From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
October 11, 2018
States Pass Laws Related to Youth Suicide Prevention
Teens are Protesting In-Class Presentation
Why Giving Kids a Roadmap to Their Brain Can Make Learning Easier
Why Teens Should Understand Their Own Brains (and Why Their Teachers Should, Too)
TEACHERS: 11 Bad Teaching Habits that are Stifling Your Growth
TEACHERS: Stories Are All We Are
TEACHERS: Keeping it Simple with Standards Based Learning
TEACHERS: The 2 x 10 Strategy: A Miraculous Solution for Behavior Issues?
TEACHERS: 7 Ways to Engage Students in Class
TEACHERS: Teaching with Testimony
TEACHERS: Voice of Witness: Bring the Power of Oral History to Your Classroom
TEACHERS: A Research Round-Up on Note-Taking
Every day, in classrooms all over the world, students are taking notes. Do you know what the research says about note-taking? Jennifer Gonzalez combed through about three decades’ worth of research, and shares what it says about best practices in note-taking. Although this is not an exhaustive summary, it hits on some of the most frequently debated questions on the subject.
TEACHERS: 25 Sticky Note Teacher Hacks You’ll Want to Steal
Sticky notes got their start nearly 40 years ago, when 3M introduced the now-classic yellow Post-it Notes. In the years since, their popularity has skyrocketed, and they’re now available in every shape, size, and color you can imagine. They have endless applications, especially in schools; teachers use sticky notes for math, reading, art, planning, and so much more. Here are 25 clever ways to use sticky notes in the classroom.
PARENTS: Turn Off that Smart Phone, Mom and Dad
PARENTS: 4 Steps to Fit Your Parenting to Your Child's Temperament
LEADERS: Characteristics of Culturally Proficient Leaders
LEADERS: On Changing Seasons (and Not the Ones that Trigger Allergies)
LEADERS: How to Support the Wellbeing of your Staff
LEADERS: The 4 Things That Happen When You Make Time for Yourself
Not Light, But Fire by Matthew Kay
Do you feel prepared to initiate and facilitate meaningful, productive dialogues about race in your classroom? Are you looking for practical strategies to engage with your students? Inspired by Frederick Douglass's abolitionist call to action, “it is not light that is needed, but fire” Matthew Kay has spent his career learning how to lead students through the most difficult race conversations. Kay not only makes the case that high school classrooms are one of the best places to have those conversations, but he also offers a method for getting them right.
Equity and School Discipline Institute in Chicago
FREE - 5 Day Challenge
Habitudes for Social & Emotional Learning
Pre-K Assessments: A Systematic Approach
edWeb - Thursday, October 4, 4:00 PM EDT
Student Data Privacy: A Priority and Essential Commitment
edWeb - Monday, October 8, 5:00 PM EDT
Sharing Child Assessment Results with Parents
edWeb - Tuesday, October 9, 2:00 PM EDT
Charting Your Intervention Course: The Art and Science of Goal Setting
edWeb - Wednesday, October 10: 3:00 PM EDT
Ideas for Jump-Starting Digital Citizenship at Your School
edWeb - Thursday, October 11, 4:00 PM EDT
Power up Blended Learning: A Professional Learning Infrastructure to Support Sustainable Change
Corwin - Monday, October 15, 5:00 PM EDT
Mastering Multiplication: Using Visual Models to Promote Deep Learning
edWeb - Tuesday, October 16, 4:00 PM EDT
PBL and Assessment: How Do You Measure Learning in PBL?
edWeb - Wednesday, October 17, 4:00 PM EDT
Student Motivation: Less Stick, More Carrot
edWeb - Monday, October 22, 5:00 PM EDT
Grading For Equity: What it is, Why it Matters, and How it Can Transform Schools & Classrooms
Corwin - Monday, October 22, 6:30 PM EDT
Project-Based Teaching: Fine-Tuning Instructional Strategies for Deep Learning
ASCD - Tuesday, October 23, 3:00 PM EDT
Resolving Tough Individual Student Behavior Challenges with Prevent-teach-Reinforce
edWeb - Tuesday, October 23, 3:00 PM EDT
Meeting the Needs of Students with ASD Within the Mainstream Classroom
edWeb - Thursday, October 25, 1:00 PM EDT
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Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
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