Vose Owl Notes
Family Newsletter - May, 2024
Note from the Principals
Dear Vose Families,
This last week we celebrated Volunteer Appreciation. We want to thank all of our volunteers who help support Vose staff and students. From Art Literacy to field trips to special events, we appreciate every moment of help and generosity. We also want to give a special shout out to our incredible PTO Board who work hard to support Vose. We couldn't do it without you!
We also thank families for your partnership at conferences. Teachers enjoyed meeting with you last week to share progress and set goals for these last few months of school.
As we look forward, there are several exciting events happening at Vose, read on to learn more about upcoming events and activities!
All good things,
Monique Singleton- Principal & Ellen Arnold- Assistant Principal
Important Upcoming Events
CLICK HERE for Beaverton School District Calendar for 2023-24 School Year
*Thursday, May 16th- Kindergarten Orientation 6:00pm
* Friday, May 17- 5pm-8pm Carnival - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!
* Thursday, May 30- 5:00pm, Vose Family Art Inquiry Night
* Monday, June 3- Senior Clap Out- we welcome former Vose students who are graduating from Southridge High School back to Vose for a celebration walk through the hallways. If you have a graduating senior who attends another Beaverton high school, please email our principal Mrs. Singleton at monique_singleton@beaverton.k12.or.us by May 30 to make arrangements for them to also attend!
* Monday, June 3 - 7- Spirit Week (specific dress up days are being voted on by 5th graders and will be shared soon!)
*Wednesday, June 5- Padres Unidos/Coffee with the Principals 8:00am
*Monday, June 10 - Field Day (Parents can come as spectators along fence of playground, but not able to join in at Field Day as a volunteer or chaperone unless they have submitted and been approved through Volunteer Background check system...please see info below)
* Tuesday, June 11- 1:15pm- 5th Grade Promotion (in the gym, therefore no balloons allowed inside, please refrain from bringing balloons)
*Wednesday, June 12 - Last Day of School!
Field Day- Spectators & Volunteers
We will have our Field Day at Vose on Monday, June 10. Parents/guardians can come as spectators along the outer fence of playground, but will not be able to join inside the fence/field at Field Day as a volunteer or chaperone unless they have submitted and been approved through Volunteer Background check system. Please click here to complete the Volunteer Background Check: https://www.beaverton.k12.or.us/departments/communications-community-involvement/volunteer
8:30-9:35 -- 5th Grade
9:50-10:55 -- 4th & 3rd Grades
12:00-1:05 -- 2nd & 1st Grades
1:20-2:10 -- Kindy & 5th Grade
Sign-Ups for Field Day volunteers will come out soon!
Kindness Counts Community Coffee Stickers District Campaign
You may have seen this video or posts on the district's Instagram account a few weeks ago about our district's pilot project with William Walker. In short, students created artwork for stickers that were distributed at a nearby coffee shop to customers as a way of spreading kindness and joy. Please watch the short video to learn more.
We are expanding the effort in the fall. Why? We believe that the more kindness there is in our community the better. We also want to continue to create community connections across our school district.
This month, students at Vose will be given a coloring sheet (printable versions below) to draw any design or image related to kindness. These need to be turned into Ms. Silvera, School Counselor by Friday, May 31. Then over the summer the images will be turned into stickers that will then be distributed in the fall to a local coffee shop for distribution. Sounds fun, right?!?! Please encourage your child(ren) to come up with fun ways to share kindness across our community!
Vose Alumni Scholarship
Do you know a graduating senior that went to Vose for elementary school? If you do, please encourage them to fill out an application for the Vose Alumni Scholarship! A check for $500.00-1,000.00 will be awarded for a student's post secondary schooling (college, trade school, etc).
Here are the requirements:
Completed Vose scholarship application cover page
Current high school transcript
Resume/list of activities: Volunteering, Clubs, Teams etc.
Letter of recommendation (not from a family member)
Essay giving advice to Vose students:
Topic: "Following the Road From Vose to College"
Include information about your experience learning English (if applicable) and hardships you have had to overcome throughout your time in school.. Also include how your time at Vose has affected you currently and what your plans are after high school.
