Weekly Update
Week 6
All-Region Season
With marching season officially over, we now turn to our concert season and it all begins with our All-Region auditions on December 7th (9th for Freshmen). As discussed at our first parent meeting of the summer in July, All-Region is a critical part for the growth of our program. Therefore, we make learning the etudes mandatory, and test grades for our band/percussion students. We also highly recommend our students to audition for All-Region.
Due to the more convenient nature of their auditions, all freshmen are required to audition for All-Region. All students interested in leadership for the following school year, as well as students interested in being selected for Wind Symphony in the future are also required to audition for All-Region. ALL BAND STUDENTS will report to the band room for practice from 7:30am-8:15am so that they can individually practice their etudes. Attendance will be taken.
Additional Information: All-Region is $15 per student, and this can be paid to the boosters. If you need any assistance in making this payment please contact our booster treasurer's and/or Mr. Perez. Our boosters will then write one check on behalf of all of Eastwood Band to the competition held by the state.
Winterguard has a home!
We have officially solidified a location for our winterguard team during the spring semester. Our rehearsals will be at East Point Elementary on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 4:45pm-7:00pm.
We ask that all winterguard members and families, also be aware that we MIGHT have rehearsals at East Point during December. We are currently trying to fly in our designer and choreographer for the weeks after Thanksgiving break. ALL REHEARSALS FOR THE REST OF THIS SEMESTER WILL BE AT EASTWOOD, UNLESS MR. PEREZ NOTIFIES STUDENTS AND PARENTS OTHERWISE.
Holiday Concert!
Please mark your calendars for our Holiday Concert, which will be held on December 19th in the Theater. Our start time for the concert has changed to 6:30pm. Details regarding pre-concert festivities will be out after Thanksgiving break.
Jazz Band Auditions!!!
Jazz Band audition music is now out and live! Students who are interested in auditioning for our jazz bands can go to our band website (trooperband.org) and click on the Jazz Band Auditions tab to access their music. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, December 3rd after school.
Reminder: ALL REHEARSALS and PERFORMANCES are MANDATORY. Should your absences add up and restrict your ability to keep up, the directors have a right to keep you from participating at games and contests. This will lead to you having to make up this missed performance for a test grade or receive a 0.
Monday (11/18)
7:30am - 8:15am - All-Region Rehearsal
Tuesday (11/19)
7:30am - 8:15am - All-Region Rehearsal
4:30pm - 6:30pm - Winterguard Rehearsal @ Eastwood Band Room
Wednesday (11/20)
7:30am - 8:15am - All-Region Rehearsal
Thursday (11/21)
7:30am - 8:15am - All-Region Rehearsal
4:30pm - 6:30pm - Winterguard Rehearsal @ Eastwood Band Room
Friday (11/22)
7:30am - 8:15am - All-Region Rehearsal