Paw Prints
Westridge Elementary
From the Office
We had a great start to the 24-25 school year! It was so exciting to see everyone back to school and to welcome some new friends into the Westridge community.
Next week the fall benchmarking window opens up. Grades kindergarten through 2nd grade will take the FastBridge reading and math assessments. Grades 3rd through 5th grade will take the MAP reading and math assessments. Several grades will start taking those assessments next week. Some grade levels will take their assessments the following week. Your child's classroom teacher will be communicating specific times of those assessments. These benchmarking assessments are very important and help us determine how to best support students academically at school. Please help your child do their best on their benchmarking assessments by making sure they get a good night's sleep and have a good breakfast in the morning.
At the beginning of the school year, I go around to each of the classrooms to do a safety presentation. I talk to the students about the Standard Response Protocol and the five actions. Those five actions are: Secure, Hold, Lockdown, Shelter, and Evacuate. We talk about what to do in each protocol and how to keep themselves safe at school. I have been to seven classrooms this week, and I will meet with everyone else by the end of next week. I would encourage you to talk with your child about the Standard Response Protocol and the safety presentation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you,
Ryan Broshar
Principal- Westridge Elementary
402-289-2559, rbroshar@epsne.org
August Events
September 2nd- Labor Day, No School
September 3rd- PTO Meeting @ 6:30 PM- Westridge Library
September 13th- Picture Day & Fall into Books
September 19th & 20th- Outdoor Ed (5th Grade only)
September 24th & 25th- Parent/Teacher Conference 3 to 6 PM, 2:00 dismissal
September 25th- Walk-a-thon Kick-off
September 26th & 27th- No School
Subscribe to our calendar at- WR Calendar
Counselor's Corner
Dear Westridge Families,
We’re excited to kick off the new school year by talking about Kindness. Our definition of Kindness is acting with understanding, generosity, and care. We believe developing skills around Kindness will help us build a strong foundation for a great year of learning, connecting, and growing together. Check out our Family Letter for more information about PurposeFull People and some fun ways you can join us in kicking off our most kind year yet! Watch for monthly newsletters like this that outline the skills we are learning in class and provide fun ideas to grow as a family at home.
Take care!
Emily Woodson
School Counselor
School Day Hours 8:10-3:06
School Day Information
7:35- Breakfast is available in the cafeteria for all students interested.
7:55- Walking club begins
8:10- 1st Bell
8:15- Tardy Bell- School begins
3:06- Dismissal
Walking Club
Walking Club is from 7:55-8:10 (1st bell). Walking Club is supervised by Westridge teachers to allow families time to drop-off students before the official start of the school day. There is no signup for Walking Club. Students can join other students at Walking Club when they arrive at school. Walking Club takes place on the blacktop area of the playground. If there is inclement weather, then Walking Club is moved indoors to the gym.
There is no supervision for students prior to 7:55, unless students are having school breakfast in the cafeteria. Therefore, only students having breakfast should arrive before 7:55.
Elkhorn Kids Campus (EKC) does provide before and after school care for students. For more information please visit the Elkhorn Foundation website.
As was shared with all families in an email from Elkhorn Public Schools on July 24, updated cell phone expectations will be implemented at all EPS schools for the 2024-25 school year. Links to our student handbook and the EPS email that was sent to families can be found below.
2024-25 Elementary Student Handbook -- Cell Phone Policy found on Page 8
Elkhorn Public Schools Email sent to all EPS Families on July 24, 2024
Please take a moment ahead of the first day of school to review the updated expectations as outlined in the handbook, and discuss them with your student.
Westridge PTO Information
Welcome back Wildcats!
Thank you to everyone that came to the first PTO meeting last week. We are looking forward to all the fun events planned for this year!
Our next PTO meeting will be Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:30pm. We will meet upstairs in the Media Center. Childcare will be available.
The Westridge Directory is available to use for the year! It is important to update your information if you are returning family and register for an account.
Again, everyone is considered outdated until they go into update their information and publish their directory preferences. We’ve attached some tip sheets to help you get started. Contact Andrea Bakenhus at bakenhusa@gmail.com if you need assistance or have any questions.
*Please see attached documents*
School Spirit Store is up and live until September 8th.
Be sure to grab your new Westridge apparel! Our spirit wear store is officially open! Many new designs including a Tie Dye Option that can be worn on many of Student Council’s Spirit Days!
How can you stay in the know? Follow us on Facebook at
For Reminders and updates that come straight to your phone, please TEXT @wewildcat to 81010
Megan Cain, PharmD
New Directory Users
Returning Parent Users
August Minutes
All About Westridge...
Email: rbroshar@epsne.org
Website: https://www.elkhornweb.org/westridge/
Location: 3100 North 206th Street, Elkhorn, NE, USA
Phone: 402-289-2559
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElkhornPSWR/
Twitter: @ElkhornPS_WR