Attend an all school assembly at Vose on June 12, 2024 at 8:00 am to read your essay to Vose students.
Applications are due on May 17, 2024. All documents should be submitted to Ellen Arnold at Vose by email, hand delivered, or through US Mail. For questions, contact ellen_arnold@beaverton.k12.or.us.
1st Grade Teddy Bear Clinic!
BSD Health Careers (Health Careers 1- First Year Students) students are piloting a "Teddy Bear Clinic" to Vose 1st graders on May 29th. This event allows some of the advanced students to utilize the Medical Assisting and Dental Assisting knowledge they have gained to educate younger students about basic healthcare practices and first aid in a fun and engaging way and to reduce anxiety about visiting doctors or clinics. This is also a great way for young students to create stories and situations/injuries for their teddy bears, promoting creativity and storytelling.
All students will walk away with a Teddy Bear, Dental Coloring Book and toothbrush.
Health Careers students are also hosting the Teddy Bear Clinic at Hazeldale and McKay Elementary Schools this spring. Students have fundraised over $1000 for this project to purchase teddy bears for the students attending the "clinic". With additional help from the Hazeldale PTO and various individual donors (Amazon Wish List), Health Careers students hope to have enough teddy bears to have successful Teddy Bear Clincs at Vose and McKay Elementary schools by the end of this school year.
If you would like to donate toward the purchase of teddy bears for Vose students, please click here for the Amazon Wish List!
Dental Coloring Book and Toothbrushes were generously donated by Virgina Garcia Clinics!! ❤️
Plastic Film Drive
Vose is keeping Plastic Film from landfills with Ridwell this spring! As part of this limited-time drive, you can bring these types of Plastic Film to school on Tuesday, May 14th or Wednesday, May 15th and Ridwell will make sure they stay out of landfills and are turned into new decking materials instead! Start collecting these items at home now.
You can also help Vose recycle our school’s Plastic Film for the entire ‘24/’25 school year! Be sure to use get.ridwell.com/Vose to join Ridwell with an at-home membership by May 31st, 2024. If we sign up 10 or more new members by this date, we will be awarded monthly Plastic Film pickups for our school next year!
¡Vose, junto con Ridwell, evitará que mucho plástico llegue a los basureros en esta primavera! Como parte de esta campaña de tiempo limitado, puedes traer estos tipos de plásticos a la escuela el martes, 14 de mayo o miercoles, 15 de mayo y Ridwell se asegurará de que no acaben en los basureros y, en su lugar, se conviertan en nuevos materiales para terrazas. Tú puedes comenzar a juntar estos artículos en casa ahora.
¡También puedes ayudar a Vose a reciclar los plásticos de nuestra escuela durante todo el año escolar 24-25! Asegúrate de utilizar get.ridwell.com/Vose y unirte a Ridwell con una membresía desde casa antes del 31 de mayo del 2024. Si inscribimos a 10 o más miembros nuevos antes de esta fecha, ¡recibiremos recolecciones mensuales de plástico para nuestra escuela durante el próximo año!
Baile Folklórico Assembly Performance
Many thanks to Maestra Vargas Lopez and Maestra de la Paz Garza for their amazing guidance and facilitation of our new Baile Folklórico after school club for 2nd and 3rd graders this year! Thanks to the generous sponsorship from community members Mike and Mary Streifel, and the considerable volunteer efforts from our many parents, our talented group was able to have some beautiful costumes and props to enhance their amazing performances! We are all so proud of them! They were the superstars at our recent all school assembly, our students, teachers and staff cheered like a famous pop star was in the house!
Vose Summer School Program
We are thrilled to announce our Vose Summer School 2024! We will offer summer learning opportunities for students currently in Kindergarten through fourth grade. Our summer program will focus on providing continued academic instruction with an integration of enrichment activities to students eligible for Special Education, ELD, Migrant, Native, and SEL services. Our spots are very limited and classroom teachers have started the process to invite students to our summer school. If you are interested, the applications forms are available in the front office or with your child's teacher.
