Charles Town Prowler
January 6, 2023
End of 2nd 9 weeks/1st Semester
The 2nd-9 week grading period/1st Semester has ended (12/22), which means we are halfway through the year. Report cards will go home on Monday, January 9. However, grades are available to view on CANVAS. If your child is not doing as well as you'd like for them be doing, here are some options:
- Set up a conference with their teachers to see what can be improved. -- Parent Teacher Conferences are Tuesday, January 10 6:00-8:00 - Please contact your students' teacher to schedule an appointment for that night.
- Sign them up electronically for the After School Tutoring Program, January 24 - March 9, 2023. The program meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-4:45 p.m. Students may bring a snack if they wish. If transportation is needed, all forms must be completed and submitted by Tuesday, January 10.
- Being at school daily is very important. If your child is absent or tardy, please remind them that they are responsible for getting any missed work, completing it, and turning it back in to be graded. Also, please send in excuses for absences and tardies. They can faxed in to 304-728-7526, emailed to or turned into the front office.
- Tech Checks: Students are expected to have their charged chromebooks with them each morning in preparation for class instruction throughout the day. Teachers will begin implementing tech checks throughtout the day to ensure students are fully prepared for class. If your student's device is not working properly, please have them report to the media center with their device to see Mr. Johnson.
- Phone Policy - Off and Away: As we came back from break this week, we have seen an influx of students with their phones/personal devices/earbuds/headphones out. Please remember that the school policy is off and away. This means it should not be visible in hand or on body. If a student is in violation of this policy, the parent is required to pick the device up from the school office.
Parent Teacher Conferences - January 10, 2023
Not able to meet on January 10?
If you are not able to meet on January 10, but would like to speak with your student's teacher(s), please do not hesitate to reach out. Teachers are available to conference during their planning periods and occasssionally before and after school with advanced notice.
Need Canvas Help?
Kona Ice
Club Day
January 25 will be the next CTMS Club Day!
Winter Athletics Update
This week, the Boys Basketball team went 1-1, earning a victory over Warren County and dropping a close game agains the Blue Devils of North Middle. Next week the boys host Harpers Ferry on 1/9/2023 @ 6:00 and travel to Hedgesville on 1/12/2023 6:00. Best of luck Boys!
The Girls Basketball team saw action against North Middle and picked up a big victory on the road. Next week they travel to Harpers Ferry (1/9/2023 6:00) and host Hedgesville (1/12/2023 6:00). Good Luck Lady Panthers!
Wrestling will be on the road until 1/18/2023 as they host a tri meet at CTMS, starting at approximately 5:15 PM. Good Luck Panthers!
Reminder, that students returning to CTMS for an event SHOULD be ACCOMPANIED by an ADULT.
Holiday - MLK Day - January 16
Reminder, there is NO school on Monday, January 16 in observance of Martin Luther King Day.