Mary Hogan Family Newsletter
Update from Principal Jen Kravitz
November 1, 2024
Dear Mary Hogan Families,
This week was a short one but full of excitement, especially yesterday when we didn't have power for half of the day. The students did a great job while the power was out and teachers were flexible with the unexpected situation. Many classes got outside to enjoy the beautiful fall day, working and walking outside.
It was fun to see many of you throughout the week and today at the Fall Conferences. I don't often have a chance to see many of you - other than dismissal - so I am grateful you came and met with your child's teacher. If you haven't signed up for a conference but want to meet with your child's teacher, please reach out to them to connect.
💙, Jen
Important Upcoming Dates
Wednesday 11/6 - Walk and Roll to School Day
- 6.30pm - Screenagers Screening at Mary Hogan North Gym (more info below)
Thursday 11/7 - Vermont Plow Day
Wednesday 11/13 - Early Release Day - 11.30 for preschool, 12.35 for K-5
- 6.15pm - Math Night for Caregivers (more info below)
Monday 11/18 - 6.30pm - Cooking with NOM - more info in next week's newsletter.
Thursday 11/21 - 6.30pm - MESA meeting with Supt. Wendy Baker!
All caregivers are encouraged to come view SCREENAGERS - ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AGE EDITION in the north gym of Mary Hogan School. The event will take place at 6:30pm on Wed. Nov. 6th. Light refreshments will be served. Free childcare can be provided if you notify Julie Altemose by Oct. 31st. The film is 55 minutes long and there will be a short discussion after with local pediatricians!
Are you watching kids become too accustomed to using technology at too young an age? Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston saw that with her kids and learned that the average kid spends many hours a day looking at screens. In "Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition", Dr. Ruston reveals how tech time impacts kids’ development and offers solutions for empowering kids to navigate the digital world and find balance.
Mary Hogan is hosting a Math Night for Caregivers on November 12 at 6:15pm. This is a chance for you to understand how math is being taught today so you can become familiar with some of the models and strategies being used in our K-5 classrooms. Light refreshments will be served. Free childcare can be provided if you notify Julie Altemose by Oct. 31st.
News from School
5th grade teamwork
They were working on communication - speaking & listening - in this challenge.
Taking advantage of good weather
1st grade reading groups met outside on Thursday to learn together.
If I had a hammer...
Preschoolers were practicing motor tasks this week, hammering golf tees into a pumpkin!
Old and Young Together
Preschoolers visited MUHS Thursday to read and play board games about endangered species that MUHS students created.
Newest Plow Name: Hawk Witch
Kindergarteners named a new VT state snow plow. It will visit us next week!
Charlotte's Bones
3rd graders gathered outside yesterday to read about whale bones found in Charlotte, VT!
MESA Message
Mary Hogan at Catamount Hockey
Family Resources
Help at Mary Hogan: Sign up to be a volunteer!
Want to know more about the Volunteer Process? Check out more information HERE.
Story and Photo of the Week
A few weeks ago, the Middlebury Police stopped Miss Kim's preschool while they were walking downtown to tell them how responsibly they crossed the road. The police officers then shared a free creemee ticket to Shiretown with each student.
This week, the preschoolers made it to the police department to bring Officer Hinterneder a thank-you card for the ice cream certificates (that they used and loved last week).
Connect on Social Media!
STUDENT ABSENCES: 802-382-1401
STAFF ABSENCES: 802-382-1498
TELEPHONE: 802-388-4421
FAX: 802-382-1405