Thompson Friday Forecast
September 21, 2018
From the Principal...Steve Morrill
This week the warm weather continued to impact the 7/8 center and after school athletics. Hopefully with the calendar marking the first day of Fall tomorrow, September 22nd, we will get some relief! Thank you to the students for continuing to do their best and learn in some of the very warm classrooms. And thank you to the teaching staff, athletic directors, coaches, and parents for your flexibility, creativity, and willingness to put student safety first!
Sixth and seventh graders recently completed their first Performance Series assessment of the 2018 - 2019 school year. These assessments have one section for reading/ELA and one for math. Next Wednesday, September 26th, eighth grade students will be taking the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) in the morning. Please see the district document below explaining the PSAT test and encourage your child to perform his/her best!
The PSAT is the first test in the SAT Suite of Assessments. This test sets a readiness baseline, allowing for students and teachers to pinpoint areas for focused practice as they move through high school.
The results from this assessment are used as one of several data points for determining class placement for our freshman students.
Enjoy your weekend!
Picture Retake Day - Monday, September 24th
Picture retake day is Monday, September 24th in the morning. If you would like your child to have their picture retaken, please return your unwanted proofs with your student. There is a photo schedule in place and your child's teacher will instruct them when it is time for their retake. Do not send your child with money. You will have the opportunity to purchase photos online when you receive the new proofs. Students who did not have their pictures taken during Material Pickup Days will also get them taken on Monday.
Technology Student Association (T.S.A.) Club
The Thompson T.S.A. Club will be meeting on the following dates from 7:30 - 8:15 am in room #146 at the 7th/8th Center:
Oct 4, Oct 18
Nov 1, Nov 15
Dec 6, Dec 13, Dec 20
Second semester dates will be announced at a later date. Come find out what T.S.A. is all about! Please contact Mr. Harmon with any questions.
Homework Helper at the 7/8 Center
6th Grade Outdoor Ed Field Trips
The 6th grade needs some snacks and water for our annual trip to Covenant Harbor for Outdoor Education. Please, if you are able, volunteer to donate some snacks or water for our trip.
Please click on this link for a Sign Up Genius. Thank you so much for your continued support of our students!
Our crossing guards at Thompson have some suggestions to help ensure our students are safe during arrival and dismissal times.
1. Indiana Street is closed from 7:40 - 8:25 am and 3:15 - 4:00 pm.
2. Please drop/pick up 7th & 8th grade students along Oak St. and have them cross with the crossing guard.
3. PLEASE tell your children not to walk/run from between cars!! This is extremely dangerous! Please cross with the crossing guard.
4. Please do not make U-turns in the middle of the intersection or in any other part of the school zone.Coding Club
“Learning to write programs stretches your mind, and helps you think better, creates a way of thinking about things that I think is helpful in all domains.”
Bill Gates, Chairman, Microsoft
PSAT Testing on September 26th
On Wednesday, September 26th, eighth grade students will be taking the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) in the morning. This is a "pre-test" to the SAT and a part of the SAT Suite of Assessments. Students will take a test in the SAT Suite once a year through their Junior year in high school. Information from these assessments is used to monitor progress towards college and career readiness.
After School Activity Bus
Parent University - September 26, 2018
Safety & Security in D303
Wednesday, 9/26 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Thompson Middle School
6th Grade Center Cafeteria
An emergency or disaster can strike a school community at any time and can take the form of natural disasters such as floods, tornadoes, earthquakes or fires, as well as man-made accidents or criminal activity. When an event occurs during the school day, it is the responsibility of District 303 to care for and protect our most valuable resource: children.
On a regular basis, the school district works in partnership with local public safety and law enforcement officials on training and appropriate responses to emergency events.
As part of this Parent University program, presenters will discuss:
- Secure building entrances
- Visitor Management
- Communication
- Weather Alerts
- Drills and evacuation plans
- Lesson Plans
In addition, we will show an interview conducted by the Illinois Principals Association with Dr. Seth Chapman on his research related to school shootings.
- Dr. Seth Chapman, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services
- Mr. John Baird, Assistant Superintendent for Operations
- Commander Chuck Pierce, St. Charles Police Department
Click here to register
Parent University - October 10, 2018
10/10/18 - 6:30-8:30 p.m.
St. Charles North High School Auditorium
The purpose of the film Angst is to raise awareness and have conversations about anxiety. It features candid interviews with kids who have struggled with anxiety, as well as discussions with mental health professionals. At the end of the film there will be a 30 minute panel discussion led by the D303 Counseling Team.
As part of our agreement with the production company, we are able to show the film in both middle schools and both high schools during the week of October 8th. This will provide parents and students an opportunity to have conversations at home about what they saw.
To register for this event, click here.
Dates to Remember
- Monday, September 24 - Picture Retakes in the morning
- Wednesday, September 26 - PSAT testing (AM) for 8th graders
- Wednesday, September 26 - Parent University: Safety and Security in D303
- Thursday, October 4 - End of the M1 Health Rotation
- Friday, October 5 - No School for Students - School Improvement Day
- Monday, October 8 - No School for Students - Columbus Day Holiday
- Tuesday, October 9 - Start of the M2 Health Rotation
- Wednesday, October 10 - Parent Univeristy: Showing & Discussion of the film Angst
- Thursday, October 11 - PTO Meeting - 9:00 am
- Monday, October 15 - Principal's Coffee - 1:30 pm
- Friday, October 26 - End of the First Quarter
- Friday, November 2 - First quarter grades are posted in the Home Access Center
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Sarah Cann - Assistant Principal
Mr. Shane Darnell - Assistant Principal
Dr. Alicia Honnert - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kristy McKnight - Assistant Principal
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100