Elementary School Update
"Back to School" Update - August 15, 2024
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, August 27 ~ Grades 1, 3, 5 - First Full Day of School (8:30)(2, 4, 6 stay home)
Tuesday, August 27 ~ Kindergarten Orientation Meetings (by appointment)
Wednesday, August 28 ~ Grades 2, 4, 6 - First Full Day of School (8:30)(1, 3, 5 stay home)
Wednesday, August 28 ~ Kindergarten First Half Day (7:50-11:00)
Thursday, August 29 ~ All grades 1 to 6 students to attend (regular hours)
Thursday, August 29 ~ Grade 1 to 6 Parent Information Evening (5:45)(Coristine Hall)
Monday, September 2 ~ Labour Day (school closed)
Tuesday, September 3 ~ Kindergarten First Full Day (7:50-2:30)
Wednesday, September 4 ~ Gryphon Sale (gently used uniform items)
Thursday, September 5 ~ PVA Welcome Back Event (8:30)
Need to Know
Staggered Start ~ First Day of School/Orientation Day: We will have a staggered entry by grade on Tuesday, August 27 and Wednesday, August 28. See below for particulars for each grade.
Grades 1, 3 & 5 ~ Tuesday, August 27 (grades 2,4,6 to stay at home)
The day begins for grades 1, 3, & 5 in their respective yards at 8:30 am (full day of school)
Grade 1 should enter the Old Boys’ (East) yard through the Argyle gates
Grade 3 should enter through the Arch (near the Veritas statue) and gather at the south end of the Guzzo (West) yard
Grade 5 should enter through the back alley next to the police station and gather at the north end of the Guzzo (West) yard
After a full day of school staggered dismissal will take place as per regular dismissal times (see below)
Students should bring their school supplies to school today.
Grades 2, 4 & 6 ~ Wednesday August 28 at 8:30 am(grades 1,3,5 to stay at home)
The day begins for grades 2, 4, & 6 in their respective yards at 8:30 am(full day of school)
Grade 2 should enter the Old Boys’ (East) yard through the Argyle gates
Grade 4 should enter through the Arch (near the Veritas statue) and gather at the south end of the Guzzo (West) yard
Grade 6 should enter through the back alley next to the police station and gather at the north end of the Guzzo (West) yard
After a full day of school staggered dismissal will take place as per regular dismissal times (see below)
Students should bring their school supplies to school today.
Parent Information Evening ~ Grades 1 to 6: The Parent Information Evening is on Thursday, August 29. This is an important evening to meet all of your son’s teachers and learn about the curriculum. Remember that this evening is for parents only, students do not attend. The evening will begin in Coristine Hall at 5:45 pm for grades 1 to 6. The Schedule for the evening and Parent Information Evening Course Outline Packages will be included in the August 29 Update. Please note that again this year, the Schedule and all Parent Information Evening Course Outline Packages will be available online only.
After-school Programme (ASP): The ASP program will begin on Tuesday, August 27. Clubs will begin towards the end of September. More information to follow.
Arrival and Dismissal Times and Locations:
Maternelle ~ enter & exit through 442 Argyle (7:50am & 2:30pm)
Grade 1 ~ enter & exit through Old Boys (East) Yard (8:10am & 3:15pm)
Grade 2 ~ enter & exit through Old Boys (East) Yard (8:20am & 3:25pm)
Grade 3 ~ enter & exit through archway by Veritas sign (8:05am & 3:10pm)
Grade 4 ~ enter & exit through archway by Veritas sign (8:10am & 3:15pm)
Grade 5 ~ enter & exit through laneway by Police/Fire Station (8:15am & 3:20pm)
Grade 6 ~ enter & exit through laneway by Police/Fire Station (8:10am & 3:15pm)
SHS ES Uniforms: Please refer to the SHS Dress Code for the grade specific information regarding uniforms for the 2024-25 school year. Please note the change regarding shoes: Black or brown dress shoes or walking shoes (no sneakers, visible sports branding, hiking shoes, or sandals). Don’t forget to label all uniform items. Labeled items can be returned to the owner. !
Argyle Shop News:
Uniform Shopping: We strongly encourage parents to shop on our online store. Buying guides for each grade can be found at the bottom of the webpage. If required, Argyle Shop appointments can be booked for dates in August using this link. Regular hours, where no appointments are required, will resume on Monday, September 9, 2024. Email argyle@selwyn.ca with any questions.
New! Uniform Alterations at the Argyle Shop! This pilot project will be held on Wednesday, August 28 between 8:30am-12pm. Click here for details and to reserve your spot!
Gryphon Sale News: Save the Date! A Gryphon Sale (of gently used uniform and apparel) will be hosted by the Parent Volunteer Association (PVA) the morning of Wednesday, September 4 in the Rossy Agora at Selwyn House. More details to follow! Gently used uniform donations are always welcome, and can be dropped off during school hours in the bins located just inside the front doors of the Lucas building (at reception).
School Bus Service for 2024-2025: Once again, we are pleased to announce that Selwyn House will be offering a bus service for the 2024-2025 school year. The areas serviced are: Nun's Island, West Island/Ville St-Laurent, Laval/TMR. and South Shore. If you would like more information or to register your child, please contact Ms. Jennifer Whitewick: whitewickj@selwyn.ca.
Epipen Protocol: If your child has a prescribed Epipen, he should carry it on him at all times. This would be in addition to the Epipen that must be kept in the Front Office. Please ensure that the Front Office has your son’s Epipen on the first day of school. If your son had an epipen in the last year, please confirm with Jennifer Whitewick that it has not expired.
Student Absences or Lateness: Please notify Marlita Manal by 8:00 a.m. (ext 2235 or manalm@selwyn.ca), should your son miss morning attendance for any reason. If a student must arrive after the start of classes, Grades 1 through 6 students should use the Lucas front door and proceed to check in with Ms. Manal.
SHS Calendar: The SHS Calendar is continually revised and updated. Visit our website for the most current version.
SHS Important Dates: Please see the SHS Important Dates 2024-25 for the major events of the year.
Parent-Student Handbook: The Parent-Student Handbook is designed to inform parents and students on the school policies and guidelines and is available on our website (About>Parent-Student Handbook). Please take a look with your son.
Pick-Up and Drop-off Traffic: The Traffic Circulation Memo details the student pick-up and drop-off guidelines for Selwyn House, including designated no-parking zones and times for the City of Westmount and Selwyn House.
Contact Information Changes: If you have moved during the summer or if you have a new telephone number or email address, please email the changes to Kelli Poulin (poulink@selwyn.ca). It is extremely important that this information is accurate. It is your responsibility to email the school any changes to your contact information, now and throughout the school year.
A Note from the PVA: Welcome (or Welcome Back) Everyone! We hope this finds our Selwyn families rested, relaxed and ready for a great year! Please mark your calendar for our September 5 Welcome Back Coffee and September 11 Spirit Day! For those of you looking to help out in the 2024-2025 academic year, please take a look at the Parent Volunteer Signup form. Thanks, and see you soon!
Next Update on August 29. Stay tuned!