Enrollment period is from May 1st - May 15th. Please fill out and return the application form as soon as possible. You will receive confirmation of enrollment by the end of May.
Vose Summer School 2024!
When: July 1 -25 Monday - Thursday (no school on July 4)
Time: 7:30a.m. - 1:00p.m.
Where: Vose Elementary, in-person instruction.
What: Academic and enrichment opportunities led by certified staff
Who: Current grades K-4th.
Food: Breakfast and Lunch will be served each day.
If you need more information, please contact our Summer School coordinator Saulo Hernandez Jimenez: saulo_hernandez_jimenez@beaverton.k12.or.us or use Parent Square.
Vose Family Art Inquiry Night- Thursday, May 30 at 5:00pm
We are excited to use a few grants from Arts for Learning to bring some amazing artists and public speakers to our Vose community on Thursday, May 30 from 5:00pm-7:30pm.
We will have performances from Inka Jam, a local performance group (students enjoyed an assembly with them earlier on Friday, May 10th- ask them about how they made sounds like an Amazon rainforest!) as well as Rick Huddle.
5:00pm- art & inquiry activities
5:30pm- Inka Jam performance
6:15pm- art & inquiry activities
6:45pm- Rick Huddle performance
Inka Jam: A journey through South America with a Peruvian emphasis in songs, instrumental music and mythology with Luciana Proaño from Peru and accomplished musicians Rio Butler (USA), Tito Amaya (El Salvador), and JB Butler (USA). They combine traditional material with their own compositions in the style of different South American traditions. The instrumentation is diverse and combines acoustic and electric instruments but they can also perform totally unplugged. Most band members are multi-instrumentalists and they include dances in beautiful traditional costumes. The instruments and costumes are displayed and explained. Short narratives of myths as well as historic and geographic context introduce some of the songs. Audience participation is encouraged with singing, clapping and movement. They might choose a lucky child to try out an instrument on stage and play along. The program can be tailored to the school's needs, for example if requiring emphasis on a single country.
Rick Huddle: This high-energy assembly uses games, humorous stories, and songs to teach students how to identify emotions and be better communicators. Participants will become better classmates by learning how to *respond* to their emotions, instead of *reacting* to them. "Don't get mad, get RAD!" not only inspires, but gives kids specific tools to combat bullying.
Here is more info about the two performers in case you are curious:
Beaverton Safe Routes to School Parent Surveys
It’s data collection time again for Beaverton’s Safe Routes to School program. The purpose of this program is to make walking and biking to school safe, convenient, and fun.
Parent’s and guardian’s input into how students travel to and from schools and their impression of the safety of the route is valuable as the city and county prioritize needed improvements for our roads.
The following links will take you to a district survey and will be combined with classroom tallies to give us a good picture of how students are getting to and from schools throughout the district.
The district survey will be open for responses for approximately four weeks from May 1st until May 31st. We appreciate your help in giving us information to make the Safe Routes to School program effective for all Beaverton School District students.
Beaverton Rutas Seguras a la Escuela: Encuestas para Padres
Es hora de recopilar datos nuevamente para el programa Rutas Seguras a la Escuela de Beaverton. El propósito de este programa es hacer que caminar y andar en bicicleta a la escuela sea seguro, conveniente y divertido.La opinión de los padres y tutores legales sobre cómo viajan los estudiantes hacia y desde las escuelas y su impresión de la seguridad de la ruta es valiosa ya que la ciudad y el condado priorizan las mejoras necesarias para nuestras carreteras.
Los siguientes enlaces lo llevarán a una encuesta del distrito y se combinarán con los recuentos del salón de clases para darnos una buena idea de cómo los estudiantes van y vienen de las escuelas de todo el distrito. La encuesta del distrito estará abierta para recibir respuestas por cuatro semanas desde el 1 de mayo hasta el 31 de mayo. Agradecemos su ayuda en brindarnos información para hacer que el programa de Rutas Seguras a la Escuela sea efectivo para todos los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de Beaverton.
