Dimond News Blast
March 27, 2024
Dear Dimond Families!
Next week, 9th and 10th graders will be testing. In preparation for testing, students are encouraged each day to get a good night’s rest and eat breakfast. Below, we have provided information regarding testing and the schedule that will be used during the days of testing. Please read this information carefully. Thank you for your support.
It’s Prom already! I can’t believe that the Prom is next weekend. We have included important information about the purchase of tickets and expectations for attire. Congratulations to the Prom Court!
AK STAR Testing
Each spring, Alaskan students are provided an opportunity to show what they know. When students show what they know, teachers and parents can partner to promote student success. The State of Alaska Department of Education has partnered with NWEA to align and connect the English language arts (ELA) and mathematics tests with the MAP Growth benchmark assessments students take in the fall and winter.
This balanced assessment system targets instruction to better support meeting students’ individual learning needs. In addition, students will take only one assessment per content area (ELA and math) and be provided two scores as follows:
Summative assessment results at grade level
MAP Growth interim benchmark result, including growth from fall to spring
AK STAR, the Alaska System of Academic Readiness, comprises English language arts and mathematics and is administered to students in grades 3-9. The Alaska Science Assessment is administered to students in grades 5, 8, and 10. The purpose of a large-scale, summative assessment is to provide parents and schools an overall picture of a student’s progress in meeting the Alaska standards at grade level.
Parents can locate resources for AK STAR and the Alaska Science Assessment, including directions for Student Readiness (Practice Tests and Tutorials), student testing times, and general assessment information on the ASD website at https://www.asdk12.org/akstar.
AK STAR/Science Morning Schedule:
Tuesday, April 2ndEnglish: 9th Grade: Bring Your Charged Chromebook
Students Testing: 7:30-10:20 with proctor
Students/Staff Not Testing: Period 1 all morning: Break 8:50-9:00
Math : 9th Grade: Bring Your Charged Chromebook
Students Testing: 7:30-10:20 with proctor
Students/Staff Not Testing: Period 2 all morning: Break 8:50-9:00
Science: 10th grade: Bring Your Charged Chromebook
Students Testing: 7:30-10:20 with proctor
Students/Staff Not Testing: Period 3 all morning: Break 8:50-9:00
PM classes are unchanged.
Please contact the Dimond curriculum office or email the curriculum principal: at scott_michael@asdk12.org if you have any questions.
2024 School Climate & Connectedness Survey Launch-This Survey Has Been Extended!
The SCCS is an online survey for students, staff, and families. The Anchorage School District window is until Friday, March 29. The link below is for families, students have a specific link that is available to them in Canvas. There is NOT a unique link per school, participants simply select their school from a drop-down menu.
The survey links and Family QR code can be found in this SCCS Link List. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
Prom 2024- Theme: Gatsby!
The prom is next Saturday, April 6, from 7-11 pm at the Anchorage Museum. Ticket sales will take place all next week during lunch and after school on Thursday and Friday. Tickets are $50 per person, cash only. No tickets will be sold at the door.
Only juniors and seniors may buy tickets to the Prom. Freshmen and sophomores may only attend Prom as the date of a junior or senior. Students wishing to bring a student from another school must submit a guest pass by Friday (3/29) at 2:15 pm, and also buy a ticket for their guest. A Dimond junior or senior may only bring either an underclassman or a guest, but not both.
Prom is a formal dance; formal gowns and tuxedos are typical attire. No jeans, hats, or revealing attire permitted. Refreshments and water will be provided at the dance. A photo booth will also be available. Students must arrive by 9:00 pm and must have a school ID (or other photo ID) to enter.
Prom Court
Congratulations to the 2024 Prom Court:
Lauren Masley
Joss Mackay
Charlotte Cruickshank
Rachel Cho
Nora Mcbride
Mai Mateaki
Riley Lancaster
Kieran Erwin
Julius Cocom
Caden San Juan
Elijah Lee
Joseph Hampton
AJ Glover
Koslan Allen
The court will be recognized at the school assembly on April 5. All students can vote for King and Queen during Prom Week; they will be announced and crowned during Prom.
Students, and parents, please remember students MAY NOT park in the designated parking spots near the pool that are clearly labeled “Lynx Lair” or “Visitor Parking”. Students are notified that these spots are off-limits when they pick up their parking pass and there have been numerous announcements made about it.
Also, please remind your student that parking in a handicap spot without a municipal permit is a violation of municipal code and your student might receive a ticket of $500.00 from APD if they continue to do so. We have a number of staff and students with handicap placards who have not been able to park there
For all Senior Related Information, you can view this web page. It has all of the important dates your senior needs to know for the rest of the year and is updated weekly with any new relevant information. It's a great resource.
UAA Spring Preview Day
Juniors and Seniors! The UAA College of Health and College of Engineering is hosting a tour of their programs on Monday, April 8th, from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (lunch will be provided by UAA at noon). If you would like to attend, field trip permission forms can be picked up from the Curriculum Office or your counselor.
King Tech Spring Hiring Event
Juniors and Seniors! The King Tech Spring Hiring Event is happening on Wednesday April 10th, from 12:00 PM-1:00 PM. Tables will be hosted by business, military, and college representatives. If you would like to attend, field trip permission forms can be picked up from the Curriculum Office or your counselor.
Senior Fun Day!
Senior Fun Day will be held on May 3rd, 2024 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Dimond High School on the football field and in the old gym.
We are looking for donations and financial sponsors for the food, games, and fun provided for our seniors at no cost to them. These donations will go towards our food trucks, rental equipment, and other incidentals.
Donations can be accepted in the form of cash and checks (checks made out to “Senior Fun Day”) and can be dropped off in our front office or given directly to Ms. Hunt in the Activities office.
Donations are also tax deductible, please contact Danielle Essary at essary_danielle@asdk12.org for further details or with any questions (If you would like a receipt for tax deduction purposes, please donate via check.)
Career Resource Center Information
Mrs. Lauwers is in the process of updating and posting upcoming scholarships, testing information, FAFSA, potential college timelines/ application deadlines, and job resources to pursue after graduation. More is available online and in person in the DHS Career Resource.
Please contact Mrs. Lauwers through email at lauwers_kimberly@asdk12.org if you have any questions or if you or your student would like to schedule an appointment. If the CRC office door is open, Mrs. Lauwers is in her office, and feel free to come in for help! You must have a pass from your teacher or come in at lunch or after school. Appointment hours are 8:30 am-3:00 pm.
Warm Regards,
Principal Johnson-Harris
A.J. Dimond High School
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/dimond
Location: 2909 West 88th Avenue, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: (907) 742-7000