Cougar Chronicle
Important Dates to Remember
8/21 - Curriculum Night 1st, 3rd, 5th (6-7:15pm)
8/22 - Curriculum Night K, 2nd, 4th (6-7:15pm)
9/2 - Labor Day (school closed)
9/3 - Teacher Workday (no school for students)
9/4 - Professional Development (no school for students)
From Our Art Department
We are in need of plastic mini-muffin and mini-cupcake containers. Please send supplies to the front office in care of Sue Miller.
Thank You!
Counselor's Corner
The topic for next week's SSS program is "Focus". In the attachment that we've provided below, you'll find the discussion points that teachers will go over with our students. We encourage you to take this opportunity to reinforce these lessons at home as well.
K Lesson- Following Instructions
1 Lesson- Hocus Pocus: Focus
2 Lesson- The Focus Toolbox
3 Lesson- Improving my Focus
4 Lesson- Keep Focused
5 Lesson-Focus First!
Jenise Greene: greenej@fultonschools.org
Annie Woodworth: woodwortha@fultonschools.org
Girls with Pearls
Girls with Pearls is a service organization (sponsored by the CWE counseling department) for young ladies in our 4th and 5th grade classes. If your daughter is interested, please click on the link provided for more information and to sign up. The form will be active 8/19 - 9/3.
News From The Clinic
Are You Allergic to Mold?
Mold is everywhere — it can be found outdoors, in your home, and in buildings you visit. The fungus likes damp environments and produces spores that can become airborne. It needs four things to grow: air, water, food, and appropriate temperature. Outdoor mold levels tend to be higher in the late spring through early fall when the weather is warm and moist. In southern climates like here in Georgia, mold spores are present year-round.
Mold Allergy Symptoms
People with a mold allergy will experience symptoms similar to those caused by other airborne allergens like pollen and dust. If you are allergic to mold, your immune system will be overly sensitive to specific spores and in turn will trigger symptoms. High mold levels can also exacerbate asthma symptoms in asthmatics sensitive to mold.
Common mold allergy symptoms may include:
Runny nose
Watery eyes
Itchy eyes, nose, mouth, and lips