The Buzz
Autumn Term - 14th December 2023

Message From the Head of School
The penultimate week of the Autumn term has been full of the magic of Christmas here at HISN. This week we are quite rightly celebrating our principle of ‘Pride’ as we welcome our families in to see us perform. Thank you to all family members who came to see our shows, I am sure you will agree that our children were fabulous! They had rehearsed and learnt their lines and actions making sure we saw amazing performances. Thank you to all staff and children for all your hard work and efforts.
Next week we look forward to our Christmas lunch, class parties and maybe a special visit from Father Christmas where staff have chosen a class present! Please remember we break up at 1:20 on Thursday.
It has been a long half term and children are struggling with coughs and colds. If they are able to come into school, they should as attendance is valued. It can be tempting to start a Christmas break a day or two early but this has a really negative impact on your child's attendance and our whole school attendance.
Finally, this is the final edition of the Buzz for 2023, it is now one year old and has been a real success thanks to Mrs Harris who ensures it goes out each week and is always full of information and pictures of the children.
Claire Cook
Head of School
Please remember that we are celebrating ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ tomorrow. If you would like to donate to Save The Children follow the link below.
Children can wear full mufti, no football kits allowed.
Last week the Infant choir performed in front of their families. They sang so beautifully and wowed the 50 strong audience with their confidence. Everyone left the event feeling in great festive spirits. I want to thank the choir for a joyful first term where we encourage each other to sing out and have fun!
Mrs Cranston
w/c 04.11.23
2H & 2J had the best attendance last week with 99%
2H had 1 late last week
🌟Certificate of Excellence
AM Nursery - Abby
PM Nursery - Theo L
RC Iwan
RF Frankie
RK Gabriel
RP Arthur
1B Morgan
1C Reggie
1D Adrian
1Y Edward
2C Annabel
2H Alice
2J Olive
2MC Arthur
👋 Makaton Sign of the Week
🟨 Nursery
This week we have really immersed ourselves in the Christmas spirit. We have enjoyed rehearsing for our Christmas show and know we will wow you all on Friday 15th December with our amazing singing! We have loved reading the nativity story this week and we have been retelling the story using visuals to hlep us. We made playdough Christmas shapes and thought carefully about how we were going to decorate them. We have made up our own Christmas stories and enjoyed using dressing up clothes to take on the role of elves and Father Christmas. In maths, we have continued learning 1 to 1 correspondence through counting all of our Christmas cards. We have been very busy creating something special that will be coming home with us very soon! What a busy week!
🟥 Reception
Reception have enjoyed reading the Christmas Nativity story this week and the children are all really excited for Christmas. They have enjoyed acting out the story with our lovely wooden Nativity scene and hot seating the characters in our topic lessons. They have also been practising their Christmas show songs and actions and can't wait to show you.
We have been exploring Christmas in our provision making Christmas decorations, Christmas hats and decorating our class Christmas trees. We have also been writing letters to Father Christmas and have done an excellent job writing our sounds and mark making.
Reception have been painting and making their own class Christmas postbox and we have been talking about what happens to letters and cards when we post them in real post boxes. We then had a very exciting trip to the postbox down the road to post their cards home. They were all really sensible and represented Hampton Infant School excellently.
🟦 Year 1
Well done to the amazing Year 1 children for performing so well in our Christmas production of ‘The Nativity’. We have all enjoyed learning the festive songs and actions that go alongside the Christmas story, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. You can find the videos of the performances on the school website to enjoy again at home with your family.
In English, we have continued with our focus on the story ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ by Janet and Alan Ahlberg. We have been focusing on letter writing and looking at the features of a letter, before writing our very own letter to Father Christmas himself, discussing what we would like for Christmas and what good deeds we have been doing to make it onto his ‘nice’ list!
In maths, we have been consolidating all of the facts, concepts and skills we have been learning throughout the autumn term. We have been using this mathematical knowledge to practise our reasoning skills, problem solve and complete challenges.
We are looking forward to visiting All Saints Church next week, which should really help get us in the Christmas spirit. We are looking forward to carrying out the scavenger hunt and identifying the various artefacts around the church.
The children have worked so hard this term and we are all immensely proud of every single one of them and the progress they have made, both in their work and in their transition to year 1. We hope you enjoy a well-earned break over Christmas and that you have a joyful, relaxing time. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year refreshed and ready for the spring term!
🟩 Year 2
Thank you for coming to our Christmas Shows this week, we loved sharing our songs with you. For anyone who missed our show our dress rehearsal has been recorded and will be on the home learning page on Friday to share with friends and family.
We have loved becoming authors this week writing the start of our story 'Once Upon a Snowstorm'. We began the week ordering the story and thinking carefully about what is happening in each picture.
In Maths we have continued looking at shapes and focused on 3D shapes. We have explored properties of shapes including faces and vertices and then using this knowledge to sort a range of shapes.
We have loved using digital cameras this term to learn how to take a good photo. We have been using a photo editing program to look at how we can add or change features too. We have become skilled in changing the colour and background of photos. Can you spot what we changed in the photos below?
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
🎅Christmas 2023 Diary Dates
Friday 15th Dec
Christmas Jumper Day (full Mufti) - Whole School
10.30am - 11.00am AM Nursery Christmas Show
2.30pm - 3.00pm PM Nursery Christmas Show
Tuesday 19th Dec
Nursery and Reception Christmas Party - children to come to school in party clothes and bring festive packed lunch
Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas Lunch - uniform
Wednesday 20th Dec
Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas Party - children to come to school in party clothes and bring festive packed lunch
Reception Christmas Lunch - School Uniform
Nursery Last Day of Term
Thursday 21st Dec
HISN Rec, Yr 1 & Yr 2 End of Term (1.20pm pick up)
January 2024
Monday 8th INSET DAY
Tuesday 9th Children Return to School
Messages from the Office
Helpful School Information
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815