September 2024

Welcome to the 24-25 School Year!
We have made it to September!
We would like to thank you all for participating in all of the back to school events to support our Firebirds' success! We truly cannot do our work here in the building without your support at home. Please know that you are always welcome to call the school to schedule an appointment with me or grade level administrator if you have any concerns or celebrations that you want to make sure we are aware of.
This month includes Fall Sporting Events, Spirit Week, and a School Dance besides all of the learning happening during the school day. We will also be doing our academic screeners and Interim WYTOPP assessment to determine best interventions, classes, or extended day programming for each student.
Please review our monthly newsletter to stay caught up on all things Johnson in September.
Educationally yours,
Michaela S. Bradshaw
JJHS Head Principal
Upcoming School Events
- iPad Expectations & Set Up in Science Classes
- If your child still needs to check out their iPad, please call the school to schedule an appointment to complete the process with them. Parents or Responsible Adults are required to be present when checking out the iPad as there are other forms that need to be signed both by student and parent.
Sept. 4
- Parent Advisory Council 5:30 pm
- Starbase Advanced After School Program commences
- Meets every Tuesday and Thursday after school for 20 sessions.
Sept. 5
- Fastbridge Reading Screeners during WIN time
- Lexia Power Up Screener during Advisory
Sept. 9-13
- Spirit Week
- School Dance - 9/13 6-8 pm
Sept 10th, 17th, & 24th
- Fall Interim WYTOPP Assessment during WIN time
Sept 12th & 19th
- Complete all academic Screeners and Diagnostics during WIN time
Screeners & Diagnostics
Fastbridge Reading Screeners
aReading includes measures from the Lexile® Framework for Reading, which provides a mechanism for matching each student’s reading ability with text such as books or reading passages. This enables educators, caregivers, and students to identify texts that will appropriately challenge students and help them become better readers.
Fastbridge AutoReading Screener Information
AUTOreading emerged from many years of research as a fully automated, computer-administered measure of decoding, word identification, and comprehension. It can be used both for universal screening and progress monitoring. AUTOreading includes eight individual subtests of 30 items, with one to four subtests recommended per grade level, to measure students’ accuracy and automaticity.
iReady - ELA Diagnostic
i-Ready is an online program for reading that will help your student’s
teacher(s) determine your student’s opportunities for growth, personalize their learning,
and monitor progress throughout the school year.
i-Ready allows your teacher(s) to meet your student exactly where they are and provides data to increase your student’s learning gains. i-Ready consists of two parts:
The i-Ready Diagnostic
An adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit your student’s instructional priorities. Each item a student sees is individualized based on their answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier questions.
i-Ready Personalized Instruction
Provides students with lessons based on their individual skill level and opportunities for improvement, so your student can learn at a pace that is just right for them. These lessons are fun and interactive to keep your student engaged as they learn.
Eureka Math^2 Equip - Diagnostic
Equip Diagnostic Assessment Information
At Johnson, we want to make sure every student is ready to learn math at their grade level. Since everyone has different experiences and needs, we use a special tool called Eureka Math^2 Equipâ„¢ to see what each student knows and what they need to work on.
Before starting a new math unit, students will take a quick test on their iPads. This helps teachers find out what basic skills students need before diving into new topics. Based on the test results, teachers can plan lessons that build on what students already know and help them get ready for new material.
Eureka Math^2 Equip also gives teachers extra activities and lessons to help students practice and learn what they missed before. By looking at the test results and using these tools, teachers can spot any areas where students might need extra help and give them the support they need to succeed.
Attendance & Tardies
Minga - Digital Hall Pass
This hall pass is only permitted on student iPads. Cell phones and other personal devices are not to be used as they are to be in lockers from 7:45-2:45 every day.
Truancy on Campus
When a student is already on campus but is tardy or does not attend class, absences can add up very quickly.
- 3 tardies to the same class equal an unexcused absence.
- If a student accumulates 5 tardies within one quarter, a phone call will be made to families
- Further tardy infractions may result in
- Lunch Detention
- Reverse Suspension (Parent/Responsible Adult escorts student to class on time for a day)
- SRO Involvement
Skipping class is also not permitted. The attendance office will notify home as soon as it is verified that their child has skipped a class while on campus.
- 10 consecutive absences in the same class results in a withdrawal from that class.
- Lunch Detention, Reverse Suspension, and SRO Involvement may also apply.
Our school is working with the LCSD1 Technology Department to provide an option for parents to login to Infinite Campus to report student absences. - Stay tuned!
*Parent Tip:
Turn on your Infinite Campus notifications and set to notify you when an absence or tardy is marked.
Truancy - Off Campus
Being truant from school will also lead to possible:
- SRO Involvement
- withdrawal from school
- Letter to District Attorney re: student attendance
Parent & Student Acknowledgement Forms
Read, Sign & Turn In to Front Office
Cell Phone & Personal Electronic Policy
Backpack & Locker Policy
Drugs, Fighting & Weapons Policy
Attendance Policy (to be sent home within the next two weeks)
Parent Advisory Council
Meetings for the School Year
All meetings are held at 5:30 pm at Johnson.
*Virtual Meeting Links will be provided once our Conference Room is fully equipped with the technology.
October 2, 2024
November 7, 2024
December 3, 2024
January 8, 2025
February 6, 2025
March 4, 2025
April 9, 2025
May 15, 2025
Items Discussed Each Meeting
- Firebird Focus Newsletter Review and Feedback
- Fundraising Opportunities
- Staff Appreciation
- Student Celebrations & Rewards
- Title I Funding
- School Improvement Plan Review & Feedback
- School Improvement Grant Funding
- WYTOPP Performance & Action Steps
- Create Parent Surveys for November and May
- Parent Feedback & Input for Michaela
In Case You Missed It...
Check out the presentation slides to learn all about Johnson and how we can partner to support our Firebirds Soaring through the 24-25 school year. Click the link below to access the presentation.
Reminder --- Students only need the following items in hand for each class:
- iPad
- Planner
- Water Bottle (optional)
Breakfast & Lunch
Universal Breakfast and Lunch!
The South Triad students will have free breakfast and lunch each and every day. Students may choose from multiple menu options for both breakfast and lunch.
A la Carte Stand Available
After we get the start of the year settled with behavior expectations in the Commons during lunch, Nutrition Services will open up their A la Carte Stand.
Students will need to have money in their lunch account or cash to pay for those snacks and drinks. Students must have also been through the line for a meal before being allowed to purchase from the A la Carte Stand.
You can add money to your Firebird's account through LINQ Connect.
Activities & Athletics Schedule for September
Game Days
Sept. 4: Volleyball and Football vs. Carey
Sept. 11: Volleyball and Football vs. McCormick
Sept. 12: Volleyball vs. Laramie
Sept. 16: Volleyball vs. Carey
Sept. 19: Volleyball vs. Pine Bluffs and Football vs. Laramie
Sept. 23: Volleyball vs. University Prep
Sept. 24: Volleyball vs. Carey
Sept. 25: Football vs Carey
Sept. 26: X-Country Conference
Sept. 30: Volleyball vs. McCormick
Sept. 30: Football vs. Carey