The Petty Post
March 24, 2023
W.C. Petty Elementary
Location: 850 Highview Drive, Antioch, IL
Phone: 847-838-8101
Twitter: @WCPetty34
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Monday, 4/3
- Wear Blue for World Autism Awareness Day
- 4th/5th Percussion Band practice @ 7:30 am at Petty
- Concert Orchestra practice @ 7:30 am
Tuesday, 4/4
- Beginning Orchestra @ Petty 7:30am
Wednesday, 4/5
- Beginning Band @ AUGS 7:30am
- Johnny's Snack Shop Fundraiser (See Below)
- Early Release - Student day ends at 2:35 pm.
Thursday, 4/6
- Cadet Orchestra (4th/5th) @ AUGS 7:30am
- 5th Band @ AUGS @ 7:30am
Friday, 4/7
- No School, Non-Attendance Day
Kindergarten Disco Party in Mrs. Ripley's Class
Kindergarten Registration for 2023-2024 School Year
Grades 1st-8th Registration for 2023-2024 School Year
Teaching & Learning Department
Fun Ways to Incorporate Learning over Spring Break
Pair a book and movie, you can read the book and then watch the movie. Afterwards talk about the similarities and differences.
Create something new, let the creativity flow, spend a little extra time making something extra special.
Take a field trip, visit someplace new, visit a familiar place but look at it through a new perspective.
Human Resources
Technology Department
iPad Information
Parent reminders regarding the new iPads:
Stickers and/or labels should not be placed on the iPad or chargers.
If there is an issue and an item is not working, please contact your building administrator to get a replacement as soon as possible.
Please help with the expectation of having the iPad charged once the student comes to school. It is very important that the student has a charged iPad so that class and instruction time isn’t lost accomplishing this task.
If possible, help show your student how to plug and unplug headphones in the headphone jack. The Technology Department has had numerous issues with broken plugs in the headphone jacks.
The technology department is asking families to help reduce and monitor the students’ photos that are on the iPads. There has been an increase in the number of students’ photos, especially ones that are not school related. Please help by checking students’ iPads for these photos and deleting them and then deleting them from the deleted folder. Help us teach the students good digital citizenship skills by using the school iPad for school related pictures only.
The iPads should be used for school-related work at home, not watching YouTube videos. YouTube can be a valuable educational tool when used appropriately. Please help us monitor this tool so that we can continue to utilize the value of it and not have the negative aspects.
The technology department has also seen a large increase in breakage. Please help remind students to keep these devices safe and not put them in situations where breakage can happen. Remind them that the iPads need to be placed in a safe place in the hallways and in their backpacks.
The staff at Antioch CCSD 34 thank you for your continued support regarding the iPads and their value in enhancing the learning of your student. Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.
Apple ID Password
The Technology Department has seen an increase in students’ and staff iPads requiring the Apple ID password to be entered due to updates occurring. Please don’t allow students to click cancel or instruct students to click cancel. This password can affect future updates as well as other features on the iPads. All students’ Apple ID passwords can be found on PowerSchool under other school information on the PowerSchool parent portal.