Survey Links:
English https://forms.office.com/r/8Z4q4fzWns
Español https://forms.office.com/r/y6zs0DkgBc
اللغة†العربي†ة https://forms.office.com/r/qwdJyEvb5k
中文 https://forms.office.com/r/1jwZrY1ZAv
日本語 https://forms.office.com/r/BneQWbzbPp
한국어 https://forms.office.com/r/dEap7BUuWP
Русский https://forms.office.com/r/qjL4NXX9g4
Soomaali https://forms.office.com/r/F59AAK2qAg
Tiếng Việt https://forms.office.com/r/6WwWhk1itL
El rasgo de carácter de mayo y junio es RESPONSIBILIDAD
May/June Character Trait - RESPONSIBILITY
May award winners- responsibility/Ganadores del premio de mayo- responsabilidad
Lost Library Book Fines - WAIVED!
Library lost book fines have been cancelled! We were able to use some of our Title I grant funds to cover the cost of replacing any lost books, which this year was over $5,000! So the next time families receive an email about overdue notices to families, these lost items will no longer appear. We do ask that families figure out ways to have a safe and consistent place to put school library books, so they can be easily found and returned. This would help us use money for other resources for our kids instead of replacing lost books.
We do have enough money that NEW & exciting books will be purchased as well! Let’s celebrate the new and replacement library books, which will be arriving soon!
Birthday Celebrations at School
Parents/Guardians should not bring treats, balloons, etc. to the classroom for a “party.” In addition:
1. Birthdays may be celebrated in the classroom by teachers, at the discretion of the teacher. This approach will allow for each student’s birthdays to be recognized, maximize instructional time, as well as limit the sugary foods that are consumed when regularly celebrating birthdays in the classroom, limit allergic reactions and honor the diversity among our students and families.
2. If your child wants to invite children from the class to his/her birthday party outside of school, the invitations should not be delivered to children at school unless the whole class is being invited. Please note that student phone and addresses are confidential and therefore cannot be provided by the teacher.
PTO Board Members Needed!
The Vose PTO is looking for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, who are willing to help or be part of the PTO Board for the 2024-2025 school year.
The following is a small description of each role. If you are interested in any of the following positions or have questions, please send interest, your questions, ideas, concerns to voseelementarypto@gmail.com (bilingual).
- President-Be the face of the PTO, lead all the meetings, (Board, Community, Committee, Fundraiser) assign work or tasks, meet with the Principals and other community leaders, attend fundraiser and events
- Vice President-Assist the President and perform duties of the President in their absence or inability to serve.
- Secretary- Take minutes of all Member Meetings and Leadership Team meetings. Keep an accurate record of all business transacted at all Members Meetings and Leadership Team Meetings.
- Treasurer- Keep an accurate record of all disbursement requests, receipts and expenditures; Receive all money of the organization. Pay out funds on at least a monthly basis in accordance with the approved budget.Present a financial statement at the monthly leadership team meetings and at the membership meetings.
- Fundraiser Coordinator- Review and Present options to Leadership Team. Set-Up and Organize fundraisers. Produce and Send Out Flyers in English and Spanish.
- Volunteer Coordinator- Serve as a liaison between the School Staff, Volunteers, and the Community in order to maintain a well-coordinated school volunteer program as directed by the Beaverton School District.
- Translator- Assist all Leadership Team members with translation of flyers, agendas, and other communications needed to conduct PTO business.
- Art Lit Coordinator- Be responsible for recruiting Art Literacy Instructors and an office assistant each school year in coordination with the Volunteer Coordinator. Be responsible for holding monthly training meetings covering featured artists and production. Purchase all supplies for production to be done by the students. Attend all Beaverton Art Literacy Coordinator meetings.
- Social Media Coordinator- Provide information on social media pages. Attend meetings.
- Spirit Wear Coordinator- Keep merchandise organized, order merchandise, fulfill merchandise orders for parents or staff.
New Bell Schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year
Dear BSD Families,
As we shared with you in November, the district will be adopting a new schedule for school start and end times — what we refer to as our “bell schedule” — for next school year.
This change is based on research and recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics that indicate older students benefit from later start times in terms of academic success and mental well-being. For younger students, research indicates that earlier start times have a near-zero effect on academic outcomes, meaning that there’s no measurable negative academic impact from moving to earlier start times at the elementary level.
