Message from the Assistant Principal
Dear Pirate Families,
Thank you so much for your participation with the canned food drive. I'm not sure what the final count was but I was impressed with how many cans were being brought in by the students. We know that parents had a lot to do with that so we wanted to say thank you!! Our local community will benefit immensely from all of our kind donations.
Warm regards,
Tamara Carter
Assistant Principal
#1: Week at A Glance
October 21st-25th
Monday, Oct 21st
7:45 Weekly Incentive for Attendance
7:00pm Board Meeting
Lunch: Hot Dog
Tuesday, Oct 22nd
Lunch: Cheese Breadstick
Wednesday, Oct 23rd
5:00 🏀 Girls Basketball @ Kimberly
Lunch: Chicken Noodle Soup
Thursday, Oct 24th
$1 Hat Day
9:15 - 6th Grade Student Council Elections
7:00 - Fright Night Band Concert at Minico
Lunch: Mini Calzones
Friday, October 25th
Non-Contract Day!
#2: 😎 Great Moments from the Week
The Choir concert this week was Amazing!!
Orchestra showed how much talent we have at East Minico!
Mrs. Vandever's class engaging in a fun game as they were reviewing the Constitution and Government questions.
#3: 📆 Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
October 28th- Red Ribbon week begins
October 28th- 🏀 Girls Basketball Home vs South Hills
October 29th-Builder Club Meeting
October 23 - 🏀 Girls Basketball home vs Burley
October 24 - $1 Hat Day
October 24 - Fright Night Band Concert
October 31- Halloween Dance
Nov 2nd- Wrestling Tiger Duals
#4: 🏀 Update from Athletics
7th and 8th grade football teams fought hard, but both came out with a loss.
We look forward to next year!!
#5: 🍪 Update from the PTO
East Minico Spirit Wear Sale
If you need some East Minico Swag, check out the new shirts that are out. You can't have enough Pirate gear!! Remember orders are due by October 22nd. Please bring in exact cash (our receptionists can only hope, right?) or a check to the front office to place your order.
#7: 🙋🏽 Important Reminders
Note from our Nurses
There is a vaccine requirement that must be met for students to attend 7th grade. This requires getting the TDap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccine and the meningitis ACYW vaccine OR filling out an exemption form. Some of you have been made aware that your student has not met this requirement. These vaccines can be obtained by scheduling an appointment with your family health care provider. You can also get the vaccines done by a walk-in to most local pharmacies, Family Health Services, or local Urgent Care. Be sure to get a printout documenting what vaccines were given, to turn in. If you believe exemption is right for your student, please get the form in the office. This requirement (either scheduling the vaccines or exemption) needs to be taken care of ASAP for your student to continue in school without interruption, thank you!
Any extra school supplies laying around?
Mrs. Cook's class is working hard to get school supplies to Africa. Have extra supplies you would like to donate? Please send them our way. Our 6th graders are doing such great things in the world!!
Title #8: Contact Info
East Minico Middle School
Principal: Dustin HeathAsst. Principal: Tamara Carter
Main Office: 208-436-3178
Website: https://www.minidokaschools.org/o/eastminico
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eastminico