Braves Bulletin
September 18- September 22
2023-24 Homecoming Court
Congratulations to this year's Homecoming Court attendants & escorts!
Kinsley Craig, Jayden Wilson
Regina Aguayo-Martinez, Matthew Gavin
Haley Hodge, Whitton West
Onna Frazier, Camden Zodrow
Javaya Jackson, Robert Morse
Skyye Ruttlen, Martin Morales
Ella Kring, Cameron Blackburn
Sophia Parker, Luis Anaya
Riley Wright (not pictured), Casen Sullivan (not pictured)
Melody Aguayo Martinez, AJ Lardiere
Bailey Corey, Kaleb Norris
Natalie Fountain, Maston Joyner
Mariah Goldsmith, Santego Austin
Alaysha Jones, Troy Glenn
Giselle Leyva, Tanner Poole
Stephanie Mendez-Alvarez, Cesar Mendez-Gomez
Kristina Polanco-Gonzalez, Jett Castillo
Ollinca Soto-Yovis, Alejandro Tellez-Gonzalez
Fallapalooza Volunters Needed
Sign up by emailing Jillian Southerland (jsoutherland@eowilsoncenter.org) or calling the center at 850-835-1824.
Join the Tribe! - Sept. 27 Deadline
National Honor Society- Sept. 29
Class of 2025 Blanket Fundraiser
Big news! Walton High School's new Class of 2025 fundraiser has arrived!
The class is selling 50" x 60" spirit blankets for $30 each. The two design options are pictured. If you'd like to see (and feel) a blanket before you purchase, Mrs. Warren (chelsey.warren@walton.k12.fl.us / room 214) has a sample. These blankets are super soft & would be great for the upcoming winter months, for outside sports, and as Christmas gifts!
Orders may be placed by completing and returning hard copy forms OR via the Google link below. Please do not complete both forms. Only one form (hard copy or digital copy) is necessary.
* All orders must be submitted by September 29. The first blankets will be available 25 calendar days after the order is placed.
War Whoop Pageant on September 30
The 2023-2024 Mister & Miss War Whoop Pageant will be held in the Walton High School Auditorium on Saturday, September 30, at 6:00 p.m. There will be three areas of competition: Mister War Whoop (grades 9-12), Junior Miss War Whoop (grades 9 & 10), and Miss War Whoop (grades 11 & 12).
Questions? Contact:
- Mr. Pert - room 220 or pertd@walton.k12.fl.us
- Mrs. Zodrow - room 114 or zodrowca@walton.k12.fl.us
- Mrs. Wright - room 222 or chelsea.wright@walton.k12.fl.us
Senior Epic Night- October 3
Marching Band Events- Oct. 6 & 13
The Braves Marching Band will host the 8th grade Band Night at the football game on Friday, October 6. All 8th grade band students will perform with our band in both the stands and at halftime.
Our Alumni Night will be held on Friday, October 13. All Walton High School Band alumni are invited to participate and are encouraged to play with us in the stands & in a special halftime show performance.
Upcoming College Visits
Upcoming College visits:
- 9th grade - Northwest Florida State College - Wednesday, Oct. 11
- 10th grade - Troy University - Tuesday, Oct. 24
- 11th grade - FSU (Panama City) - Tuesday, Oct. 24
- 12th grade - Pensacola State College & UWF - Tuesday, Oct. 24
Students will not miss class to attend, as we'll be testing other grade levels during the college visit times. Students must also have an extracurricular form on file in the main office to attend these college visits. Extra permission forms may be picked up in the SSA office.