The GlobalEdCon Attendee Guide
Participate in the 8th Annual Global Education Conference
The 2017 Global Education Conference
Monday, Nov 13, 2017, 10:00 AM
Our Mission
Step 1 - Register for the Conference
Step 2 - Visit Our Online Community
Step 3 - Browse the Conference Schedule
- Find your time zone and click on the associated green link (example: GMT-6) . You will then see a Google Calendar for your time zone. (FYI, you can add a particular event or the entire calendar to your own Google Calendar if you use this tool.)
- Click on a session title to expand the event. You will see a full description and a link to the virtual room where your particular chosen session will take place. These links are live just before the conference starts.
- Detailed session descriptions are also listed under Accepted Proposals under the Conference menu. You can also leave comments for presenters here.
- There are different speakers and keynotes each day. You can attend as many live sessions as you want at your leisure. All sessions are recording and are available for review after the fact.
Step 4 - Enter a Conference Session
Blackboard Collaborate is the webinar platform for the conference. The sessions are held in BbC webinar rooms called vrooms or virtual rooms.
- First-time users should make sure that their computer is prepared to launch Blackboard Collaborate.
- Click on a link to a presentation that you would like to attend (around the designated start time) in the conference schedule as mentioned in Step 2. This will launch Blackboard Collaborate.
- If you are on a Mac, you may have to run an extra launcher application. See this documentation for more information.
- Note that when you launch Blackboard Collaborate, it downloads a file to wherever you designate your downloads to be downloaded on your computer. You may have to click on that file to launch the session.
- Enter your name into the Login box and click Login. This process takes a minute or so and then the Blackboard Collaborate room will launch.
- If you are having issues getting into a room, ask for help in the chat room on the front page of our community. Alternatively, you can visit the conference virtual lounge for help.
- Making sure that Java on your computer is updated on your computer sometimes alleviates issues.
Step 5 - Participate in a Conference Session
Remember, all sessions are recorded and you will be able to review these recordings shortly after the live event has taken place. They will be posted in our online community indefinitely. Keynote recordings will be uploaded to our YouTube channel.
Troubleshooting Tips
Visit this page on Blackboard's site for help configuring your system.
- Make sure Java is updated on your computer.
- Clear your browser's cache.
- Try another browser.
If you are still experiencing issues, visit the front page of our main website and login. There is a chat room on the front page, and if you post there, we'll do our best to help you!
Conference Notes
- Connect with other conference attendees and find important information on Twitter. Our account is @GlobalEdCon and the event hashtag is #globaled17.
- Volunteer moderators are needed to support our speakers. Please join this group if you would like to help. This is a great way to get to know other global educators involved in the conference!
- Help us publicize this conference. Share this flyer and use the resources here.
- All sessions will be available in our archives in Blackboard Collaborate, MP3, and MP4 formats. You can play recordings from our archives page or download them. We encourage presenters to upload their own sessions to platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, or Soundcloud.
- We are pleased to partner again with Alludo Learning (formerly Chrome Warrior) on a professional development game. If you would like a conference certificate of participation, you will need to complete this.
- We hope that you find GlobalEdCon to be a valuable experience. Make sure to fill out the conference evaluation form that appears when you exit a Blackboard Collaborate vroom.
- Let's keep the spirit of the conference going year round by continuing conversations in our discussion forum, sharing resources over social media, and inviting fellow community members to projects.
Keynotes Speakers
Here is our keynote lineup and additional updates are coming. Visit this page for more details.
Mali Bickley (Collaboration Specialist, TakingITGlobal)
David Bornstein (Co-Founder + CEO, Solutions Journalism Network)
Kevin Crouch (Director of Technology Services, Consilience Learning)
Franz De Paula (Author)
Gavin Dykes (Programme Director, the World Education Forum)
Fabrice Fresse (Member of EvalUE, EvalUE)
Franz De Paula (Author)
Michael Furdyk (Co-founder, TakingITGlobal)
Terry Godwaldt (Executive Director, The Centre for Global Education)
Ed Gragert (Founder, Global Woods Consulting)
Martin Levins (President, Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE))
Julie Lindsay (Founder and CEO, Flat Connections)
Sylvia Martinez (Author, Invent to Learn)
Alan Mather (Chief, Office of College + Career Success at Chicago Public Schools)
Ann S. Michaelsen (Teacher and school leader, Sandvika vgs)
Anne Mirtschin (Teacher, Hawkesdale P12 College)
Pam Moran (Superintendent, Albemarle County Public Schools)
Jean-Luc Moreau (President, EvalUE association)
Dana Mortenson (CEO and Co-founder, World Savvy)
Jennie Niles ( Deputy Mayor for Education, District of Columbia Public Schools)
Lori Roe (Instructional Technology Specialist, Delaware Department of Education)
Maggie Mitchell Salem (Executive Director, QFI)
Ira Socol (Executive Director of Technology and Innovation, Albemarle County Public Schools)
George Saltsman, (Lamar University)
Ariel Tichnor-Wagner (Senior Fellow of Global Competence, ASCD)
Erin Towns (Global Educator, Edward Little High School)
Liam Wegimont (Chairperson, GENE)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Director of Education Strategy, Participate)