ELC at George Earle Weekly Update
Friday, September 16th, 2022
It's time for the great pie kick-off!!!!
What is the College 529 college savings pie fundraiser?
Each year, the ELC proudly presents this program to our kindergarten students to help them plan for their future! The program is a partnership with the School City of Hobart, Marilyn's Bakery and the Legacy Foundation to help establish and contribute to each kindergartner's 529 program. We will walk parents through the process of establishing the account and through selling pies, contributions will be made to their fund. Already have a fund? NO problem, by participating in the pie sale, you will also be able to receive the contributions from the pies sold to that account. A big thanks to our PTO for their organization of this project! This fundraiser kicks off on Monday September 19th and will run through October 4th. The pies will be picked up on October 18th.
Brickie Bulletin Board
School Hours
Visit www.hobart.k12.in.us/schoolhours to view the start and end times for the 22-23 school year, including Late Start Wednesday times.
School Calendar
Visit www.hobart.k12.in.us/calendar to view this year's updated school calendar.
School Supply Lists
Click here to view the 2022-23 ELC Supply List.
Student Handbook
Click here to view the 2022-23 ELC Student Handbook.
Connect with The Early Learning Center at George Earle Elementary School!
400 N. Wilson St.
Hobart, IN 46342