may have. To honor their hard work, students are given leaderboard shoutouts and prizes during lunch each week for completing the most lessons. Please partner with us by asking your child if they have completed the weekly expectation, and encourage them to meet this expectation each week.
Our next scheduled eLearning day is on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. We will have open style (no appointment) parent/teacher conferences from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm in person at our school on this date. Sixth grade teachers and specials teachers will be set up in the gymnasium. Fifth grade teachers will be set up in the cafeteria. We will have a lunch break from 11:00-11:30 am, and teachers will be unavailable at that time. Please call the office if you have any questions.
I thank you for your continued support and partnership in the education of all of our students. This is our time to BEE GIANTS, and we continue to dedicate our time and energy to this task. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.
A Moment with Mrs. Siders
First Nine Weeks Jolly Good Giant Winners
We would like to congratulate the following students on being a winner for our end of the nine weeks Jolly Good Giant drawing.
Grand Prize Winners: Cletus Luster and Leanny Knight
Book Token Winners: Samuel Trahan, Raegan Polsley, Gavin Carter, Lilly Kittinger, Alex Cole, Cash Diskey
Pizza with the Principal Winners: Norabelle Hills, Michael McFarland, Harmony Ward, Logan Miller, Xavier Simmons, Lloyd Johnson, Ty'Aziah Robinson, Phoenix Phifer, Jackson Craig, Malinda Whitt
*Pizza with the Principal will take place Tuesday, November 5th.
Thank you to all of those continuing to show what it means to be GIANTS!
6th Grade Students of the Month
Kacie Devin
Kacie is always working hard on her work. She gives her best effort no matter what she is doing. She is always smiling spreading happiness wherever she goes.
Submitted by 6th Grade Math Teacher Steven Ward
Jax Jacob
This student shows up and gives his best effort daily. When trying new things and students are hesitant to participate, I can always count on Jax. He wants to have fun, but still learn everyday. Submitted by 6th Grade Math Teacher Anthony Horton
5th Grade Students of the Month
Serenity Lewis
Serenity is a kind and caring person. She loves to draw and create. She makes drawings for her teachers and her friends to brighten their day. She is a hard worker and is always participating in class. Submitted by 5th Grade ELA Teacher Marquita Coleman
J'Rieon Thompkins
J'Rieon always has a positive attitude, great manners and willing to help his friends. He is truly a Justice Giant.
Submitted by 5th/6th Grade Teacher Megan McAdams
Library News with Mrs. Persinger
Reading Fun
I'd like to remind you and your students to make time for reading every day. The benefits of reading are countless! Don’t forget that we have a Little Free Library at the entrance of our track, stocked with books for all ages. Also, each student is also allowed to check out one library book to take home. No matter the weather—cold, hot, or rainy—there's always a great reason to dive into a good book. Happy reading!
Music Time by Benjamin Batman
Mr. Batman is looking for more singers to join Circle the State with Song (CSWS). What is CSWS? CSWS is a choral festival that invites the best young musicians from each area choir to have an extra opportunity to grow in their singing ability. This year the festival will take place at Marion High School, where they will rehearse selected pieces of music together with a guest conductor. Later that day, they will perform in a concert for parents and other family members or friends.
Rehearsals are Tuesdays after school until 4:45PM. The event itself is on Saturday, Feb 15, 2025.
All questions can be directed to Mr. Batman, Justice Choir Director at bbatman@marion.k12.in.us
Sports Round Up by Coach Alsup
Let's Work Together
The volleyball team concluded a successful season. A highlight of the season was the annual Pink Out game where both Justice and RJ Baskett wore their pink jerseys to raise awareness for Breast Cancer Awareness. With all the improvement, the team looked completely different from when it started the season.
Our cross-country club finished its season with multiple personal best times and good momentum for future seasons. If you missed the opportunity to join the team in the fall, the track club will begin in March.
Boys and girls basketball open gyms have begun. Interested students should listen to school and lunchtime announcements. Tryouts and more information will be announced soon.
Jon Gordon, a leadership expert said,” Caring is the ultimate team-building strategy. When we make caring a strategy and create a culture of caring, we stand out and create success that lasts.” Thank you to our coaches, workers, and adults who are an example of what caring looks like to our student-athletes.
Life is a team activity,
Coach Alsup
Upcoming Dates
November Events
- November 1 -- First Friday (Flannel Friday)
- November 6 -- E-Learning Day/Parent/Teacher Conferences
- November 21 -- Grant County DART Quiz Bowl (at Justice)
- November 27-29 -- Thanksgiving Break
- December 6 -- First Friday (Blue Christmas)