DCP-Redford 2025 Parent Newsletter
January 6, 2025
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." -C.S. Lewis
Happy New Year! It is so good to have all of us back together again. As we say goodbye to 2024 and all that It has brought us, we welcome the endless opportunities that 2025 presents. We will learn from our mistakes and the losses we’ve suffered, but we will grow and look for new ways to build bridges and improve ourselves for the better. This is also a time for our scholars to review their classroom performances and decide to change or do more of the same. It is time to write a new chapter in their academic lives and we all are here to support them. We are happy to see you all!
With the new year comes some new faces to the DCP community. We would like to welcome three new staff members that all bring a wealth of experience to our team. First, welcome Ms. Lavena Knott, who will be taking over Grade 3. She comes with years in early elementary. Next, Ms. Aiisha Truitt is the new middle school ELA teacher. She’s coming to us with experience in middle school and connecting the real world to the classroom lessons. Finally, the new Dean of Climate and Culture is Mr. Martez Williams. Mr. Williams previously served DCP Redford as the gym teacher. We are happy to have our new team members and wish our departed colleagues the best of luck.
Principal Johnson
With our deepest gratitude, we would like to thank you for your support during our Christmas Spirit week in helping raising almost $200 in the popcorn sale. Your admirable commitment, dedication, and efforts are deeply appreciated.
Please mark your calendars for this month's upcoming events.
Mark Your Calendars
- 1/9 Middle School Field Trip- Charles H. Wright Museum
- 1/10 End of Quarter 2
- 1/13 - 1/31 NWEA Testing
- 1/17 Report Cards
- 1/20 M.L.K Jr Day No School
- 1/21 Parent University 9am
DCP-Redford 2025-2026 School Year Enrollment
We're now accepting new and returning families for the
2025-26 school year. Seats are filling up fast!
We are now accepting Summer Advantage Applications in the Main Office. Please visit us to register in person or scan the QR Code located on the flyer to get started.
Ahora estamos aceptando solicitudes de Summer Advantage en la oficina principal. Visítenos para registrarse en persona. Los asientos son muy limitados.
Please report your child's absence to the Main Office at (313) 543-3226 any time your child will not be in school. Upon the students return, please be sure to submit proper documentation to properly excuse your scholar.
Classes begin at 8:05 am. Students arriving after 8:30 will be marked tardy for the day.
Early pick-ups hinder your scholar’s academic progression because they will miss important instruction. To prevent the loss of instructional time, early pick up will end at 3:00 P.M. Scholars will be released to the parents in the pick-up line at 3:30 pm. Walkers will be released at 3:30 pm.
Dress Code Violations:
Scholars who are in violation of the dress code will receive the following consequences.
- First offense: You will receive a phone call asking that you bring appropriate clothing for your scholar.
- The second offense will result in a write-up, which will go into the scholar's file, you will also receive a call
- The third offense will result in a mandatory parent conference
- The fourth offense will result in a 1 day suspension.
In addition, your child will receive one demerit for each day they are not dressed in uniform This will decrease the amount of Live School points/dollars that they are able to earn.
If you are unable to obtain uniforms for your scholars, please contact our School Enrollment Coordinator, Patrice Clark at patrice.clark@dcpschools.org for assistance as soon as possible.
Cell Phone Violations:
Scholars who are in possession of their cell phones must turn them in upon entering the cafeteria. Your child's teacher will secure these items and hand them out at dismissal. Once students receive their phones, they must not turn them on/use them until they are out of the building. If scholars do not follow this policy, the following consequences will apply:
- First offense: You will receive a phone call, informing you of the violation.
- The second offense will result in a write-up, which will go into the scholar's file, you will also receive a phone call
- The third offense will result in a mandatory parent conference
- The fourth offense will result in a 1 day suspension.
Effective Communication with Staff
Problems and situations always occur in the classroom. Most of the time there are 3 sides: the teacher’s side, the scholar’s side and the truth. I encourage each of you to reach out to your child’s teacher FIRST to solve the problem. If they don’t respond or if the result is less than satisfactory, then contact the office. If you come to the office first, Admin will go to the scholar first for questioning and then teacher for their perspective. That takes time. If you go directly to the teacher involved, it will most likely give you an answer much quicker. This helps in building a relationship of trust between you and the teacher. They are with your scholars for longer periods of time than anyone in the office. You will probably have your concerns addressed much quicker than calling the office first. A staff directory can be found in our Parent Newsletter.
In an effort to minimize disruption of instructional time, schedule meetings, or simply check in with your scholars instructor, we encourage you to reach out to your scholars Instructor directly by way of email to avoid interruption of instructional time.