Starting next school year in August 2024, we’ll be changing the bell schedule for all schools to the times shown in the chart below.
Based on the transportation needs of the district, elementary schools have been assigned as either early- or late-start schools:
Early-start elementary schools: Aloha-Huber Park K-8, Barnes, Bethany, Fir Grove, Greenway, Hazeldale, Hiteon, Jacob Wismer, Kinnaman, McKay, McKinley, Nancy Ryles, Oak Hills, Raleigh Park, Ridgewood, Sato, Vose and West Tualatin View
Late-start elementary schools: Beaver Acres, Bonny Slope, Cedar Mill, Chehalem, Cooper Mountain, Elmonica, Errol Hassell, Findley, Montclair, Raleigh Hills, Rock Creek, Scholls Heights, Sexton Mountain, Springville, Terra Linda and William Walker
We recognize that this change may impact after-school child care needs for some families. It's worth noting that 29 of our 34 elementary schools do have some form of on-site, after-school care provided by third-party vendors. In addition, we’re working to ensure that buses will be able to deliver students to all off-site child care providers within their particular school’s boundary.
This new bell schedule will be an adjustment, but we believe that this change is in the best interest of students. It aligns with our strategic plan goals to prioritize student safety and well-being and better positions students to achieve academic success.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
If you would like to submit a comment or question, please use the form on the Bell Schedule webpage.
America 250: America’s Field Trip Contest
In 2026, the United States will mark our Semiquincentennial: the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Today’s young people are the leaders, innovators, and thinkers who will shape the next 250 years — and it’s important their voices are heard as we commemorate this historic milestone.
America’s Field Trip is a new contest that invites students across the country in grades 3–12 to be part of America’s 250th anniversary by sharing their perspectives on what America means to them — and earning the opportunity to participate in unforgettable field trip experiences at some of the nation’s most iconic historic and cultural landmarks.
Students may submit artwork, videos, or essays in response to the contest’s prompt: “What does America mean to you?” Additional Information
Free English Classes for Parents & Families!
Parents & families are invited to come to FREE weekly English as Second Language (ESL) classes every Thursday, starting January 25th, from 4:30pm-6:30pm at Vose Elementary in room B102. FREE Childcare and FREE textbooks will be provided by all participants. ESL classes provided by Goodwill Industries.
Beaverton City Library News
Did you know, you can use your library card to unlock…TumbleBooks?
Web-based storybooks, read along, graphic novels, non-fiction, videos, and so many more books, puzzles and games for kids on any computer or device that is connected to the internet! Tumble book Library is available in English, Spanish, and French.
¿Sabía que puede usar TumbleBooks con su tarjeta de biblioteca para estudiantes?
Libros de cuentos, libros de lectura, novelas gráficas, libros de no ficción, vídeos, rompecabezas y juegos para niños en cualquier dispositivo conectado a Internet. Disponible en inglés, español y francés.
Is it Bullying?
Remember, there WILL be conflicts because school is a place where children can learn how to interact with others, students and adults. There can be many miscommunications and misunderstanding between children because they are learning what emotions are and how to interact with others. Please remember that families usually only hear PART of the story, and that as school staff we also want to help resolve the situation in a way that helps everyone feel better and do better moving forward. PLEASE don't let your default emotion be ANGER...instead, be CURIOUS, and reach out to your child's teacher, sharing concerns and asking questions so we can all help each other!
Visitors & Volunteers
Vose Visitors and Volunteers:
Campus visitor protocols-As a friendly reminder, all visitors on campus during school hours MUST sign in the office and wear a visitor badge.
Volunteers must pass fingerprinting prior to working on campus or helping with functions during school hours. Volunteer forms will be included in the back to school packets being sent home with students at the start of school. Additionally, all volunteers MUST sign in the office when on campus. It takes all of us to help keep our campus safe.
Vose Elementary School
Email: ellen_arnold@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://vose.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 11350 SW Denney Road, Beaverton, OR, 97008
Phone: (503)356-2430