Stephen Johnson, Principal - stephen.johnson@dcpschools.org
For questions about Building Operations, Protocols, and, Latchkey Services, please contact our Operations Manager, Stacey Johnson, stacey.johnson@dcpschools.org
For questions about Culture and Climate, Behavior, Student Code of Conduct, or LiveSchool, or P.B.I.S, please contact our Dean of Students, Martez Williams, martez.williams@dcpshools.org
For questions related to School Enrollment and Community Resources, please contact our School Enrollment Coordinator, Patrice Clark, -patrice.clark@dcpschools.org
For questions related to Attendance, Tardiness, Absences, and Illnesses, contact our Office Manager Letoi Mitchell, - letoi.mitchell@dcpschools.org
For questions related to Middle School Special Education, please contact Middle School Resource Teacher Cameron Clark, - cameron.clark@dcpschools.org
For questions related to Elementary School Special Education please contact Elementary Resource Teacher LaShawn Houze, - lashawn.houze@dcpschools.org
For questions related to transportation, buses, and bus routes, please contact Director of Transportation Latrel Cunnningham, latrel.cunningham@dcpschools.org
For questions related to Curriculum, Intervention programs, and online platforms to work on at home, please contact Academic Program Manager, LaTonja Stephens,-latonja.stephens@dcpschools.org
Special Education
Abraham Diab, 1:1 SPED Paraprofessional - abraham.diab@dcpschools.org
Gritiana Gray, 1:1 SPED Paraprofessional - gritiana.gray@dcpschools.org
Jenna Thompson, 1:1 SPED Paraprofessional - jenna.thompson@dcpschools.org
Wendy Sanders, Teacher - wendy.sanders@dcpschools.org
First Grade
Karen Brown, Teacher - karen.brown@dcpschools.org
Second Grade
Contrina Hinton, Teacher - contrina.hinton@dcpschools.org
Third Grade
Lavena Knott , Teacher - lavena.knott@dcpschools.org
Fourth Grade
Melissa Sneed, Teacher - melissa.sneed@dcpschools.org
5th Grade
Ashanti McKee, Teacher - ashanti.mckee@dcpschools.org
6th through 8th Grades (Middle School)
Aiisha Truitt, ELA Teacher - aiisha.truitt@dcpschools.org
Harmisha Butzin, Teacher, Social Studies - harmisha.butzin@dcpschools.org
Juan Wise, Teacher, Science - juan.wise@dcpschools.org
Steffany Stevenson, Teacher, Math - steffany.stevenson@dcpschools.org
Shani Ramsey, Technology Teacher - shani.ramsey@dcpschools.org
Lawrence Ahmad, P.E. Teacher- lawrence.ahmad@dcpschools.org
Reading Intervention
Margaret Hailey, Reading Interventionist - margaret.hailey@dcpschools.org
Shermone Wade, Reading Interventionist - shermone.wade@dcpschools.org
Support Staff
Tanisha Willis, Social Worker - tanisha.willis@dcpschools.org
Sharon Oliver-Merchant, Flex-Teacher - sharon.oliver-merchant@dcpschools.org
Camille Brown, ELL/ MTSS Coordinator- camille.brown@dcpschools.org
Michael Mathis, Attendance Interventionist - michael.mathis@dcpschools.org
Michigan Department of Education Home Language Survey
Michigan welcomes families of all language backgrounds. Speaking more than one language is a valuable asset! Please click the link below to complete the survey for each individual scholar in your household no later than Friday, January 10, 2025. If your response to either question is a language other than English, the school district will give an assessment to see if your student may benefit from English language support and services.
On Wednesday, January 7th all girls in Grades 5-8 will have an assembly regarding a new mentoring program called Girls with Ambition. The program is sponsored by Alternative for Girls, a local non-profit that works with girls of all ages to explore and access the support, resources, and opportunities necessary to be safe, to grow strong, and to make positive choices for their lives. Girls with Ambition will provide the scholars with information about the program and applications to join the program. They will meet at DCP Redford 2 days a week for eight weeks beginning around the end of the month. All girls participating in the program will need a signed permission slip/consent form on file.
Report Cards will be distributed and sent home with scholars on Friday, January 17th. Please be sure to check your scholars backpack.
Calling all Parents & Guardians!
Please join us on Tuesday, January 21st at 9AM for Parent University:
Light refreshments will be served.
We look forward to seeing you there!
NWEA Testing begins January 13th. Please ensure that your scholar is properly rested and arrives no later than 8:05 am every day.
Congratulations to our Lady Lions Basketball team on their incredible hardwork and success during the 24-25 basketball season. Their perseverance has truly paid-off and we couldn't be more happy.
We would like to give a huge shout out to our Board Member Ms. Theresa Johnson and the GMOB (Grown Men on Bikes) for donating Christmas gifts to three of our DCPR families, and to Variety Foods for donating food to one of our DCPR families.
Have Questions? Contact Us!
At DCP-Redford, all of our students are scholars. Our scholars learn about Art, Technology, The Fundamentals of Physical Education, and they participate in daily enrichment courses. Join us as we help to fuel our students’ dreams with: data driven instruction, brand new state- of-the art technology, and exceptional teachers who truly care about their success.
Website: dcpredford.org
Location: 17175 Olympia, Redford, MI 48240
Phone: 313.543.3226
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DCPRedford/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dcpredford/?hl=en